Friday, January 1, 2016

In the Way Everlasting...........

January 1
NEW YEARS HAS A BLESSING wrapped up in its pages. It is filled with promise, potential, and the unknown. It is the unknowingness of facing the next 365 days that fills many of our hearts with fear. The “what ifs?” tend to hover in our thoughts and worry looms on our horizons of emotions, mood and motivations.
There are parts of the Bible that speak eloquently about the sacredness and joy of new beginnings. These stories all are grounded in the first and most blessed truth;
 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1.
Our natural, human minds cannot begin to grasp the immensity of what those words embody. That in a point of the history of everything we can see, feel, touch, smell, comprehend, there was a beginning. There was a nothingness that existed, and then, in an incomprehensible Creation moment by a being, God the Creator, that surpasses anything any of us can begin to comprehend, the heavens and the earth were spoken into existence.  What power! What enormity! What wonder!
Presently, I can look out my window and see the lush cedar branches lit by golden sunlight, swaying in a chill, winter wind. Could I create that tree? If I really, really wanted to? If I worked, and studied, and worked my entire life, I could never create even one cedar tree. I cannot create the wind, or the sun, or the millions of other elements that make up my known world. I am and you are wonders of creation also. We accept what we are; we accept the gift of life, without understanding how or why we exist. We are born into the world as it were, blank slates, upon which are written in our hearts and minds longings to know, and be known by this Creator, God.
“So God created man in His own image, and in the image of God created He him. And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.” Genesis 1:27,31
We are, made in the image of God. We were pronounced a good creation. We have each been gifted with the ability to think, plan, dream, work, create and fulfill our destinies.  How important is it to seek to know what we should do with our lives; to understand if we are merely captives in a world that is without purpose, a day to day existence that just happens? Or to know, beyond knowing that God, the Creator made us to live in His creation as vibrant, alive, purposeful beings with lives marked by purpose, and passion and fulfillment of vision.
A New Year, this New Year beckons with open arms for us to seek with open hearts and minds to know what our purposes are for this year. To pray and ask God to illumine our thoughts with His plans, His purposes so that the goals we create, the plans we make fall in line with His purpose and plan for our lives.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to given you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
            Unsure? Don’t know where to start? Keep these three things in mind: 1. Be willing to seek God. (Humbleness) 2. Read the Bible daily. (Diligence) 3. Pray and ask God for His guidance. (Openness).

. Note to Self- Day 1- I will see my world as one filled with possibilities. I will envision myself as partners with the Creator of the Universe to plan my days, to fulfill my purposes. I will endeavor to see each day as a priceless gift upon whose page I have the privilege of writing my purpose in planned, creative actions.

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