Saturday, June 14, 2014

He Walks Beside Me-

         I am happy this morning. Watching a hummingbird sit on the branch of a lilac bush. It flies to my pink rose bush and looks for nectar. The red-headed woodpecker that lives in my yard, is already busy flying back and forth from the two birch trees. The sun is back, warming the sky, trees and flowers. How happy I am to see it's face, a few days of gray and rain and I have longed for its warmth. Earlier I read through my devotionals, and spent time with my Bible. On the one hand, I'm plowing through the Old Testament, chapter by chapter. It's been a wonderful journey but currently I'm in Ezekiel and it's been kind of a tough go round. I read through James in the New Testament this morning, ever reminded about my own words that so easily take flight almost on their own.
       A couple of sweet Psalms to warm my heart and then a passage from Mark 11: 22-26.  Jesus starts out this passage by reminding his disciples to, "Have faith in God." The disciples were all excited because a barren fig tree

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