Saturday, June 15, 2013

104- Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I'm 63?

     Well Happy Birthday to me, 63, woo ha! Our summer like weather gave way to deluges of rain and gray skies. Inside my heart, I feel the sunshine.  Is that too much of a Pollyanna type attitude? For those of you younger folk, Pollyanna was a girl that perennially saw the good in things. Disney made a movie about this story and as a young person the never say die spirit of Pollyanna seemed a little unreal. How is it that even as teenagers we become disenchanted with the wonders of life?
   Well, memory lane trips aside, I feel happy. I’ve taken the day off and the luxury of three whole days spans before me. How fortunate I am to have a good job in these times of economic hardship. How thankful I am that I am still in good health, strong and able-bodied.

   Last week, we had an evangelist in our church. He sang, he talked. He invited people who wanted to be prayed for to come forward. Well I’m not much for running to the altar but I decided to go, “It couldn’t hurt.” Were my thoughts. I guess in many ways I’m kind of a doubting Thomas. I believe yes, but often I question.

   Waiting up there to be prayed for several people placed their hands on my shoulders. I appreciated their prayers. Occasionally I feel so tired with the 12 hour days and stress of being a drug and alcohol  treatment counselor, I need continual renewal. And sometimes, I confess the mistakes of my past threaten my peace as financial wreckage surfaces and I try to regroup and get a new plan.

  I started to cry and tears ran down my cheeks. Not sure why but there I was crying when the evangelist came and asked me what I wanted to be prayed for. Through my tears I asked for two things,  “Strength, and more love for my family.”  I had other things, unspoken I wanted to be prayed for but decided those things could be between me and God. And then…. The evangelist began to pray and speak out my unspoken requests. Ok, that was both weird and faith building. He spoke over me a blessing and release of curses that had come over my life.  He spoke a freedom into my life by the power of God.

   I’ve felt more peaceful this week, sort of like, “God’s got this.” (my life, my fiances  my family.) I’m waiting. Yesterday praying for family and friends on the way to work I passed my mini-van sitting at the car lot, still unsold. I prayed for God’s help to unravel this financial mess which is my life. I took responsibility for making unwise choices and asked God to somehow fix it. How I don’t know.

  Later that day I got news that one of the best agencies for treatment was calling me for an interview. I’d submitted that application months ago. Hmmm…. I kind of feel like those movies when the ships gets stuck in an ice pack and everyone starts panicking. Then the Captain comes up with a brilliant plan to blast their way free. A shout goes up and the ice breaks apart, the ship is free!  

  At work, I submitted a plan to write a training manual for our counseling staff to our Director. He forwarded it to the Program Manager and he told me he likes it. He printed it out and gave it to the management team to review. He wants all of us to provide input but to get it done.  This is exciting to me. It means that God is blessing me, that He is providing opportunity to show His power, His creativity, His intelligence through a willing heart mine.

  Those of my church members who have known me over the ten years I’ve been attending there know that God is doing a work in my life. They remember the stuttering, tears, emotions I couldn’t manage. They remember the frustrations, temper and anguish that seemed to master me. God in His infinite wisdom and love is restoring my life and my strength. He is creating beauty from ashes. He is giving me the oil of gladness for the spirit of mourning.  He is giving me joy in the morning.

   Funny, I’m looking out my window and some sort of large unknown bird is sitting on a branch. It’s huge, looking around. I’m going to go closer and see if I can recognize what it is. Just a second…..Well, I’ve never seen a bird like that in my life. It’s kind of an albino large pigeon. It is light gray and a few faint darker speckles on its back. It turned and looked at me and I thought, ‘Well it doesn’t look like a harbinger of death so I guess I’m good to go.”

         Call from family, wishing me Happy Birthday and a trip to Walmart is imminent.  Yeah howdy.  

        I love you all, my unseen, unknown readers. The best to all of you. Keep looking up! God loves you and prayer changes things. 

And to my special daughter who graduated from college this week, Congratulations! I am very proud of the fine person you are! 

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