Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 4: Friends on the Journey

      Last night, my dogs woke me up with their barking, the racoons were back. I live on property that is mostly forest. The house sits on a small cleared portion of land and then drops steeply with very large trees blanketing a cliff that leads to a creek. In the winter this creek is a roaring river. Almost July, the creek is a peaceful, gurgling flow of waters.
     The racoons that live near me are quite bold. I can be sitting in my family room and look up and one or more can be staring back at me. They wait for the moment we forget and leave dog food out. Sometimes families of 3 or 4 will walk up the back deck stairs and check to see if dinner is on the table.

     Once we tried to catch them to transfer them and a small baby was caught in the non-kill trap. A family member protested that we couldn't take the baby from it's mother and it was set free. So we continue to co-exist. We're not friends but we've certainly met.

     I also share my space with other woodland creatures. One day I was looking out my dining room window. (These windows are right on the edge of the cliff. Large cedar trees branch out to touch the house and shade the deck.) Suddenly I realized a small, alert squirrel was staring at me from a branch. That tree was his home. Occasionally I throw bread over the deck. Sitting out there on another day I watched that same small squirrel drag an entire piece of bread to its home.

      Deer graze in my tiny backyard and occasionally will be seen taking leaves from my roses. I wonder, "What do rose petals taste like to them?"

     All in all, most of time it's pretty quiet where I live and I enjoy the peace. Peace is of such value. There have been many times in my own life where the absence of peace has created emotional pain. At those times I run to my Bible for comfort. I am not ashamed to admit that I pray a lot to God. I have to because there are so many situations that are out of my control and finding peace in the midst of those storms requires more than me "thinking it though."

     At work I have a friend to whom I go when things get 'out of control.' I trust this person because we have talked through our values, our faith and because they don't over-react. I value their judgement. Finding friends to support us in life is crucial to maintaining peace. My mother used to say, "You only find a few friends in life with whom you can really share your soul."I believe this is true. I also think that putting yourself in situations where you can find friends is essential to making that happen. I am careful where I go at this stage of life.

      Yesterday, coming home from work I realized I was emotionally taxed. Talking with clients, sending out reports, having a two and a half hour group where people processed some very deep experiences had taken a toll on my energy bank. I turned on the radio to a station that broadcasts encouraging music, K-Love. The songs fed my soul on the commute home.

     Self-care is important to keep my spirit refreshed and ready to meet the needs of those I love and care for. Nourishing my soul with inspirational reading, music and friendships gives me renewal. Connecting with God as my source gives me the strength for journey. Having friends to whom I can go, helps me weather the storms of my life and stay calm.

      As I focus on nourishing my body with healthier choices, it seems I am becoming aware of more ways to nourish my soul. It is as if the lens on my camera is coming into focus. May my focus become clearer and clearer as self-control recaptures that portion of my soul I have too often given over to reckless abandon.
May your today be a window to a world where you find peace for your journey, a friend to comfort you  and a pathway to joy.............

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