Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 2: "Weeping may endure the night but joy comes in the morning."

     Waking up to familiar sounds is comforting. Birds, the beginning of traffic, coffee brewing. We surround ourselves with routines and in that routine find comfort. It is Day Two of my journey and the work week stretches again. My life right now is parceled out in lectures, groups, individuals and paperwork. It to is a routine...not as comforting. There is always the potential for hope that cuts through the tedious and creates an atmosphere where the maybe's, the might be's, the could be's infuse my life with the excitement of possibilities.

     People can and do change, for better and for worse. Marriage is not always for better or worse, sometimes it's for the ending. Life is like that also. Last night at church we had missionaries from Alaska. They shared stories of a land where suicide is epidemic. Where so many people, so many youth have no hope and make a final, tragic choice of ending their life. Why talk about death in a blog about rediscovering life? Because without the awareness that all choices contribute to one or the other misses one of the essential truths about life; it is only for a moment.

      Making my moments count is important to me. Helping others make their moments count is woven into the fabric of my life, and routine. Finding comfort for this, odd, quirky journey of mine involves being open to connecting with circumstances and people and learning how to love at a deeper level.

      Yesterday I wrote a song during church, it was about not doubting when God gives you a vision, a purpose and a plan. To reach out and believe that in the middle of the suffering you can discover creative ways to become part of the healing process. I would share it here but I gave my only copy to a friend at church to whom I sensed the song was for. Her vision is for youth.

      Yesterday, rich with family, worship, and music eating food was an "eat to live" kind of thing rather than a "live to eat" . Fleetingly a bag of Doritos called my name but micro-wave popcorn was a better choice. This week is ahead, yesterday I think I smiled and laughed all day. My song, my joy is returning.

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