Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 6: Continuing to discover...

      Fort Stevens near Astoria, Oregon is a favorite place of mine. We discovered the real joys of Fort Stevens by chance. Over twenty years ago, we went to a weekend sponsored by my church and tented in a group setting. We liked the campground, enjoyed the lake, campfires and songs. What we didn't know was there were miles of paved bike trails winding through the woods, to the ocean, Coffenbury Lake and Columbia River. It was a whole new, wonderful exciting world for us. For years now, we have come back to this campground, again and again, bikes, helmets, tarps, all the gear you need for camping at the Coast. So many happy memories discovering special places to watch birds, spotting blue herons, or rare eagles. Places where we could stow our bikes and explore. I would not trade a moment of those trips, they are memories about family, nature and discovery.
Coffenbury Lake
     I am still that person, taking off, finding new places to explore. I'm apt to load up my truck or van and head to the coast or mountains and hike or bike until I wear out. I wear out easier these days but as long as I am able I want to experience nature, nothing else bathes my soul in so much joy.
     Much of life is a trade off, we put certain things on our to-do list and take others off. Winding down the first week of my journey to recapture my life, I've discovered I need to add some things into my list to support my journey. Motivation and momentum are things that require constant renewal and sometimes, in the cold, clear light of reality the realization occurs that each of us needs help in this area. For me, understanding that I so often drift from purpose, I realize I must incorporate more support into my life. It is not enough to decide to do, I need to surround myself with others, intent on making that same journey. I have reached the decision to return to a support group to help me in my personal challenge to pursue healthier choices.
The shipwreck of  Peter Iredale at Ft. Stevens
     I will begin my group tomorrow morning, stealing a few moments out of a busy schedule to help insure that I can continue to enjoy nature in all it's splendor. That I can maintain my excellent health, and build a leaness into my soul that better equips me for this part of the journey. My bike is in my shed gathering dust, the treadmill sits idly by, a monument of sorts. It's time to dust these things off, to set goals, to create incentives. By the grace of God, with support of friends I will challenge myself to remain that person forever seeking trails to hike, or beaches to explore.
Barracks from WW2 at Historic Site
Never let pride keep you from joining with others to support you in your journey. Reaching out, reaching up, allows us to keep reaching others with a message of hope and renewal.

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