Saturday, April 5, 2014

When you need to recharge your batteries

April 5, 2014
“Even though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me.”
Psalm 128: 7
  This morning, awake before five am, I drink my early morning coffee and think about the day ahead. From the dining room, I catch the sound of my phone, calling out its wake up song. It can’t quite get through the song, but trails off. I dump the contents of my purse out on the dining room table and finally find my phone, warrior of some five years of dutifully waking me up day after day. There is sits, worn, weary and with a low battery alert screen telling me its story of the unfinished song.

          “Oh boy, can I relate to that!” This week back at work it seemed as if the chaos would never end. Staff after staff member shared their stories of being at their ‘wits end.’  Of feeling like they just couldn't take things the way they were for much longer. They needed a respite of some kind, now!   O.K., let’s me real. I don’t think of myself as a miracle worker, far from it. I listen, I try to encourage, I try to steer people in a good direction to go; but, when all is said and done, people will do what they want, wise or unwise.

          People are hurting in my workplace. Life with all its ugliness of sickness, family conflicts, lack of sleep, job pressures, etc is taking its toll of people’s ability to cope. Tempers are flaring; decisions are being made that will create wounds needing to be healed for a long time to come.

          And me?  Where am I in the midst of this? Trying to survive; to be a voice of comfort; to be a voice of peace; to be a light to others to point them to God who is the author of all comfort. Do I do this perfectly? No! Make that a resounding no, but I am trying.

          Part of the problem is, in the middle of the chaos, you have the Clients who need help, support, direction, and guidance. The clients are our primary legal, ethical and moral responsibility. We are there to help them. So who helps the helpers?

          Well, that’s a good question. For me, aware that, just like my little phone, my battery is low, really, really, low; I am making plans to take a mental break. To get away from Dodge as it were and pursue a day spent enjoying nature. Do I have things here at home that need to be done?  Oh yes, lots and lots. Is it important that I take care of myself, yes oh yes.

          Reading through my Bible this year from start to finish, this morning part of my readings were in Psalm 138.  Verse 7, stood out to me this early morning, “Although I am walking in the midst of trouble, You (God) will revive me.”  Truly, at this time of my life, I am walking in the midst of trouble. Believing God, that in the middle of that trouble, He will revive me, gives me hope and encouragement.  Reading the  Gospels, I see that Jesus, went to the hills, went to a garden, went to the dessert, went to the sea. There He prayed, drank in the beauty and peace of nature and refreshed His soul.


  Chilly Spring weather and all, God willing the creek don’t rise, I will bundle up later this morning, pack some fruit, veggies and a sandwich and take off. Today, I think I’ll head to the coast; explore the trails, watch the birds, pick up shells and driftwood and just unwind.
The laundry, the dishes and bills will wait, renewing my spirit, my inner battery if you will, that can’t wait.

          And so I’ll hurry up and zip over to my Weight Watchers meeting and see how my week went. I had hoped to ‘stay on program’ 100 %, every day, all the time. Instead, 92% of the time more accurately reflects my level of performance. Hilarious, I’m grading myself; Those of you out there who’ve tried to change pesky habits can relate.

          To each of you, whom perhaps I will never meet, find your own moments of renewal. Seek God, seek peace and refresh for the days ahead. Be blessed, joy will come in the morning. Perhaps on eternities shore.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Ninety days to a more........

Ninety days to a more….. Day 1
Me at Enchanted Forest. 

When I was young, I loved magazines. My mom would buy me new issues of Seventeen and I would pour over the pages; admiring this look or that outfit. She also bought Women’s Day and I would eagerly read every article of 30 days to a more beautiful you; or ooh and ahh over the make-. over pages.

          Frumpy, plain women would emerge as beautiful, sleek, stylish women. Cool hair, cool clothes, cool make-up. Wow! I was impressed. In my teenage, young adult years I would try to do my versions of a “make-over.”  In hindsight I realize I was blessed with good genes and looks and a “fit-over” would have helped immensely.

          So now at 63, what in the world do I call a “me-over?”  Don’t know only know that in the next 90 days I’m going to try to be more health conscious in every way I can. I am somewhat hampered by long work hours, but I’m going to try anyway.

          Bible in hand, I am going to gird up this project with prayers and promises that God can renew my strength with His strength. That he can restore my youth. That I can mount up on wings as Eagles, “run and not be weary, walk and not faint.” Isaiah

          So here I am, looking out on my flowering cherry trees, fog shrouding the hills with a blanket of white. New work week ahead of me. A million details threaten to surround me with their own insistent fog of, “get it done!” but I will continue to seek peace and pursue it.

          Who else wants to join me on my journey for the next 90 days?

          I think I will do some before and after photos; I used to love looking at those.
          I’m sure God has His own before and after photos of us. How glad I am that He sees me through Jesus.
          I’m cold, it’s freezing, will warm weather never come?
          Be blessed and see you tomorrow.
          Joy will come in the morning.