Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 106 - After the storm..............

     There is what appears to be a queen bee buzzing around my room today. She is looking for something, a place to nest, something to eat, I don’t know. She appeared out of nowhere and her loud buzz, buzzing disturbed my early morning devotions. I suppose eventually I will shoo her out the window with broom in hand. Right now, she’s ok, peacefully sitting on my ceiling looking down at me.

    For me, I kind of feel like that bee. Watching, waiting, only now, wonders of wonders, a door of opportunity has opened up for me. I am waiting, ready to take the steps through that doorway. I am amazed that soon after that prayer at the altar of week or two ago, the iron brass of heaven has opened and prayers for my life are being answered.

    I’ve grown used to waiting and it feels odd to have the wait over.  I have to keep reminding myself that yes, God has answered prayers of myself and many of my beloved church members. After commuting for four years 2.5 hours a day, I have gotten a job 20 minutes from my home. A job that matched my salary, pays for my medical, (I’ve had no coverage for several years), and has all kinds of additional perks and bonuses. More time off, 401 K contributions, more sick leave, more holidays, and four day weeks. That means, I’ll have 3 day weekends every week.

   I gave my notice at my current job, finding it a little hard to do. I’m Union and way up on the seniority list. I know that job, I know the people, it’s a difficult job, but I can do it. But……. I’m tired and the cost of commuting - energy wise, money wise has been horrendous.

    And so, 9 days from now I will go to my first day at the new job. Thank you GOD!!  A new chapter in my life.

        This morning I walked out and visited my roses. They are valiantly putting out their blooms in spite of my neglect. My cherry trees are full leaved and the branches the deer can’t reach are lacy barriers to the predicted hot sunny day. My outside kitten, Skipper, (Skippy for short) eats his breakfast in the morning sun, fresh morning air bathing our world in it’s breezes.

        This morning I’ve been finding things I’ve lost for weeks, my office keys, my social security card, a turquoise necklace from Mexico I love, the last of my checkbooks, the cord to my keyboard. It’s as if a freedom has been poured into my life and the stuck places are being unstuck.  I know that’s not a very philosophical explanation but that’s what it’s like I know God is pouring out a blessing as a result of the prayers of my church. Yes I’ve prayed, daily, but I believe that the persistence of some of my church prayer warriors have helped immensely to open the doors of heaven. Jesus told us to pray without ceasing and in everything let our requests be made known unto God. The Bible is full of stories where people prayed and then waiting and then…… the answer came.

         I truly believe these last four years have refined my character. Oh I don’t think I’ve arrived, but I do believe the combined extenuating circumstances have helped sand out some of the rougher places of my life. I know there will be new challenges, new adventures, but for now the release from the burden of the commute, the financial impact, the daunting work load are just a great source of relief and thanksgiving.

        A holiday week is on the horizon and I chose to use my last remaining vacation day to have a four day weekend. I am torn between going camping up the Columbia Gorge and staying home and devoting myself to cleaning, organizing and getting ready for the next phase. 

really think the camping will win. I love cooking over an open fire a hot dog or two. Enjoying the wood smoke, waking up to brisk morning air and the wealth of a day ahead with water, hikes, trees, and lakes spread out like rich, green emeralds for the taking.

         I do have three more days at my current job. Busy ones packing 5 days of work into 3; letting my clients know I’m leaving, saying my goodbyes, packing up my small office and closing my files. This chapter in my book of life is closing. I have prayed and tried to pour my life out into the lives of the hundreds of men and women who’ve I’ve had the privilege of being counselor to.  I’ve prayed for them, my church has prayed for them and I’ve worked very hard, (with God’s strength) to provide them with lots of opportunities to change their lives. To dream a new dream, to find hope, to connect with their Higher Power, to believe that with God anything is possible, including staying clean and crime free.

       Now, I’m off to my Weight Watchers meeting, weekly shopping and a list of to-do’s.

       I want to thank those of you who have lifted up prayers for me. I want you to know our God is faithful and He has provided a way of escape for me so that I can bear my load. 

Thank you God,

Today, I have joy in the morning.

Seek God, pray and be blessed. Until we meet again….


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