Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 87 What If????

Day 87- What if ??

In church this morning when our pastor spoke, he said felt God wanted to convey a word of encouragement to someone, that word was, “Trust.” I thought on that for a while as an international missionary couple talked about their mission and ministry in Spain.

This afternoon, enjoying the sunny, bright crisp winter day from the comfort of my family room couch my thoughts continued to evolve. “Trust.” What if I began to operate daily on the fact that I can trust God’s promises. What if each action and attitude of my heart acts on the premise that what God has said in the Bible is written for me, will I suddenly find myself making horrendous mistakes? Will my finances plummet even further?  Will my career efforts instead of being successful become dismally projected towards failure?

At this point of my life, the fact of the matter is, deciding to act as if God is real, and loves me, and will take care of me no matter what, can’t hurt. Thinking about that actually makes me want to sing, and a new song is bubbling up in my soul,


“Walking on water, how does it feel?

Knowing that believing, will make it real.

I know it’s not easy to face the waves

With  Jesus beside me, I can obey.

When the wind blows strong, I sing this song

My faith it might falter, but not for long

For when I am weary and start to fall

That’s when he lifts me, my all in all.

Well, that’s just the beginning of the song. Now, night is falling and my evening is begun. The what if’s of tomorrow stretch ahead.

 What if tomorrow is the day, my joy comes in the morning?

Be happy and be blessed.




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