Monday, March 17, 2014

Home again, home again, jiggity jig

       Well, after realizing I was working through pain and dizziness (more than one day worth),  I gave myself permission to go to the Doctor. Sound weird? Yeah I guess it does. I'm someone who almost never goes to the Doctor. When I see my Doctor she is always surprised to see me, sometimes four or five years goes by, yes really. So, after getting my medical paid for by my current employer for over 8 months, I decided I really needed to go.

       I went at lunch, and thought, given my symptoms, they'd get me right in, I mean, RIGHT IN! Well, I'm still breathing, my blood pressure was ok and having pain and dizziness doesn't put you in the ER, so I let my boss know, my youngest daughter know and drove home. I will have a physical tomorrow. I will take a list, yes a list of the symptoms I've been having so I won't forget anything. After all, if I'm only going once in a blue moon, I want to take care of business.

        So, I'm at home, sitting, yes sitting which is difficult for me. I have a huge to-do list at work, a huge to-do list at home, but I am worried and so I will take it easy.

        Drinking coffee, eating campers stew, I feel sinfully lazy. But, (yes another but) I want to be here to see my young grandson graduate from High School. It's been such a long road for him, and I admire him being not willing to give up but keep trying, through each, long slow class. 

        And I would like to be here to see prayers answered, broken lives get mended, (thank you K-love) and my family find their way through this challenging world. And so, I will force myself to rest, see the Doctor and follow their advice. 

       God is good and no matter what the Doctor says I know my Redeemer lives things will work out, whether in this life or the next. 

"Teach me to number my days, so I can apply my heart unto wisdom." Proverbs

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