Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 3: More from along the trail

     Awake before five, song in my head. I love mornings.  It's like getting a package of new socks. When my children were little, they always loved getting ready to go back to school. We'd make lists, we'd plan and then we'd shop. When we'd shop each child would have their own special extravagance; a pair of name brand shoes or jeans; a special outfit.  Teaching them about money involved letting them understand one expensive item would cost several less expensive shirts or pants.
     They were so precious planning their outfits, mixing and matching colors and styles.  Very early they learned about budgets. We'd bring all the new clothes home and the rules were, you couldn't wear your new clothes until the first day of school. How they so longed to wear their new things. They would barter and beg looking for me to give in. One especially tempting package for them was always the packages of new socks. Sometimes they would give in to temptation and I would find them running out to play their bright white socks loudly proclaiming their weakness.
      Morning is like those packages of new socks for me, I can hardly wait to open them. There is something fresh and new in  morning air, the whole beginning again new is a gift. How fortunate I am that I am not burdened down with regrets and pain from past mistakes.
       At work yesterday it struck me how much sadness was in my client’s faces. As I looked around my group I realized not really any of them looked happy, instead the weight of their pasts were mirrored in their faces. I almost felt guilty for being so happy, as if somehow the blessings of my own life mocked theirs. But one thing I know, my freedom from guilt and shame came only through God's healing power.    
      There was a time when all my  mistakes, (many) haunted me and not being able to forgive myself and others made my life very unhappy. I learned that through prayer, mine and others, I could find the peace of forgiveness I longed for.  It was and is a journey of learning.
      It is as if you see a high mountain in the hills, you drive to find where it starts. You discover the trail that leads to its peak and decide to get out and climb. The pack on your back is heavy, the straps hurt but you persist. Climbing, climbing, climbing until finally after several days you reach the summit and enjoy the breath-taking vista of eons of valleys, hills and rivers painting the distance with their colors of greens and blues.
      On this journey of my life I've made the decision I need to pack a little more wisely.* to acquire some new healthier ways of living. It is a new adventure and I want to move forward. It is Day Three and yesterday apples, bananas and salads were choices that made that day a healthy one. Sharing with people, listening to people and caring made it a happy one.
* P.S. I will pack new socks.

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