Saturday, May 18, 2013

Day 98 Seasons

Sometimes, I take time away from my life. Whether it’s a break over a weekend, a disconnect from chores, a rest from hobbies, I get away. I’ve done that with this blog. It was as if I’d poured out my soul and had reached a place where in a way, I felt as if there was nothing else I could say.

At the brink of summer, warm days, rivers beckoning, I feel a renewal of thought. I love the seasons, each one its own special package of experiences. Spring was this year a beautiful array of flowers, fragrant, beautiful, beyond description. My own yard bore thousands of beautiful blooms on valiant cherry trees lifting their faces to the sky adorned in their pink and white splendor.

At work, noon times found me walking miles of streets lined with trees, and flower beds, a wealth for the eyes and soul. I have been drinking in the beauty of so many different plants and blooms, I feel rich in my visual splendor.

This week, I noticed the tree leaves have finished unfurling, their soft greenness spreading out to catch the rays of sun, the pattering of rain drops, and the errant call of breezes. Spring has finished its work and the faint edges of summer peak through on a warm day or two.

My own self, finds me shaking off the vestiges of winter dreams of weekend trips and the smell of campfires. Summer and fall remain my favorite seasons because I so love the outdoors and wet and cold deter me seeking my favorite haunts.  Intent upon Spring cleaning, I’ve been checking on my inner self also, looking for those places where maybe I haven’t really pursued a goal or two.  Or places where I allowed complacency to sneak in and have me accept the status quo of behaviors, thoughts, moods, actions that ever so much needed the renewal of a new season of refreshing. 

My Bible, my beloved companion through these long years of being alone speaks into my life a message of a continued renewal of passion, of purpose, and plans. They tell me of God whose “mercies are new every morning, and whose compassions fail not.” Lamentations 3: 22-23 

Growing older is a season of life that brings with it a bittersweet awareness that time is short, and the days and nights are fleeting and precious. Memories beckon and tempt me to indulge in regrets and remorse for the could of’s, would of’s, and should of’s. But I resist, knowing, believing and accepting that the mercy and forgiveness of God extends to my past and through the power of his might and Spirit I can rejoice and say, “By the grace of God I’m not who I once was and by the power of His might I will become a better person today and tomorrow.”

I am a morning person. Each day I awake, make my coffee, read my Bible and devotional books. Now, delightfully the dawn comes early and my bedroom window faces deep woods that harbor many families of birds. I awake and enjoy their morning songs, greeting the day and seasons with bright and trusting faces, not worried about their future. Jesus in his teachings invites us to consider the birds, how they don’t worry. Jesus lets us know that we are of much  more value than the birds and God will take care of us. I’ve mentioned before how much I’ve love the old song sung by George Beverly Shay, “His Eye Is On The Sparrow”.  Maybe because my name is Robin I’ve found that song comforting, but none the less, it is. The refrain, “Many things about tomorrow I can’t seem to understand, but his eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me.”

Through this season of my life, old age ushering in with a graying of hair and its’ sense of fading days, I will trust that God will be faithful to me. He has never failed me yet, through sorrow, through sadness, he has kept me in the shelter of his hands. I will continue to venture forth to my days as long as I have strength. There is a verse my mother loved, As my days, so shall my strength be. I love it too. Deuteronomy 33:25

Right now,  I continue on working in the drug treatment center. Praying that maybe I can help someone reclaim their lives. Surrounding my clients with prayers that they too will seek a connection with God to help them find a new season of life, one free from the bondage they’ve known.

Saturday here, a day off, my today stretches ahead with untapped hours, I feel so wealthy and fortunate. I am still amazingly healthy and strong. I continue to work on improving my fitness by walking and hiking. I know that this too will pass, but for now the freedoms I am enjoying are oh so wonderful. I am thankful we have money for food and too many other blessings to mention.

In your own life, if you are struggling with a season you’re not sure you really want to tackle, turn everything over to your Creator. I believe that He can give each one of us, ‘beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning. He is faithful, when we turn to Him He promises that our night of weeping will end, and our joy will come in the morning.
Take care and be blessed.

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