Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 84 The lull before the storm

Sunday today, just another day in paradise. Up, reading more through the book of Romans, trying to connect with more of how I can relate to the Bible. Yesterday afternoon, watched another In Touch television show with Charles Stanley.  He speaks in a level I can understand relating Scripture to real life in a way I can connect. The points that I took away from his message is that when you get real and serious with Jesus in your life, you will do things you've never done before, go places you've never been before, and give up things you've held to very tightly.

In my life, since people tell me things about themselves that are private, not-to-be shared, a lot of what happens to me I can't share.  It's as if on a spiritual level I connect with other people in moments of time, they move on and only God knows the what happens to them. It's strange in a weird sort of way.  My journey is mostly comprised of coming alongside someone elses journey just for a while, and moving on. 

Sunday school, me in a class mostly married folks trying to blend in sans husband. I find the less I talk the more I just kind of fade into the background. I find I am becoming very creative with paper folding. I can listen and focus on being quiet, my sympathy is aroused for the guys in the treatment center who have to listen to lectures over and over, sitting still being quiet isn't all that easy. Note to self, make lectures more interactive.

Church, and I play the organ, not well, just enough to blend in, (a theme perhaps).  After the music time I look for a seat and find myself in the foyer sitting besides another lady. We visit for while and a relative finds me to let me know a young man is wandering through the building. I find the young man, engage him in conversation and spend the next hour listening to his world. He is afraid I will judge him and I reassure him I won't, "People go through things I assure him." He continues to share until service is over. He is brought a meal and I go to find him a ride to his destination. He's walked over 12 miles to get to the church and has another 10 to get to a relatives house. He says he hasn't slept in days.

He thanks me for my time and I tell him I will pray for him.  Another chance encounter hopefully with some kind of renewed sense of purpose and at least a softening towards the things of God. I will not know in this lifetime.

I wait another two hours for a fund-raiser to be completed, dinner, dishes, clean-up and spend my time waiting  playing the piano in the sanctuary. Almost, but not quite I feel like singing again. I haven't sang for over three years and although I've been requested to sing again, the music is not quite in my soul yet.  Almost.

I'm at the library now, checking the times of a movie. I promised a grandson I would take him and he reminds me of the promise. Snug, wrapped up in sweater, sweatshirt, jeans and scarf much of me feels like going home, enjoying my recliner and enjoying the peaceful afternoon. Will my keeping this commitment mean anything in the space of this young person's life?  I don't know and I struggle with putting off the 15 mile drive to the theater and the 2.5 hours watching a predominately "guy flick".

Sigh, so much of life is a trade off of wanting to be "that" person for other people and being tempted to take comfort in the small things of life like watching a fragrant candle flicker on the fireplace mantle.

Sunday's are my lull before the storm of my week. Five full days of being busy, busy, busy and listening to so many different issues. The lull, the eye of the storm is a nice place to be but it is only for a while, Next to me flags wave in the breeze, barren trees reach their leafless branches to the sky and I must move on.

To those of you enjoying a lazy Sunday afternoon, greetings. May your day be blessed with many moments and lulls of peace and comfort.  Tomorrow awaits, and a rest is needed. Be blessed.

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