Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 1: The Journey Begins...

Journey to recapture Me
Yesterday, I thought would be Day One of my journey to recapture me.  A day later and I realize, "I" was pretty elusive but the whole reveal of digging out of years of habits did surface with rather annoying clarity.

My goal, to become fit at sixty-something and enjoy these "golden" years. I've sort of nudged into become a sedentary kind of person dragged down by the 8-5 daily grind and a long commute. At least that's my story, for today.

Yesterday, I wrote up a whole bunch of ideas about the how, the why and the wherefore of change. I entitled it, Discovery Discover Me.  I was going to blog my way to getting fit. I created a punch list of the 1-4 with all the right words in the right places. I had a to-do list designed to help move me and others through the continuum of change. From the point of per-contemplation all the way to being ready to take action. I had a personal discovery treatment plan for how to hone in on your inner motivations, to clarify your values and discover the hidden potential of goals being primary motivators.

Yes, that was my plan.  All empirically based only to discover that much of who I've become is based in translating my life into terms of work, food, and weekends.  The weekends filled with errands, church, cleaning, and trying to fit in  "fun" escapes only to realize my ole hiking haunts find me taking multiple breaks along the path. These breaks being punctuated by well-meaning, fit, "yupsters" asking, " Are you o.k?" And so it goes.

After spending a fun hour shopping at the local food store, list in hand only to find that my counter checks from my local bank would not be accepted.  This with me standing there, smiling, realizing I teach about acceptance all the time and yet I'm inwardly thinking, "Nuts, now what." Another store, closer to home, another hour and I have my now over-priced groceries in tow and all I want to do is go home, watch TV and cuddle with a bag of Cheetos. Which is what I did. So Day One of my journey was me facing the fact I am a "comfort food" eater. Today in Sunday School, (yes at 60-something I go to Sunday School) the verses highlighted self-control as been one of the essential components of getting fit spiritually. Self-control sounds kind of like thinking maybe it's possible. That maybe somewhere, somehow losing the habits and besetting sins that cause so much grief and pain in my life "relief" might be on the horizon. Yes, I believe it's true, people can change.

So comfort.........translated into so many things for so many people. Today, I will find comfort; elusive perhaps but still worth the seeking. Today I will not overeat.

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