Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 94 - Waiting on Wisdom

Another weekend is upon me, wonder of wonders, and joy of joy. Now, still in the wee hours of the morning I am enjoying my morning coffee. Still reading the Gospels, this morning I read through the 10th Chapter of Luke. I continue to believe that the more I take in Scripture, the more it will change my thoughts, person, emotions, and desires of my heart.

       I ended my morning devotionals by reading this passage from James. It is underlined and highlighted in my Bible, since there have been many, many times in my life when I needed to reaffirm that even though I might not know what the answers to problems in my life, I knew a God who did.  Here is that passage:
        “Count it all joy when you fall into various trials. Knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
        If any of you lacks wisdom let them ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach and it will be given to them.
        But let them ask in faith, without doubting. For  whoever doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that person think they will receive anything from the Lord. A double-minded person is unstable in all their ways.” James 1:2-8

        It is the prayer of my heart that God give me wisdom. If your life is anything like mine, there are so many choices, so many paths. As a child, I always felt I could “think” my way out of any situation. If a problem came up, if I just had enough time to “think” I could figure it out. I can see now that this is sort of an error.  Sometimes life hands us twists and turns that defy our logic.  We don’t know, or understand which way to turn.

        When we are in the middle of problems, sometimes, in fact, most often, the stress of the situation creates a degree of panic. We feel, “I’ve got to do something.  If I don’t it’s going to get worse!”  Much like the swimmer who starts to sink;  if you try to save them, they flail about and can make both people sink unless they give up and allow the rescuer to save them.

        Before God can step in to our lives, we have to give up the persistent belief that we can solve our problems alone. Well I’m there. I realize I’m kind of in a pickle and need God to step in and guide me through the maze. Some of the opportunities that look good, might be the wrong direction to take. I have to stop trying to figure things out and wait.

        I’ve mentioned before to you that when I was young,  I embroidered a picture of Elijah with his hand out waiting for the raven to feed him. I love that Old Testament story. The fact that when Elijah was weary, worn out and tired God took him to a brook and had the birds feed him until he was restored is a tender picture of God’s love and care. The picture, created some forty years ago is downstairs in my garage.  I think I’ll get it today and put it up where I can see it as a reminder of God’s care. I need that reminder now.

       This week was a little difficult for me. I was threatened by a client and it was kind of scary for me. I felt unsafe.  I don’t mind so much if I go home to heaven, but I hate to think of some of my family who might need me around for a while. Working with the population I do, it’s a given that on occasion threats of violence will occur. I lived through the week, lost a little sleep, had a few headaches, but I survived with God’s help. I feel a little like the cowardly lion in The Wizard of Oz, talking about courage but still visibly shaking.

       However,  God is good. Another old song I love includes the phrase,  “I am weak, but He is strong.” (Just a Closer Walk With Thee) I am weak, but with my hand in His, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4 :13

        I admit, I lack wisdom of how to resolve some issues in my life right now. I am asking God to supply that need for wisdom and direction. To guide with His outstretched arm, and strong right hand my steps, my path, my decisions. I believe He will. I just need to not panic, and start floundering thinking I’m going to drown in problems. God is there, His timing is perfect, my night of weeping will end, I will find joy in the morning I need to - wait.        

       Today, may your steps be guided by the light of His Word. May your heart be comforted by the depth of His love, and may your path be one that becomes clearer as you follow His will for your life. Be blessed.

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