Friday, February 5, 2016

Patch of Blue, Twenty-First Century Style

         When I was little, there was a movie called, Patch of Blue. As a young person watching this movie it seemed so sad, a blind, abused young woman in love with a black man. This during the racially charged era in America. It also seemed so sad to me that all she could remember seeing, was one patch of blue. How unfair. How tragic.

       The name of the movie reckoned back to the young woman's memory of what the sky looked like. Today, I sit in a home perched above a valley, small rural town, houses patch-worked on the valley floor. In the near distance, a network of hills forms a border for the ever changing skies. Early morning today, the highest hills were painted a golden hue by the rising of the sun. Last night, the evening sun colored the skies in rich tones of pink and fading reds.

 I am so fortunate to have had vision all these 65 years. I am grateful and aware of what a wonder it is to see all the beauty of the earth, free for the taking. I know, sometimes, I am tempted to shield my eyes from the sight of homeless people peering distractedly into my car window. I don't want to meet their eyes, knowing from experience how difficult it is to make any impact into their tortured existence.     I want to shut my eyes when faced with commercials that show children suffering with massive birth defects, still trying to be positive in their struggles.

  In my life, I have to draw a circle of sorts around those things that I can deal with in any given day. I rely on God to give me strength, but the faith to step out into areas where I don't 'feel' like I have any strength means I watch myself. Maybe it's a form of control, or more realistically, it's a form of survival.  Each day, I sort of have a must do list. There are things on that list that have to get done. Yes, things can displace those listed items. If the family members get sick or need help, my list goes out the window.

  Recently, it's been a mixture of both, things on the must do list, and taking care of sick family members. Some of the things on the list, still remain on the back of my mind, nagging with their own voices. "What about your new roof?"  "Isn't it still leaking?"  "Shouldn't you call them again?" or "What about that home repair loan you need?"  "Didn't they say you needed to get it done as soon as possible?" The list goes on, and it's a long list.

   Two of my current favorite authors are Charles Stanley and Joyce Meyers. I will read something they've written and it seems to hit right where I'm at. Recently two themes they've shared are, acquiring the virtue of patience, and learning to wait. Two sides of the same coin.    I have a lot of "wait" time right now. Situations that are unresolved, troublesome, annoying and pending. One situation that has evolved over several months is my leaking roof. It was a matter of concern and prayer for months. "How will I ever fix this God?"  "Where will I get the money?"  Day after day I prayed, week after week I waited. Month after month went by. And then, one day, a miracle occurred. A bank loan officer figured out the way to loan me the money.

Hurray!!! Then, more waiting for the roof contractor to find the time to replace the roof. So the day came, the banging, the hammering, and at the end, a new, pretty roof. And then, it leaked. More calls, more visits, more calls, and then more waiting. Some pressure to finish paying before it was fixed. Me, in faith, and some fear and trembling saying, "No, it's still leaking." Today, hearing that they were at my home installing the new, company bought skylights that will hopefully stop the leaking roof, I sigh.  I so love those skylights, showing the patch of blue skies on sunny days; revealing the wind swept clouds on stormy days; echoing the patter of rain on rainy days. Sitting in my family room, I can look up, beyond my situation and see God's hand reflected in the framed wonder of his canvas.

     I love my own 'patch of blue' and am in hopes that this final repair will end the whole leaking roof saga and take it off my "must do" list. Learning patience to wait for God's answers to all the other must do's will require I try to stay focused on His word and His promises and not on my fear, not on my anxiousness, not on my need.

     If you like me, are in the midst of multiple situations that need resolved, perhaps you'll find encouragement and hope by reading some of the devotionals by Joyce Meyers, or Charles Stanley. Additionally, I know if you read verses from the Psalms, you'll find comfort and strength for your soul.     I'm going to provide the links here so you can paste the web address into your browser and go. 
                                          Charles Stanley
 In Touch Ministries  
Joyce Meyers Ministries

Well, until next time I hope each of you finds comfort and strength in the Sovereign God and His promises.



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