Thursday, September 8, 2016

To those of you who wonder, "Did she die?" What happened to her?.... "It's like she dropped off the face of the earth."

 Here is an update.

In some ways it felt like that. But, God is faithful, I am strong, healthy and most of the time, yes, most of the time happy. 

I've been reading a lot recently about how God uses the sorrow, sadness, difficult things in our lives to deepen the quality of our character. In the middle of the fire, it's hot. That's a given, but fire, or difficulties burn away the dross.

Well, I haven't reached perfection this side of heaven but I do feel like I've gained perspective. And this is useful how? you might ask.
Perspective gives you a way to approach painful times and know that they are temporal, temporary and only for a while. Knowing that allows you the ability to think past your immediate crisis. 

And much more than that, perspective allows to realize that God is faithful. Yes, life can be heartbreaking. Yes, people can let you down, betray you, etc. But God is Sovereign. That's a perspective that gives hope, that gives purpose and infuses any situation with peace.

Not sure the direction this blog is headed. But just wanted to give an update.

Remember, trust God, believe and your 

Joy will come in the morning!!!