Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 95 - The Best Made Plans.....

Good morning, Day-light savings began this morning. I wanted to be on top of things and got up a 4 a.m. (now the daylight savings time 5). I made my coffee, oatmeal with apples and cinnamon and  tracked my food for Weight Watchers. I re-read some of my WW program materials and went to start a load of laundry.

Yikers! Loud, awful noise and burning smell coming from my almost new dryer. Like metal on metal. Sigh, move to plan B. Take clothes to laundry mat later today after church.

        Whether we like it or not, the fact of the matter is that much of life is moving to plan B, (even when you have all the best intentions in the world.) Accepting change doesn’t come easily. Most people enjoy having a routine of sorts. Knowing what to expect, and when to expect it. But, life is not like that. Things outside of our control happen all the time, it’s a given. Expect the unexpected should be taught to our children early on.

        Our one constant in this world of change, decay, disease, and disaster is God. Learning to believe that He is there, no matter what, no matter when is a continual, life-long process. The faith walk, is just that, a faith walk.

       This a.m., I read the 11th chapter of Luke.  There is so much in this chapter I would have to read and re-read it many times to even begin to touch its depths. Today what stood out to me it that God compared Himself to a father who is asked by his child for bread. Jesus states it very simply, “Would that father give his child a stone?”  As a parent, I know that would be impossible for a loving parent to do. One of the joys of my life has been getting food for my children and grandchildren. To try to supply above and beyond what they needed. Could a loving God be less watchful about us?

Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you.” Luke 11: 9

        I will continue to keep on keeping on. I’m not mechanical (maniacal maybe? LOL), but I will drag the dryer away from the wall, make a place to try to unhook the back and try to see if I can see anything stuck in there. Right now, it sounds as if a chain saw chain is stuck in there.  If I can’t find something to remove I’ll have to get help putting it in my truck to take to a repair shop. This will involve either taking time off work, or finding a place open on a Saturday. The mechanic will then quote me a price to fix it. If it’s astronomical, well, it’s not getting fixed. If it’s not too bad, it’ll get fixed, end of story.

        I wish fixing broken hearts and lives were that easy.  Just look inside and find out what’s broken and fix it. Without Jesus, it’s impossible, with Jesus it’s possible but it takes time to heal and grow. The miracle of salvation is instantaneous. You ask Jesus to come into your life, forgive you of your sins and it’s a done deal.

        Acquiring wisdom and character, now that takes a little longer, (to say the least). There are a lot of different religious views of the ‘growing in grace’, ‘sanctification’ experience. Churches created rules, dogma’s, rituals, all about the process. Do this, do that, don’t do this, don’t do that. I believe structure is good yes, but when it comes to learning to be close to Jesus for me it’s a moment by moment walk. My earthly, (carnal) nature constantly wars against my new nature. To the degree I allow God to change me on the inside, I change. If I resist, or want my own way, well my family could tell you, it’s not a pretty picture.

        Asking, seeking, knocking and getting those requests answered is a truth, only if you are asking, seeking, knocking according to God’s will, that’s the stickler.  Learning about what is God’s will requires reading the Bible, praying and being in relationship with other people who are reading, praying and growing. Monastic (being alone) Christian devotion isn’t really the plan Jesus gave. He sent his disciples out to others to minister. He instructs us to be in community with others. This requires effort, work and involves painful at times, growing through relationship awkwardness. If you don’t believe that just ask somebody who stopped going to church why they stopped. It’s never about God, it’s always about, “Well those people….” However, Jesus created us, not just you, not just me, but us. We are to be His church. This is a tall order for sure. How does this happen?  One clue is the following verse:

         “Study to show yourself approved onto God, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15

        This verse tells me, I’m expected to do my part. That I need to apply myself to do the right thing, to find the right way. It doesn’t tell me it’s going to be easy, or automatic. I can’t fix myself, or my life, or the life of my client’s easily. Healing isn’t a case of “one size fits all.” 

            Healing, emotional, psychological and physical involves God and man working in tandem. Understanding what my role is requires I keep the lines of communication open between God and I. That I realize He has given me His Holy Spirit and it is only as I serve Him with all my heart, all my soul and all my mind that these lines remain clear, free of the distractions of self, self-will, and worldly interests and values. It also means I take the part about studying his Word seriously.  I can’t catch character anymore than I can catch being 62.

        Whoa! That makes fixing the dryer seem kind of simple in comparison.

        Well, I see it’s daylight now and realize I’ve got to be about getting ready for Sunday School and church. I’m so blessed to have a home right now, and food, and clothes and health. I will treasure these days and look back and realize God has faithfully seen me through.

       May your Sunday be a day of discovery. May all your moments be filled with the knowledge of His love. May your heartaches be eased, your trials and pains be lessened by knowing that this too shall pass. Someday, your night of weeping will end, and joy will come in the morning. Be blessed.

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