Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 100 - A new adventure begins!

“Teach me to number my days so that I apply my heart to wisdom”                                                          Proverbs

Sunday here, looking out my back window at the woods enjoying the sprinkling of fresh spring rain. The woods are alive with the songs of birds, happy, singing, rejoicing in life. I am so fortunate that in this time of my life I am surrounded by so much beauty. A family member helped me obtain this home, a refuge from the world, a sanctuary of home. I will be forever grateful for that sacrifice of love.

         Today, I woke up with a great sense of expectancy. This last year has seen many positive changes in my life. It has been an interesting journey with trips into nature marking the high-points along the way. I can’t express how thankful I am that I continue to be extraordinarily healthy and strong. It is a wonderful blessing.
         Over the last year, I’ve lost forty pounds, and gained a lot of strength and endurance. Countless walks, hikes, bike rides have combined to help me become a leaner, healthier me. Along that journey, I’ve gained insight and wisdom from reading my Bible, attending church and staying committed to learning how to grow in my Christian walk. Sometimes the changes are so small, and happen so slowly that it’s easy to wonder if I’m growing at all.  Journaling helps track that little by little positive changes are occurring.

         Much of life is like my current journey. Planning, working more working and then waiting to see if the results comes. These  principles of sowing and reaping began with farming and have its parallel in all avenues of human endeavors. Many things, outside our control, we can enjoy and observe, sunrises, sunsets, ocean tides, seasons. Anything we create, dream or build, be it physical, emotional, or spiritual happens only through work and commitment.

          On the journey last year, I used all the tools I could to stay motivated. I joined and stay involved with Weight Watchers. I enlisted friends to accompany me on the journey.  My grandson, a companion for many hikes, walks, and bike rides lost over 40 pounds himself.  I kept track of my progress and made small achievable goals. Little by little, bit by bit I consider the year -long project a success, but not the end of the journey.

         This next year, I want to invite more people to come along. I think it will be fun and interesting. I challenge those of you who read this blog to email me and let me know you’re ready to begin your own journey of becoming a healthier you.

         The challenge is this: The next 100 days will be a jump start time to address dietary and exercise changes. To make the decision to eat healthier, move more and utilize the support needed to achieve specific goals for your life will change the course and direction of your life, no matter what your age.   Some of you may like me need to join Weight Watchers or another support group to help you modify your lifestyle. Some of you need to join a gym, and dust off your sports equipment to start moving more.

         For me, I love my WW group and will continue to attend. My commitment today is to track my eating and exercise the next 100 days. To be faithful to doing what I know is right to tackle the next leg of my journey.
         I invite you to join me.  Together let’s see what we can accomplish in 100 days. 

Robin’s Goals-

1.   Communicate daily with my blog family
2.   Renew efforts to follow healthy eating guidelines
3.   Challenge to step up my exercise plan
4.   Focus on growing spiritually 
5.   Incorporate rewards into my life plan

What will you do with the next 100 days?

  I invite you to use the form at the bottom of the blog to state what is your commitment to change. If you are in a different country, with a different language, go ahead and email also. We’ll figure out how to translate.
Well, here we go, I’m excited about this, hope you’ll come along on the adventure. 

Tomorrow is: 


The best is yet to be!!! 

Believe it, Live it!!



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