Saturday, June 8, 2013

Blog 104 - Keeping On, keeping on

Two successful MembersGood morning to all. Just completed my Weight Watchers meeting. I was excited. I exercised so much and ate so much fruit I thought yeah I will lose, maybe a lot. Weird how achieving a goal can be linked to your motivation to keep going. And then...... I gained 1.6 pounds!!! The leader explained that often with a lot of exercise your body retains water etc. but oh so much I wanted the scale to go DOWN!

I was reading in the Weight Watchers magazine how physics principles can be linked to the weight loss process. The writer said, it takes more energy to get something moving then to keep it moving. He used this as an analogy to deciding to start on a healthy eating plan. Deciding to start is huge!

      He went on to say that once you get going on a plan to get and stay healthier it is easier to keep going. Well, I'm going to hold that thought because in practice my feeling so success are linked quite a bit to the scale.  Some people get this about grades, or paychecks, or houses, cars, looks. All kinds of things can be measures (false) of self worth and additionally causes for decreases in motivation. 

       For me, I'm determined I WILL NOT QUIT!!!! As I grown older I see that a lot of life is that, Just not quitting. Just showing up for work, for church, for relationships sometimes is a chore. (O.k. I'm being real here). But, and this is crucial, if you show up miracles happen. Things unexpected occur and life gets better.

     It's difficult to communicate this concept to the guys in treatment. They are used to acting on impulse; to seeking immediate gratification. Explaining to them that they need to just keep doing the next right thing; even if it's boring (lectures); or they don't like it (groups) or it's hard (homework).  I try to explain to them with illustrations etc. that change is difficult that it requires tackling it emotionally, intellectually  spiritually, relationally and physically  I challenge them to be willing to be willing. 

     Well, I'm willing to be willing to keep on keeping on with my fitness program.  Eventually I will look in the mirror and realize I have NO EXTRA FAT!!! Yeah.   I'm stronger and fitter and I'm not a quitter!!! Go team Robin!

     O.k., so now I'm getting goofy, well maybe it's to be expected. LOL. Great week for me, happy, challenging, but happy. Life is good and prayer changes things.

   Keep looking up! God hears and answers prayers. Your joy may come in the morning!

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