Saturday, July 26, 2014

He Walks Beside Me

Then the master of the servant was moved with compassion, 
released him and forgave him the debt.
Matthew 18:26

Another beautiful summer day, blue skies, golden sun painting the trees with bright yellow lights. I love morning, especially those days I have the whole day before me, stretched out with possibilities. Today is one of those days. I started my day with two things, coffee and Bible reading.

 Today, I read chapter 18 in the Gospel of Matthew. There is so much in this chapter, I cannot hope to grasp everything. Before I read I prayed, “God help me to understand what is written here. By your Holy Spirit give me insight.” I must confess my own mind is a muddle of things to do, errands to run, chores, memories, it goes on and on. The verse, “Be still and know I am God,” is one of those verses that isn’t all that easy for me to do. My mind is often my own worst enemy.

But in spite of my limitations I keep reading the Bible knowing that I am washing my mind and heart with truth. I am excited to begin my day because today I will go to the ocean, but I know from experience if I don’t start my day with my devotions things will not go well. It is not because of fear I want to pray and read my Bible it is because of knowing without God, my life is chaos. He is the anchor of my soul, my calm in the storms of life.

Yesterday, I watched an old Billy Graham crusade on television. It was the 1992 crusade held in Portland, Oregon. His message was simple, it was direct, it was about the opportunity to come to Jesus Christ, ask Him to forgive you of your sins, and be welcomed into the family of God. I watched as hundreds, perhaps thousands of people went down front to ask Jesus into their hearts, to have a new beginning, a new life. I liked the brief story that Billy told prior to the invitation to accept Jesus as  Savior.

A man sat in prison after committing many crimes and serving a lengthy sentence. He had betrayed his wife, his family, his community. He wrote a simple direct letter to his wife and family, “Honey, I realize how I’ve betrayed you and the family. My crimes were horrible, unforgiveable. If you never want to see me, I’ll understand. I’m being released soon. I will be on a bus coming through our home town. If the family can forgive me, and wants to see me, tie a yellow ribbon on the big tree in the front yard. I will be able to see it from the bus. If you just want me out of your life, and I see no yellow ribbon, I’ll stay on the bus and go somewhere else. I’ll understand. What I did was unforgivable.”

The man was released from prison and boarded the bus that would go through his home town. A few stops down the road a bunch of college students got on the bus. After a few miles they started a conversation with the man and he told them about his journey. The students, eager to see what would happen watched around each turn and bend of the road as they neared the man’s hometown. The man, burdened with shame, remorse and guilt could barely look out the window.

As the bus crested the road coming into town the students shouted, “Look!” Tied to every streetpost, every tree were dozens of yellow ribbons.
The man, eyes filled with tears, got off the bus and was reunited with his family. He was going home.

         Billy Graham used that illustration to explain to people what it’s like to accept Jesus as your Savior. He doesn't lambaste you for your mistakes. He doesn't berate you for your failings, He welcomes you home as part of His family. He paid the debt for your sins on the cross. You are free.

         In my reading today, the part of the chapter that most stood out to me was the story of the master, or boss who forgave one of his employees a debt he owed, (which was substantial.) Unfortunately that wasn't the end of the story. The man, forgiven, went out and found someone who owed him a little money and caught him by the throat demanding he pay up or else. The other employees of the boss saw what this person did and told on him. The boss, enraged, pulled the guy back into his office and told him, “Look I forgave you all that you owed and you go out and threaten someone for a few dollars! What’s wrong with you? Now I am going to hold you responsible until you pay!”

         Jesus summarizes that story with this statement; “If God has forgiven you so much, who are you to not forgive others who hurt you? You must forgive others from your hearts.” (paraphrased).

         For me, this hits home. Forgiveness is a virtue that is not easily part of my vocabulary of life.

My Prayer

“Dear Jesus,
Please help me learn to forgive others. I know I've done many wrong things in my life that you've forgiven me of. Jesus make me willing to release others, even if they aren't sorry. Thank you for forgiving me, giving me freedom from guilt, peace, and a future hope.”

To those of you reading this also struggling with an unforgiving attitude, take hope. God hears and answers prayers. May your day be blessed.

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