Saturday, March 29, 2014

Road of Life

The rains keep a steady patter on my family room skylights. I’m proud of myself, today I got up and decided to go back to Weight Watchers. I fiddled around ‘til I realized I was going to be late and rushed out the door, sans make-up wearing a cammo hunting jacket, (nice touch) and made my way through the downpour to the meeting some 15 miles away.

     I checked in and found myself feeling so proud of myself. I was taking a positive step to regain my commitment to being fit. Quick meeting, meet and greet and I am back home, waiting to greet two young grandsons visiting grandma while mom and dad have a day to themselves.

     After a scare with my health, lots of tests it turns out I’m A-ok, just need to exercise more and get my weight down. So many people would be thrilled to have my blood pressure, test results etc. I am so fortunate. Thank you God!

     So I look forward to a long day at home, running loads of laundry while trying to keep two very active young children content while having to stay inside because of the cold, damp rains. Well, I hear the front door open, my dogs are barking a welcome and two small voices announce their presence. Looks like I’d better get busy.

*** Later… next to me on the floor are two small grandsons. Dumped out on the floor are two large bins of toys. Cars  the movie is playing and I rest here on the couch, enjoying a few random sun-breaks as every now and then the clouds part and blue and sun shine through. Tomorrow I will see Mr. Peabody on a large cinetopia screen and get the joy of watching small upturned faces enjoy the film.

     Some of me dreams of Disney world. I wonder how many of us there are in the world; dreaming of going  back and enjoying the beauty and fun. I try not to think of the thousands, maybe millions of people dreaming of having just enough food to eat; or of being warm, or of having their own bathroom, and hot water. I am spoiled its true by the richness of this country and my privileged life. Spend most of a whole day recently discussion the whole issue of “privilege” and how it impacts people in our culture. I listened and then shared an observation and then had the awkward moment at the speaker skewed the discussion in the direction of my comments.

     People wrote down their thoughts, posted them on the walls and then these were observed and discussed. Interesting to see the concerns, gripes, denials spilled across a 50 foot wall. By the end of the six hours I tired of the discussions.

     A lot of life is like that for me. I take things out, (thoughts, concerns, projects, jobs, relationships, volunteer opportunities, and I get tired of them, bored if your will. I’m not alone in this, many people I know suffer from the same thing; they’ll buy stuff for a hobby, a sport, sign up a new class, take a training, change boyfriend, husband, whatever and find out they are back where they started, bored.  It’s mainly a malady of the rich, or quasi rich. Whoever heard of a starving person getting bored? Back in Bible times, you’ll find King David fighting the same things. He had enough food, enough military conquests, enough money, power, wives, concubines, and found himself bored, looking for the next interesting thing or person.
And so enters Bathsheba……..

     In my own life, I’ve bought things, done things over and over again seeking the elusive, “something else” that would bring me happiness only to find out it was a mirage, an illusion I would have to pay for over time at a much greater cost.

     So now, at this stage of my life, the “golden years” as it were, I struggle with urges to seek adventure.  (People who know me would laugh at this. Outwardly I look like a nice quiet grandma type.) Conservative if you will. Who would guess that part of me thinks of thinks of selling everything off, packing my bags and moving to Florida to work at Disney and find contentment in a small, manageable apartment or condominium? Or, selling my stuff and becoming a missionary to some third world country? I know some people who are about ten years older then I am and they did just that; sold everything and moved to a different part of the state, much to the dismay of their families.

     Instead, I try to stay anchored and focus on the fact that for whatever reason, I’m planted here in a little rural town, and working at a nearby city at a job where people continually fall down, hurt themselves and have to be helped back up. (Drug and alcohol counseling).

    Presently, I watch the small dear face of one grandson as he plays with his cars and trucks making the small, sweet engine sounds little boys do. Could full time access to “Mickey” replace that? No, I think not. Infinitely precious and incredibly priceless, moving away I would miss seeing them and hearing their sweet voices.

     So today, I thank God for today, the blessings (many) I do have and ask for a spirit that increasingly demonstrates His love to others. There’s a song we sing now and again at church, More of You. In this song, there is a phrase, “I've had it all, but all I want is more of You.”  In many ways, I've had it all in my life. At present, my the whole world’s standards, I’m rich. I’m healthy, I have incredible blessings. I will pray to set aside those things which try to enchant me, be they Disney World, or hobbies or just plain stuff. I will pray that God will continue to infuse me with his presence to complete my course doing those tasks left for me to do.

     Feeling kind of Country Western, perhaps it’s the rain/sun combo. Read the following with a twang, if you will.

Road of Life

No detours on this road I’m traveling
My sights set on a place called home
It’s not an address you can find
Four walls, a roof, a door, a phone.

The place that I am headed
You can’t get there by a car
You got to travel with your heart
To follow God’s own star

Yes God He holds the road map
That sends me on my way
He plans my chance encounters
And teaches me to say

There are no roads less traveled
When once your heaven-bound
Our God will make a new you,
And now once lost, you’re found.
And God will make a new you,
And now once lost, you’re found.

     Ok, so this is funny, I’m laying here on the couch, singing the song above with plenty of twang and one small grandson interrupts me, “Gramma, Gramma, here’s something.” “What?” I answer. With a great deal of solemnity he answers, “  “Don’t sing that.”   Hilarious, age 3 and already a critic, albeit a sweet, adorable one.

Another grandson (older) just brought me milk and a half a tuna sandwich. I am being thoroughly spoiled today. Love to you all, and remember, God hears and answers prayers.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

It's All About Me

                     It’s all about me……….
        Up before five am this morning. Awake, aware, trying to decide whether or not to go to my job. I pray, I think, I make my coffee, read my devotional books, my Bible and think some more. I still have pain; insistent, nagging, bothersome. And I still feel so……so tired. And, my EKG results are not back yet. Am I ready to enter the sphere of my work filled with ongoing crisis, ongoing stress, and ongoing demands on my time, strength, patience and endurance? No the answer comes, not yet.

                     I create a text to let my office know and try to let go of the weight of the work I know is piling up in my absence. I settle back, realize I’m also feeling a little flu-like. OH well, in the mean while I will focus on renewing my spirit and strength.

                     I wrap up in my quilt, turn on Christian television and ready for my day at home.  I wish I could go somewhere to renew, a cabin in the woods, a condo on the beach, somewhere the demands of life can’t reach. Right now I can’t and I settle for being warm, having food, a lit candle warming my heart with its glowing. For many of us, our “Sabbath” rest has to occur where we are at. We don’t all the luxuries of time and money to get away for a retreat.

                     If I miss my morning devotions, I feel discombobulated all day. Focusing on the powerful messages of others who have walked before me encourages my heart. It is as if they are speaking into my life, peace, strength, encouragement and hope. I try to hold those thoughts throughout my day; sometimes I am not as successful as others. Perhaps someone, or someone’s are unpleasant to me at work. It’s annoying and tiresome. I pray, I try to be kind but on occasion the annoyance bubbles up My sense of “injustice” rises up and somehow over-rides my “God” thoughts and I enter the realm of, “Really, do they think they can act that way and get away with it?”
                     These thoughts and resentments don’t resonate with God’s ways, His Spirit, His teachings. From what I can understand Jesus tells us, Blessed are you when men revile you, (be disrespectful). Blessed are you when they say all manner of evil against you. (for my sake.)

                     The blessed comes with a condition, and that condition is if it’s for the sake of the Gospel. Often, it has nothing what-so-ever to do with anything related to Jesus. It’s just the way the world works. How I handle it, what my response is, well that’s on me. Jesus commands us to be in the world, but not of the world. Admittedly my life is a mixture of current culture; worldly mindsets; ideas of personhood and “rights”. I am not a prime candidate to be witness for the redemptive power of a risen Lord. I am more a poster child for an aging hippy, educated in secular universities and working in secular, thoroughly culturally immersed work worlds.
                     So, do I set back, give up and just be the real me? The real me was a huge 60’s concept and it’s part and parcel of today’s zeitgeist also. We have a world bent on deifying self, elevating Me, I, Self to a position of being the end all and be all.

                     Is that what I should succumb to now? Certainly the “feel good” be true to yourself philosophy has a seductive lure. Why shouldn’t I speak up for myself? Why should I take someone being rude for absolutely no reason? Why should I continue to be kind to someone who is being really, really unpleasant?

                     The whys continue and proliferate, much like the Tribbles of Star Trek past.  Why should I try to be different and practice love, forgiveness, and faith continually to believe that God will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory. (including the need to be respected).    Well, for me it’s pretty simple. I was horribly lost, emotionally, physically, spiritually every way you can think of. My childfaith in Jesus had been set aside for the current world view. My lifestyle reflected the “me-ology” of the times. I made decisions based on serving self, and selfishness. I was all about me.

                     What I found was that I lost all my peace, all my joy, all my happiness and was filled with regret, despair, shame, remorse, fear, everything dark and evil. There came a point where I knew I needed God to help me or I wasn’t going to make it out of the pit my decisions had put me in. I cried out, “Help me God!”  And He did. And then, (yes for me there’s been many and thens) I started getting back into the I’isms. Me this, me that, I think, I feel, I want; and I was drawn away from my faith and went back into the pit.

                     Oh, it never looked like a pit; it always looked like something fun, or exciting, or something that would elevate me in some way; my rights, my will, my, my, my.

                     I am very thankful for the richness of the mercy of God. He never had given me what I deserved for my rebelliousness. He has given me more grace, forgiveness and restoration than I ever merited. A stubborn rebellious woman has been forgiven, restored, forgiven, restored again and again.
                     I love feeling safe. I love feeling pure. I love feeling content. I love feeling hope. Jesus gives me those things as long as I keep focused on Him and His purposes. Like Peter jumping out of the boat to walk to Jesus, as long as I keep my  mind and heart set on the purposes of God for my life I experience peace.

                     However, the fact of the matter is there are somethings that contribute to losing that focus, at least for me these things include: over-work; envy; resentments; lack of exercise; lack of discipline in any area of my life; eating, spending, emotions. So, I have this time right now, set aside from my work by a bout of ill health. Will I use this time to regroup spiritually and realize I’m getting sucked back into the downward spiral of thoughts that lead away from God?

                     Yes, I think I will use this time. With God’s help I will make a plan for how to counteract the negative influences in my life and stay focused on my ultimate objective; reflecting the love of Christ to others who are suffering right now. Ignoring their behaviors and seeing beyond to the aches they cannot express; the pains they cannot voice; the cries for help they cannot speak.

                     Renewal. No fanfare, no balloons, no banners, just a quiet act of spirit and prayer. God, help me to remain grateful for your blessings in my life. Help me to be humble and not look to this culture, these people for my self-esteem. Help me to let go of those things that bother me and re-focus on eternal values. And God, please cleanse me and fill me with your divine love for those people in my life that could use their own measure of unmerited favor and grace.
                     God, you’ve given me time, help me to give you my life, such as it is.
                     I love the expression, “Little is much when God is in it.”

Let that be true in my life today, and for the rest of the todays I‘ve been given.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Patch of Blue


     I’m home still, sitting in my family room, looking at the sky lights and noticing a patch of blue. Tall fir and cedar trees soar over the roof-line of my home and almost all but obscure that blue sky, but I can still see it.

          Woke up with pain, my whole right arm is sore from my flu shot, not bad, awful pain, just pain. I feel kind of like I’ve been in a wreck or something, checking to see what still works and what I can move. Apparently everything works, although with more pain than I’ve ever noticed before. Ah, age, strange companion that changes my sight, hearing and looks until I see my reflection and wonder, “Who is this person?”

          Yesterday, at the Dr’s office, she was amazed to see I take no medications. Apparently, at my age, that’s a rarity. I am thankful and grateful. Things could be much worse than they are. Right now, my blood work is back and I see except for a slightly elevated cholesterol and low Vitamin D, everything looks ok. Awesome, again something to be thankful for. My EKG, (which incidentally is now a quick-ed-dee-do-dah procedure) has not yet been read. And so I wait. I was dizzy, several times, seriously, and I have pain. Want to know what my “heart health” is before I trudge back to my job, with is filled with high level stress.

          So, now, I try to luxuriate in my time to rest, doing little things that don’t exhaust me throughout the day. The object is to rest, but the spring cleaning bug has bit and I so wish I was my normal, (editors note: my normal) self, diving in and getting things done. Instead I watch as other family members shampoo my carpet, move furniture and I sit, benched as it were on the sidelines of my life, if only for a while.

          I try not to think about work, my caseload of clients, personnel issues, mountains of paperwork, upcoming re-certifications for agency, new electronic record keeping systems. A few thoughts break through and I catch myself making mental to-do lists. I stop myself. I give the situations to God and let go. The job, the clients are not my life. Important yes, but not so important that I risk my health because I believe I’m the only one that can do my job. There are others to pick up the load I have temporarily dropped, and more importantly, there is God.

          The sun touches the branches of trees in my skylights, making my patch of blue ever more blue. Ah, the sun, I love it so. I had hoped so much to be able to visit Disney World this year but it appears I cannot. Odd to yearn for a place like I do Disney World. I love it there, I feel happy there. Flowers and beauty and safety and fun and families. Who wouldn't like that?

          I have been so fortunate to have the blessings I have had in my life. I must continually remember those blessings. I like one of the Psalms where David says, “I call to my mind, my songs in the night.” I have had those songs in the night. I used to sing and write songs. I used to play the piano and guitar and share with my church my faith in God. I don’t do that anymore but I can remember.

          There are seasons of life for many. Some, cut short in infancy or youth never live to see the days of gray hair and failing eyesight. For whatever reason, I’ve been blessed and am now in the Winter years, where patches of blue in my skylights bring me joy, and the ability to still cook a meal give me independence. I cannot know how long this season will last. Will it be years? Will it be months? Will it be days? None of us knows the number of our days.

          For now, waiting for the results of my EKG, I kind of wonder. Will my quality of life change suddenly? If so, will I be able to seek God to give me the grace to go through that season with grace? I hope so, people who are bitter about their health issues make everyone in their lives upset. God grant me your Spirit, power and love to never be that person. To remember the songs in the night, the patches of blue skies, the trips to Disney World, the kids and grand-kids and remain grateful, no matter what.

          May today, where-ever you are, bring you joy as you find your own patches of blue to anchor your thoughts, your spirit, and your sense of gratefulness for the blessings God has given you in your life.

“Lo I will be with you always, even to the end of the earth.”

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Rest Stop On Life's Highway

Rest Stop On the Highway of Life
          Today marked a change point in my life. I have been praying for a new direction, an enhanced realization of purpose, being content with what I have and who I am. What I discovered is this, I’ve been feeling ill for a while, pain, stabbing, and occasional bouts of severe dizziness; all of which I’ve ignored and kept on keeping on.
          With a moment of clarity, I stopped procrastinating and drove myself to the Dr.’s office. They checked my vitals, sent me home and rescheduled an exam for tomorrow at 11 am. I can’t beat myself up with, Why did I wait? Or What was I thinking? The truth is, I am used to pushing through pain, emotional and/or physical and doing what I have to do. I admired Stoicism as a young person and admire hard work, perseverance and people who don’t whine about things.
          In the mean while, I have risked my life for some kind of token idol, and ignored the fact something is wrong.
          So, I came home after going to the Dr.’s and I’ve been sitting, lying down since. Family came to be with me and worked around gramma/mom worry lining their faces as the strangeness of me being “sick” sinks in. My grandson, offers me movies, oranges, Tylenol, coffee, anything he thinks might help. I’ve been there for him his whole life and the whole unknown is shaking him up a little.
          Two of my little grandsons greet me, one with open arms and crys of “Gramma!”  Certainly there can be few things as heart-warming as being loved by grandchildren.
          Funny, in a way, after yesterday wanting to find new purpose to my life I sort of wake up and realize, “I need medical help, something is wrong.” Weird, but true.
          So I rest on the couch, TV on, skies still light with evening’s darkness slowly creeping on.
          Tomorrow will be a beginning of sorts; exams, tests, questions, answers and questions. God holds my life in His hands. Each day is a gift, today perhaps will lead to a renewal of energy as the Dr sorts out my symptoms and does the slow work of diagnosis.
          So and all, it was a good day, different than most, but still different surrounded by people who love me and care. Could I ask for anything more? I think not. To be loved is a gift to be treasured always.

          To those of you facing your own unknowns, take heart, and lift up your prayers to God. He hears and answers prayers. He is the God of all comfort and He can and will calm the storms in your life. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Home again, home again, jiggity jig

       Well, after realizing I was working through pain and dizziness (more than one day worth),  I gave myself permission to go to the Doctor. Sound weird? Yeah I guess it does. I'm someone who almost never goes to the Doctor. When I see my Doctor she is always surprised to see me, sometimes four or five years goes by, yes really. So, after getting my medical paid for by my current employer for over 8 months, I decided I really needed to go.

       I went at lunch, and thought, given my symptoms, they'd get me right in, I mean, RIGHT IN! Well, I'm still breathing, my blood pressure was ok and having pain and dizziness doesn't put you in the ER, so I let my boss know, my youngest daughter know and drove home. I will have a physical tomorrow. I will take a list, yes a list of the symptoms I've been having so I won't forget anything. After all, if I'm only going once in a blue moon, I want to take care of business.

        So, I'm at home, sitting, yes sitting which is difficult for me. I have a huge to-do list at work, a huge to-do list at home, but I am worried and so I will take it easy.

        Drinking coffee, eating campers stew, I feel sinfully lazy. But, (yes another but) I want to be here to see my young grandson graduate from High School. It's been such a long road for him, and I admire him being not willing to give up but keep trying, through each, long slow class. 

        And I would like to be here to see prayers answered, broken lives get mended, (thank you K-love) and my family find their way through this challenging world. And so, I will force myself to rest, see the Doctor and follow their advice. 

       God is good and no matter what the Doctor says I know my Redeemer lives things will work out, whether in this life or the next. 

"Teach me to number my days, so I can apply my heart unto wisdom." Proverbs

Sunday, March 16, 2014

OK, God, What's Next?

Spring is here, green small leaves on the trees, daffodils up, bright yellow faces turning towards the sun. I have have made it through the winter. The long, slow days of darkened skies, driving home from work with blackened streets, wet with the rains of a hundred winter days, cold, drear with the seeming death of life coating everything with the gray sameness.

So, here I am, weary, worn, and aging. I am however, safe, fed and warm. So much to be grateful for. On the rainy Sunday night, I still am wishing that tomorrow I will wake up, excited about life, and filled with a sense of renewal of purpose. I am still alive and Spring is here and I am eager to see, hopefully the unfolding of God's plans for my life, golden years and all aside. No one can see their future, but I continue to believe that God is full of love and kindness and comfort. Whether that comfort comes as a result of my rethinking the meaning of life as I had expected; or whether that comfort comes as a result of finding new meaning in life I do not know.
    I only know, it is Spring and I joy to see the spring, growth greenery. I drink in the fresh earth smells and I joy to experience the lengthening of days, spelled out in the routines life entwined with eternal purposes.
   Teach me to know the number of my days......... so that I will apply my heart unto wisdom.  Psalms 90:12

In His Footsteps