Sunday, February 9, 2014

Renewal - Choosing to make better choices now

Sitting at my dining room table surveying a wonderland of white, blanketing my world with layers of a soft, deep cushion of snow. I have been housebound for three days, watching out my windows as wave upon wave of snow drifted down changing the landscape. A few birds are out, calling from treetops, wondering where the land went, searching for food on a few bare branches. A brave soul or two slip-slides down the hill, of unplowed road, now layered with a coat of shining ice.

I love this large window, huge with trees and hills and broad expanse of sky giving me access to a wonderful, winter land vistas. Spring, summer, fall and winter I do not tire of looking out this window; fortunate to be able to see so many trees and hill that change their seasonal wardrobes. Now, clothes in white, they are picture postcard perfect. Briefly I wish I owned a camera with a panoramic capability since my own camera only catches small glimpses of the beauty.

The sun breaks through a small patch of gray skies making me realize how fortunate I am to be able to still see, in spite of age, failing eye sight and unsuccessful eye surgery. It is morning here and the news reports ask people to stay home, off the roads, safely tucked away until the big thaw predicted sometime tomorrow. I am here, having had to abandon my car three days ago some 15 miles from my home at the start of the blizzard. I caught a ride from a son-in-law who stuck to the road in spite of multiple, careless pick-up trucks careering past, creating a white out condition for us and sending us periously close to the road edge. A half mile from my home I had to walk through the dark, and deep snow up the hill to my home. I fell once, scarlily and watched my cell phone fly out of my hand into the drifts. Digging through the snow I  trucked on, shaken, and more careful then before. How glad I was to finally see my strong young grandson walking through the drifts coming down a hill to meet me, offering me his arm to anchor me as we trudged up the worst of the hill together. Whew, cold, dark, shaken, I finally got home and retreated to my chair, piles of blankets  finally chasing the bone chill.

I have been struggling with another kind of deep chill recently as I experienced the loss of someone I knew through suicide. Tragic beyond words all I can do is pray that God will surround the family with His care, His compassion, His mercy. I cannot imagine losing someone so tragically. As a child, a young brother in law, only 18, hung himself and devastation, pain and shock of his death impacted me and I can remember running, crying out of the funeral unable to stand it. The only hope of surviving losses of that magnitude can be reaching desperately to God for divine help in coping with the grief. Sorrow, loss, still must hurt beyond belief.

I continue to pray, that is all I can do. The nightmares, loss  of sleep I’m experiencing are so slight compared to the loss of the family. Very briefly I considered going to my physician and getting something to help me sleep. I tossed out that answer and have decided to focus on rekindling my commitment to exercise. I pray and read my Bible, that I will continue, along with reintroducing fasting.  I admit, I don’t understand how fasting works, but as I read through the Bible, (presently in Ezra) I see that in difficult times saints of old fasted. Well, I don’t think of myself as a saint, but I want to find direction, healing and wisdom and it seems like part of a Bible plan that fasting is one way to clear your heart and soul before God, and so I am fasting. Not telling anyone in the present, but just doing it.

My plan is to start walking more during my lunch at work. The cold and wet will force me to walk indoors, but that’s ok. I will begin, trucking through the Mall, not taking any money so the sales don’t lure me in.
I love watching In Touch on TV. Today, it was a message that celebrated the awesome privilege of claiming God’s promises.  The sermon centered on how Joshua forged ahead, claiming God’s promises and was courageous. I can only be courageous in my own life by holding onto God’s hand as tightly as I can and claiming that He will continue to strengthen me and give me His wisdom.

Another day or so confined to my home by snow and ice then back to work where I need so much Godly wisdom and love…..and courage.

To each of you wherever you are; seek to know God, through His son Jesus and continue to discover His Mercy, Grace and never-ending love.