Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 93, The rest of the story

     Eons ago it seems I worked for Washington State Highway Department. I was a field office assistant and I answered phones, did some paperwork, and attempted to be useful. In that office were engineers who drafted plans for bridges, by-passes, etc. They spent long hours over their drafting boards. Around lunch time, they had a kind of religious moment where they listened to a daily radio program.
       You couldn’t interrupt this; they didn’t want phone calls, they hung on every word. To me, then a young person, it just seemed weird. It was this radio personality, Paul Harvey,  who commented on the present state of things with some caustic, sometimes humorous remarks.  The tag line for the story, was, “the rest of the story….”
       In my life right now, things have slowed down. I have found the “lull” and that lull consists of being given a measure of faith and grace. I believe, God will help me. I believe, things will work out, no matter what. The job isn’t all that different, my finances are pretty much the same, but a peace has come mixed with faith. There was a famous song  He Giveth More Grace, and part of it went, 

He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater,
He sendeth more strength as our labors increase;
To added afflictions He addeth His mercy,
To multiplied trials He multiplies peace.

     I can still hear George Beverly Shea singing that song with his rich, resonant bass voice.

     It’s sort of like when you go for a bicycle ride.  Maybe there’s a hill or two and you have to pedal hard and your legs ache with the effort. You become somewhat winded, start to sweat and keep on pushing. Then, wonder of wonders, the hill you’ve been climbing ends, and ahead stretches a long, gentle slope. You can take your feet off the pedals and coast, enjoying the breeze brushing past your ears and just giving your sore limbs a needed break.
    For me, right now, I feel like that.  It’s as if I’m coasting along after a very long hill. Today, we went to  church and then home. It was a beautiful, sunny, spring day. Outside my windows, my roses have fresh green leaves growing on their stems, now awake after a long winters nap. My cherry trees have buds, waiting for a few more warm, sunny days to burst into blossoms of rich color.
       The lawn was mowed for the first time since last fall. The new-mown grass smell, a rich, familiar scent.  I cleaned house, and treasured my Sunday. I finally got out my paints and painted a picture I call “spring”. It was one of those wonderful days where I felt all the energy in the world and was able to wash, dry and folds over a dozen loads of clothes. They got folded and put away too, which for me is huge.
       Sunday afternoon, turned into early evening and a short drive to church was a refreshing break. Tonight a little different, a “Singspiration.” When I was young about once a month we would have an evening song service where we’d sing favorite hymns, share testimonies and just enjoy the music. Tonight was one of those nights.
       Now, night upon me, the sky is dark with bright white stars spread across the horizon.
       Tomorrow, well, it will come with it’s own challenges, it’s own share of must do’s, have to’s and want to’s. This weekend has been a blessing filled with grandchildren, and family, and home and church. Could I ask for anything more than that?        No, I really couldn’t. 

      My hopes are that you reading this will have found your own “lulls” after the storms in your own life. If not, take heart, God hears and answers prayers, maybe tomorrow your night of weeping will end and your joy will come in the morning. Be happy, be blessed.

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