Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Ninety days to a more........

Ninety days to a more….. Day 1
Me at Enchanted Forest. 

When I was young, I loved magazines. My mom would buy me new issues of Seventeen and I would pour over the pages; admiring this look or that outfit. She also bought Women’s Day and I would eagerly read every article of 30 days to a more beautiful you; or ooh and ahh over the make-. over pages.

          Frumpy, plain women would emerge as beautiful, sleek, stylish women. Cool hair, cool clothes, cool make-up. Wow! I was impressed. In my teenage, young adult years I would try to do my versions of a “make-over.”  In hindsight I realize I was blessed with good genes and looks and a “fit-over” would have helped immensely.

          So now at 63, what in the world do I call a “me-over?”  Don’t know only know that in the next 90 days I’m going to try to be more health conscious in every way I can. I am somewhat hampered by long work hours, but I’m going to try anyway.

          Bible in hand, I am going to gird up this project with prayers and promises that God can renew my strength with His strength. That he can restore my youth. That I can mount up on wings as Eagles, “run and not be weary, walk and not faint.” Isaiah

          So here I am, looking out on my flowering cherry trees, fog shrouding the hills with a blanket of white. New work week ahead of me. A million details threaten to surround me with their own insistent fog of, “get it done!” but I will continue to seek peace and pursue it.

          Who else wants to join me on my journey for the next 90 days?

          I think I will do some before and after photos; I used to love looking at those.
          I’m sure God has His own before and after photos of us. How glad I am that He sees me through Jesus.
          I’m cold, it’s freezing, will warm weather never come?
          Be blessed and see you tomorrow.
          Joy will come in the morning.


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