Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 2, Rush, Rush, Rushing

Up at 4 am today. Needed to get things done before my day began. Made a bowl of oatmeal, comforting, warm, enough to carry me through till lunch. Devotionals, quiet time and off to work.

A lot of what I do is done a fairly brisk pace, (that’s an understatement if there ever was one.) Much of what I do is at a dead run. People to see, notes to write, treatment plans, lectures, groups, emails, phone calls, discharge summaries, meetings, (after meeting, after meeting). Much of me wants to slow things down and do everything with a greater attention to detail. At times, I feel as if I’m in the McDonalds of the treatment world because of the high volume of people we treat.

I might sound like I’m complaining, I’m not. It’s very fast paced and I don’t get bored. But when all is said and done, the long days, longer commute impact my own home life and I tend to get into the same rush, rush, rush mode. Not good for soul or body.

Yesterday, after my Day 1 blog, I got out of my truck and began a brisk walk in the city park. Here and there the sun broke through the cloud cover and a patch of blue sky bore promises of brighter days to come. The path, bordering a lazy river, supported lush trees, waving gentle in the subtle breezes. Evening coming, the birds sang their good night songs from branches full of spring, growth greenery.

I chose a path I named, “least likely to be mugged on”, since I was alone, and evening was coming. Around and around I went, enjoying the spring smells, the bird songs, and the broad expanse of clouds and skies.  I walked  steady for 40 or so minutes and realized I was tired, and needed to go home and rest. Another day done I tucked myself into bed and promptly fell asleep.

New day, new challenges. People with issues, people with problems, paper work. Lectured on cross-addiction, filling the white board with all the things that can come into life and suddenly tip the balance by becoming too much a focus, upsetting a person’s equilibrium and creating chaos.

Noon time, my floor to ceiling windows revealed an iffy weather pattern that might let me walk for a while. Grabbing a coat I walked the blocks to the local library where I sat on a quaint park bench enjoying the fountain and the few warm rays of sun on my face. Ah, apple and cheese. Satisfying, healthy.

Inside, a free magazine box beckoned and out I came  joyus with an armful of interesting magazines I will never have the money to buy. The walk back proved a little daunting as the huge armful of magazines got heavier, and heavier. Sharp back pains alarmed me a little, but I trudged on. Back at the treatment center I treated myself to a few minutes spent on the keyboard, spinning a few tunes and singing a few songs in my mind. Ah…..finding relaxing moments requires planning and doing; very few “just happen” when you’re busy, busy, busy.

Group, meeting to review a report, put files away and home. Well more like a 1.5 hour commute and then later home. Dinner - boneless, skinless chicken cooked in vegetable oil, wrapped in a flour tortilla shell, with cucumbers, sliced fresh lettuce and a sparing sprinkle of the forbidden Ranch dressing. Yummmm. Now, I’m faced with the chilly weather   and deciding if the noon time walk was enough and I’m good for exercise today.

I made a commitment to up my exercise; to get serious. Um, this is fighting with “I’m cold, I’m tired and a hot bath would feel so good right now. “  Ah, the choices we make. This is when it would help to have somebody else to say, “Come on Robin, let’s go. Let’s get it done!”

My Weight Watcher’s leader continues to challenge me not to depend on other people to determine my commitment to fitness. It has to be something I want, and am willing to pursue even if it’s just me, walking the park, alone, at night.  (now that sounds sadder than it really was, honestly).

Sigh, it’s a lot easier to exercise when the day is still in full swing. I may bail on the evening walk. We’ll see. Well, I don’t know if any of you decided to get serious about your own fitness. If you’re struggling try making a list of 50 reasons you want to be fit. Be honest and you’ll be surprised at how much it really means to you. Paste that list somewhere you’ll see it and then watch to see how your mind will work on taking charge of the plan of action to meet your goals.

My list of 50 reasons I want to get fit and lose weight.
1.  Be stronger
2.   Be learner
3.   Cut my risk of related health issues 
4.   Look cuter
5.   Be able to hike longer, and on more challenging trails
6.   Be able to ride farther on my bike
7.   Be able to shop in sizes not labeled, “Faded Glory” and “Sag Harbor”, (really what nit-whit names clothes for larger women those names)
8.   Be able to wear a swimsuit and not feel like a “beached whale”
9.   Be able to swim more laps and not be tired
10.                   Be able to shop for cuter clothes
11.                   Feel like I look “smarter”
12.                   Be able to tie my shoes more comfortably
13.                   Not have to worry about a “spare tire”
14.                   Be able to run up the stairs at work
15.                   Have less stress
16.                   Enjoy more outdoor sports
17.                   Enjoy shopping in the “normal” section
18.                   Feel happy I’ve reached my goal
19.                   Live longer
20.                   Be happy that I’ve gained a new measure of self-discipline
21.                   Be glad I’m a role model for my family
22.                   Be happy I can show people, age is only a number
23.                   Strut my stuff (lol)
24.                   Enjoy wearing sleeveless dresses again
25.                   Enjoy wearing shorts again
26.                   Enjoy getting a suntan laying at the pool
27.                   Feel a greater sense of overall healthiness
28.                   Have more energy to serve God
29.                   Have more energy to help people
30.                   Renew my interests in my hobbies
31.                   Enjoy walking at the beach more
32.                   Have a make-over and feel I deserve it
33.                   Smile at a cute guy and not feel self-conscious
34.                   Get excited about clothes again
35.                   Feel like it’s ok to paint my nails since I’m “looking good”
36.                   My feet won’t hurt so much since “I’m lighter on my feet
37.                   My back won’t hurt so much
38.                   My heart won’t have to pump my blood through so much fat
39.                   I won’t have “cankles” (ankles that lap over)
40.                   When someone calls, “Thunder thighs.” I won’t have to answer , “Yes?”
41.          I won’t have to wonder what I look like from the back.
42.           I can look forward to a “treat” and not a binge
43.                   I can enjoy fruit, and delicious veggie
44.                   My mind will be sharper
45.                   I won’t feel “sluggish”
46.                   I won’t want to nap if I sit down
47.                   I’ll work on being a “cute old lady” and not feel like an idiot
48.                   I’ll have more time to work on other things
49.                   I’ll find new restaurants that have really good, healthy meals
50.                   I’ ll inspire other people to tackle their own fitness/health

Well, time for this girl to get to bed.
Be happy,
be blessed 
and be fit!


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