Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 56 Eight weeks 'til Thanksgiving

      Yesterday at Weight Watchers, I was delighted to see I had lost more weight. I've lost 17.6 pounds so far and am much stronger than I was earlier in the summer. Of interest to me was the fact, there are only eight weeks until Thanksgiving.

     It's incredible that with 70 and 80 degree days we are that close to the holidays. Truly what my mother told me in her later years is true, "Robin, the older you get, the faster the time goes." It's true and now I, 62 notice the days, weeks, months, years fly by with a rapidity I want to stop but am unable to, caught by the cycle of birth, life and death.

      My plans had been to escape to the mountains or ocean yesterday. To hug the last few days of warm weather to me like the favorite blanket of a child. But, I had a wonderful opportunity to get as many free apples as I wanted from the orchard of church friends and I could not pass it up. The morning was bright, sunny and warm. My friend's orchard, beautiful, green mowed grass blanketing under the trees rich with ripe, sweet fruit. For me, an apple lover, it was it's own sweet paradise. I came ready to pick what I could, armed with boxes and a strong, young grandson. The friends, young and old helped us and in an hour or so we had nine huge, heavy boxes of apples, one heavy bucket of apples, 1/2 box of pears, 1/4 box of Italian plums. As we left the grandmother, a dear friend of mine for many years, gave me a gift of chives, to season my meals.

       Once home, strong as I'm getting I was unable to lift any of the boxes out of my van and the grandson had a big chore of bringing the boxes up a flight of stairs into the house. My dining room table right now is laden with hundreds of pounds of fruit. Once the owner of a dehydrator that someone borrowed and didn't return, I resorted to halving and pitting two trays of plums to dry into sweet, chewy goodness in the oven over-night.

       I made one pan of steaming hot, sweet applesauce, a weeks worth of chili, and a mashed potato, green bean, hamburger casserole that's been a favorite fall comfort food for many years. I picked up a copy of the Avenger's movie and my grandson and I relaxed, enjoying the movie before going to Saturday night worship team practice.

     It was not the day I planned, but with apples a dollar a pound and more at the store it was a day I could not afford to miss. Today, Sunday School, church, a birthday party and weekly shopping, my ocean trip seems farther and farther away.

         Last night, I had some trouble staying asleep. Something someone recently did to hurt me financially came to haunt me. Ironically forgiveness and resentments is a lecture topic I give to groups of men at the treatment center every month. Well, at the treatment center I can't share Jesus per se but can only talk in terms of Higher Power, and discovering spirituality. At home however, I know that only God can heal the hurt and give me His Spirit to forgive others when they hurt me. 

And so, I claim the verse in I John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." I ask God to forgive my unforgiving heart, and to take away my resentments. And, I sleep.

        This morning, the golden sun, another bright, wonderful day, I feel peaceful. The situation have not changed with the financial issues, but they seem farther away from my heart. I know God will help me survive, He always has. The other lesson I've learned, yet again, is how important keeping your word is. Today I've promised to go to Sunday and School and Church. I've promised to go to a birthday party later.

        All of those things I would like to set aside and run to the ocean for a last fling in the sun. But, I said I would, so I will. We have a little saying we have all the men say at the treatment center, "I'm a man worthy of love, honor, trust, dignity and respect." For me, that's true only to the degree that I allow and seek the Spirit of God to continually renew my heart and mind and spirit. It's my goal, it's my mission. And so, maybe somehow I can steal a hour or two to be in the sun at the ocean. To walk the beach, feel the sand smoosh between my toes and drink in the clean ocean breezes. I can hope, I can try. We'll see. In the meantime, I must be up and about my day.

Today may you find your own retreat, your connection with God and renewal of heart and mind. Have a blessed Sunday.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 55 A Lull

Woke up today before five am. It's dark outside, and the distant sound of occasional cars making their way through the night comes through my window. I feel a strange calm this am. I'm not hungry, not looking to get my morning coffee, just an awareness I'm alive and the cool early morning air is coming through my window.

     I read my daily devotionals and they are somehow flat, the words lay on the page like so much ink spilled out and left much like the first fall leaves, now brown crisps laying on the dry, Indian summer baked ground. My Bible reading, also dry read amid text I've underlined and highlighted in the past, but now read doesn't resonate with my soul to the same degree of fervor.

          I know spiritual seasons come and go. There are times when God "feels" close, and the sense of His presence permeates my days. And, there are days like today where I feel alone, perched on this edge of the universe, myself, my cats, dogs and a siren piercing the dawn's darkness. Where is God? Did He change? No, it's my human heart, worn down by work, disappointments with family and friends and needing renewal.

        My walking companion told me yesterday on our daily noon hiking time, "You should give up your trips to the ocean and mountains and invest that money in ways to sustain your family if disaster comes." I tried to explain, that my away times to nature are my times to recoup, to refresh, to renew. To find in nature my spiritual roots that have become dry and brittle in the the daily grind of working with people. This morning I wonder, "Can I just keep working 24-7 and still maintain that vital, vibrant connection to God and life?"

        In the Bible, Jesus went to the hills, seashore, and gardens to pray, and be alone. If He needed time away, is it insanity to even suppose I can keep going at a fever pitch and still have my spiritual self in good health, mentally, spiritually, emotionally?

      I don't know, I think perhaps for me, the constant strain of listening, talking with people drains my emotional reserves, and I must recharge, much like my laptop. Nothing, too terribly mystical, just part and parcel of the human condition.

      As a younger person, when a lull in my spiritual life would come, I made bad choices. I would drift away from my spiritual center and wander off. Now, in the later part of my life, I will not create chaos by wandering away from my life principles. I will, hopefully do the chores and errands I need to do and then run to the mountains or ocean to drink deeply in the scent of trees, and water and majestic vastness. To pray, to seek God's face and rediscover my enthusiasm for life, my job and my family.

      There's a line from an old song running through my head, "running on empty...." That's me this am, running on empty. I know next week looms ahead with it's lectures, groups, clients, family, friends, and challenges. If I ignore my needs this weekend I run the risk of facing next week with a barren soul, unable to love unconditionally individuals who by in large are used to taking, taking, taking. And so, I make a commitment to myself, now, early before the day begins. I will take time for my self-care, which includes getting away. Can I afford it financially? No. But can I afford not to? No!

         To each of you, wherever you are, remember you cannot be your best, if you don't take time to rest. In the hurry, hurry pace most of us live, this seems like an old, out of date homily. A little Ben Franklinism, out of a time where vitamins, positive thinking, and energy drinks didn't exist. It is still a message to our hearts and souls today............ take a Sabbath rest to renew your soul. God is still there, prayer changes things, but we are human and a time away will do wonders for me, (and you) to face life with a positive spirit, a solid faith, renewed vision and purpose.

To everyone who reads this, be blessed. Have a wonderful weekend and find your own mountain-top retreat. 

Day 55 - a lull in the storm

Woke up today before five am. It's dark outside, and the distant sound of occasional cars making their way through the night comes through my window. I feel a strange calm this am. I'm not hungry, not looking to get my morning coffee, just an awareness I'm alive and the cool early morning air is coming through my window.

I read my daily devotionals and they are somehow flat, the words lay on the page like so much ink spilled out and left much like the first fall leaves, now brown crisps laying on the dry, Indian summer baked ground. My Bible reading, also dry read amid text I've underlined and highlighted in the past, but now read doesn't resonate with my soul to the same degree of fervor.

I know spiritual seasons come and go. There are times when God "feels" close, and the sense of His presence permeates my days. And, there are days like today where I feel alone, perched on this edge of the universe, myself, my cats, dogs and a siren piercing the dawn's darkness. Where is God? Did He change? No, it's my human heart, worn down by work, disappointments with family and friends and needing renewal.

My walking companion told me yesterday on our daily noon hiking time, "You should give up your trips to the ocean and mountains and invest that money in ways to sustain your family if disaster comes." I tried to explain, that my away times to nature are my times to recoup, to refresh, to renew. To find in nature my spirtual roots that have become dry and brittle in the the daily grind of working with people. This morning I wonder, "Can I just keep working 24-7 and still maintain that vital, vibrant connection to God and life?"

In the Bible, Jesus went to the hills, seashore, and gardens to pray, and be alone. If He needed time away, is it insanity to even suppose I can keep going at a fever pitch and still have my spiritual self in good health?

I don't know, I think perhaps for me, the constant strain of listening, talking with people drains my emotional reserves, and I must recharge, much like my laptop. Nothing, too terribly mystical, just part and parcel of the human condition.

As a younger person, when a lull would come, I made bad choices. I would drift away from my spiritual center and wander off. Now, in the later part of my life, I will not create chaos by wandering away from my life principles. I will, hopefully do the chores and errands I need to do and then run to the mountains or ocean to drink deeply in the scent of trees, and water and majestic vastness. To pray, to seek God's face and rediscover my enthusiam for life, my job and my family.

There's a line from an old song running through my head, "running on empty...." That's me this am, running on empty. I know next week looms ahead with it's lectures, groups, clients, family, friends, and challenges. If I ignore my needs this weekend I run the risk of facing next week with a barren soul, unable to love unconditionally individuals who by in large are used to taking, taking, taking. And so, I make a comittment to myself, now, early before the day begins. I will take time for my self-care, which includes getting away. Can I afford it financially? No. But can I afford not to? No!

To each of you, wherever you are, remember you cannot be your best, if you don't take time to rest. In the hurry, hurry pace most of us live, this seems like an old, out of date homily. A little Ben Franklinism, out of a time where vitamins, positive thinking, and energy drinks didn't exist. It is still a message to our hearts and souls today............ take a Sabbath rest to renew your soul. God is still there, prayer changes things, but we are human and a time away will do wonders for me, (and you) to face life with a positive spirit, a solid faith, renewed vision and purpose.

To everyone who reads this, be blessed. Have a wonderful weekend and find your own mountain-top retreat.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 54 Keeping on, keeping on


      I've been awake since 4 am, now 5 am it's pitch black outside and I realize the full throes of fall are upon us. Reading my devotionals this morning, one contained the acceptance speech for a woman who received the Nobel Peace Prize, although untitled I'm assuming it's Mother T,heresa. Contained in that speech is so much self-sacrifice, so much dedication to a higher calling. I realize, I fall so short of that daily. Each morning I start out, fresh from reading my Bible, full of good intentions. It doesn't take too long until the complications of life, personalities, and circumstances find me anything but being Mother Theresa, or an image of God's love towards man.

      So each day, I fall short of my goal. I'm reading Phillipians right now and I love a number of verses in that book. Paul, faced with the realization of a constant lack of perfection says this,
 "I do not count myself as having attained, but one thing I do. Forgetting those things which are behind I reach forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal of the prize of the upward call of God in C hrist Jesus."

Phillipians 3:13-14

      Daily, I begin again, to begin again. I accept my shortcomings and pray to be stronger, kinder, wiser and more foscused on what God wants me to become. Another couple of verses I love are found in the next chapter of Phillipians,

"Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing but by prayer and supplication (asking with thanksgiving) let your requests be known unto God. And the peace of God which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
Phillipians 4-7

      For me, the promise of peace is so wonderful. Without God in my life, the stresses and strains become overwhelming. With God, they are still there for sure, but I know He will see me through.It's like my daily walk. Yesterday my walking companion was too tired to walk. He had worked all weekend and needed a break. I knew I had to walk, or I would fall back into the habit of inactivity. So I set out, beautiful fall day, alone, determined to keep going. I set out at a brisk pace but avoided the wood path since I was alone. I went about 2.5 miles through streets of houses, my goal a car dealership to ask a question about my truck. The way there was downhill, easy, light breeze. It was nothing. The way back was uphill, not steep, but more challenging. However, once started, I was committed to finishing my course.
      The Christian life has it's challenges too, there are some easy places, but a lot of uphill places too. Not giving up, not looking back at where we've failed is the only way to stay positive. To keep looking at the goal and realize that Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, and He will help us, encourages me in those more difficult spots, where maybe I look at others and start to become discouraged.

      It helps to go to church weekly and be with others who believe. The music, the sermon all are spiritual food. Daily, reading a devotional and the Bible help me work on keeping spiritually fit. I fall short of perfection daily, but not giving up, not giving in, mean that over-all there is a steady growth of character in my life. 

      Today, faced with the treatment center with all it's strange twists and turns, I know I will be challenged hour by hour to keep my eyes fixed on God's purpose and plan for my life. To not get side-tracked into personalities and situations but to realize, ultimately, my job is to be a reflection of the love of God.

Best of everthing to you all in your lives, wherever you are. May the love of God be in your life, and may your days be blessed. Keep looking up.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 53 Finally Fall

Well it's official, fall is here. I've sensed it in the air for several weeks now, the deep smell of earth, leaves and trees returning to their winter home. This morning, early, before dawn, I was awake luxuriating in the joy of not having to wake up at 5 and get ready for work. A deep, resounding call beckoned me through the early morning hours. Mighty ships on the Columbia River, sounding out their deep, resonate fog horns. Some five miles away, the sleepy river flows, ships to and from the ocean making their way with cargoes, sliding through the autumn's cover of fog.

House payments, utility bills, gas to commute, I'm grounded this weekend to the house unless someone gifts me with $25 dollars so I can delight in the afternoon at the coast. I don't think that's going to happen, (the money thing) so I will find things to do at home, after a morning at church. It will be a long morning, music practice, Sunday School, Church, and then an after church spaghetti feed fund-raiser. It's OK though, I have made the commitment to attend and that's part of the fabric of my life.

A grandson gifted me yesterday with a wonderful large shelf in the laundry room. He used scrap wood and built a truly awesome shelf. Part of me knows that shelf will remain until the day I leave this home and downsize. It was made with love and that makes it all the more special. Perhaps, my afternoon at home will be deep-cleaning that room and organizing the stuff of camping, and Christmas, and projects that "someday" I'll get to.

As "some days" wind down in my life, I increasingly sense the fleetingness of time. I can remember as a child, waiting, waiting, waiting for summer to come until finally, it opened like a present on Christmas morning. Now, in my sixties, the weeks roll by with a blink of an eye and grand kids grow so quickly I cherish each moment knowing it is just a brief second of time, fading in the light of day.

I am happy this morning, sitting next to my window over-looking the ravine of woods and streams. Birds call to each other and the crisp air whispers it's early call of fall. I am fortunate, so lucky to have my health at this stage of life. The joy of being strong and getting fit will be mine for a season only, I know. But, while it lasts, I am oh so grateful.

Finding those reasons to be thankful helps me stay positive in the midst of disappointments from friends and family that are the part and parcel of being human. No one person can ever bring us happiness. Like time, happiness is an elusive, fleeting emotion that if sought after as an end is like chasing your shadow on a summer's day, you'll never catch it, that's for sure.

        With God as my anchor, the ship of my life can keep sailing on seas where waters might be troubled, where storms might assail, but I can remain safe, secure, and focused on tomorrow. That is something else I am grateful for, my hope, my trust that in spite of what appears frightening that God will see me through. I like the verse, Romans 8:28, And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those that are the called according to His purpose."

Looking outside my window, I see that the cedar boughs of the trees have the kiss of golden sun. The fog horns continue their low serenade and I know I must start my day.

Today, if your life ship is sailing on seas, rough and storm tossed, seek your safe harbor in Jesus. He is the anchor of souls, steadfast and sure. May you have a blessed Sunday and find peace and joy through believing God is good, and prayer changes things.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 52 - On my weigh!!!!

Saturday morning here, bright sunny, wonderfully Fall.  I just finished my Weight Watchers meeting.  Happy to report this week I lost 4.4 pounds for a total weight loss of 16.6!!  I have a ways to go but so much fun to realize there's less of me to love.

I continue to car-pool to work and it's saving me a lot of money and I am enjoying the freedom to visit with the two ladies I ride with. So many experiences we have in treatment we cannot really share with our families and it is a huge stress reliever to be able to process all the frustrating, annoying things that people can do or say in the course of a day.
My friend at work and I continue to hike, walk every lunch.  We push ourselves to go up more hills, walk longer.  He reported to me yesterday that in the two weeks or so we've been doing this he's lost 17 pounds!!!  How exciting to know that we're both getting fit.  Many people at work bring food to share, last week alone I could have eaten myself into oblivion, several times. On top of which staff are allowed 'free breakfast' and cake every Thursday.I just keep my good health guidelines in view and avoid most free food with a passion.

Last weekend I took my bike and a relative to the coast and we rode the trails at Fort Stevens.  How cool that I can ride some trails effortlessly that earlier in the year were killing me to attempt.

Our spiritual life is like that too, the more we seek God and try to do what he wants, the more some good habits are put in place. I've had a couple people this week flash on me (get mad) and because I've been practicing exercising self-control energized by God's spirit in me, it wasn't any big deal to be kind, be calm and get on with business. Back in the day, I would have said or done something I would later regretted.

Building myself up spiritually involves daily Bible reading, keep short accounts with God daily, learning to be humble, and prayer, prayer, prayer.  I let my clients know I'm not naturally a mellow person, which they now think I am.  I've explained that naturally I'm a hot-tempered person who has made many bad choices.  They look at me, calm, putting up with multiple guys mouthing off and find it hard to believe.  I assure them that everyone, ev-er-y-one in life has to connect with their HP (Higher Power), do some soul-searching and work on their character defects.

For me, the saving grace, the saving faith in my life has been Jesus Christ.  He has made the way for me to forgive myself, accept forgiveness and move on. I have found peace for the journey, help for the way, a joy in believing someday joy will come in the morning. I encourage all of you, seek God, try Jesus. What do you have to lose?   You h ave everything to gain.

Today, may God's peace surround you.  May you be called by His Holy Spirit into  a personal relationship with Him.  May you find your own way to a new life, or a life that is increasingly finding joy  in the morning.

Day 52 -

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 51 - That clean feeling

     Yesterday was one of those busy, must do days. It was also a beautiful, warm, sunny, clear fall day that I can never, ever get enough of. But, and this is important, there are so many things in life that are "must do's" if we don't do them things will not be good.
     So, after an exciting meeting at Weight Watchers, where I now have officially lost 5% of my total body weight we shopped for the weeks food. Budget conscious, weight conscious, lots of fruit, milk, yogurt, lean meat and veggies went into the cart. How fortunate I am at this time in my life that I can buy food to feed us.  I know in many parts of the United States and around the world many people are struggling to eat right, if they can eat at all. So with a grateful heart we buy our food and go home.
    At home, putting the groceries away I mentally go over my list of what's going to the dump.  This and that and the other thing.  The truck if loaded up and we visit another relative who wants to share the trip.  The drive to the dump is about an hour from where I live. A beautiful drive with glimpses of the Columbia River, hills and beautiful trees, here and there with the marks of fall in oranges, yellows and occasional red.  I love driving my truck, it's big, it's new, it's powerful. We listen to K-Love on the radio and enjoy the drive.
   Well I'm finally old enough that I don't load trucks anymore, or unload them so at the dump I watch other people unload their loads. One guy had about 30 very nice doors he threw away.  Reformed dumpster diver that I am I still think, "Hey, I could use those for something, for sure."  Another couple of people pull in and their bags, boxes, etc. go out of the trucks with bangs, plops, and crashes.
   Home finally we discover we can use the rented steam cleaner another famiy rented and my day changes. Moving furniture, vacuuming, the rug cleaning begins.  How wonderful to see the dark water fill the tank.  How rewarding to know dirt and grime is leaving my home. It's a wonderful clean feeling. This morning, up early before six I go out and admire my floors. Not new carpet for sure, but clean carpet, fresh smelling carpet. Yeah! I notice the carpeted stairs need a good shampoo and so the days begins again.
   When I was a little girl, my parents took me to a Baptist church.  At that time, they were renting an old theater in downtown Auburn, Washington. I thought it was cool. The sanctuary sloped down to the stage and a couple of box seats were located high up in the walls. The stage had a couple of seats and a huge maroon, velvet like curtain that they could push a button and open and close.    

 At five, my heart was very tender to the things of God.  Missionaries would come showing us slides of people in different countries, they would  tell us how those people had never heard that Jesus loves them, and that they were lost.
      When the altar call was given for those who wanted to become missionaries, I went forward, all stout, sturdy five years of me. My profession of accepting Christ was taken seriously and some time later I had the thrill of discovering that one of the high box seats in the front of the theater/sanctuary had a big "bathtub" full of warm water.  The pastor and my parents had explained to me about baptism.  That it is the outward sign of an inward act of the washing and cleansing work of Jesus in our hearts and lives when we ask Him into our hearts.
   So one Sunday, high above all the other church goers I looked out of the high box window. The pastor asked me if I had asked Jesus into my heart, and in my small childish voice I answered, "Yes I have."  Then gently he lowered me into the water baptising me in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  It was a special moment for me.
   Later in my life, I rebelled and ran from God, my parents and the church.  I did many stupid things which filled me with a sense of shame and regret.  I just didn't feel clean anymore, because I wasn't. I had allowed things in the world to convince me that right and wrong were philosophical concepts. That religion was something our parents brainwashed us with. And so, having experienced much of what the world offered, I wound up broken, bruised, and anything but clean.
   I repented, and I'm sad and glad to say that this happened more than once that I returned to the faith and God of my childhood after wandering away.  Each time I returned, before the final and true commitment for life, I felt a renewed sense of being clean, of being pure and being happy.  I no longer experienced the sense of guilt and regret because I lifted those memories to God and over time I believe He healed me.  The memories are still there, but the sting is gone.
   As an adult, aware fully of what salvation meant to me and for me, I asked to be baptized again. Which I was.  It was a significant event, which for me was a public testimony of a new beginning. 
   Feeling clean, feeling pure is of great value.  It allows me the freedom to experience joy and peace while accepting my imperfections. It allows me to accept what Christ did for me on the cross and to move forward in my life, knowing I'm forgiven.
  Today, if in your own life, you're experiencing a loss of feeling clean, turn to Jesus.  He is the one who can fill your heart and life with His life. He died to save us, He died to cleanse us, and He died to give us life, abundant life.  Well, I've got to get ready for church, I hope where ever you are, what ever your circumstances you have a wonderful day, with renewed hope, purpose and power. Keep looking up!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day 51- When weary.............face the challenges

"Let us not grow weary while doing good to everyone, for in due time we will reap if we do not lose heart (and give up) " Galatians 6:9

    On occasion I feel tired. At the end of a long week after talking to dozens of people, making dozens of phone calls, emails, giving lectures, having groups, I'm tired. What I have discovered is that to the degree that I'm worn out, to that degree my enthusiasm lessens. I'm apt to be less excited about projects, visions, dreams and goals. I believe it's safe to say that this is part of the human condition that affects all of us.
      Yesterday, coming home after a long week of 12 hour days, the rain came for a brief moment. Just a few minutes, bringing up the rich earth smell of freshness. The last 12 miles of my commute are along a highway lined with hills and thousands of trees. Driving along, the last few drops of rain drying on my windshield, yellow, orange, and faded green leaves drifted down lazily dusting the highway with their goodbye to summer. It has been a wonderful summer, long rich days with so many excursions to the hills, river and ocean. Part of me protests summer's goodbye and I want to reach out and stop the seasons. But I can't, no more than I can stop the seasons in my own life from happening.
   Each of us faces the fact we are here so temporarily, just for a moment of time. Without connecting to God, it's possible to have a sense of despondency over how fleetingly we connect with earth, our loved ones and our hopes and dreams. With God, admittedly it's still challenging but we have a hope of a future forever with God and that beckons us on to a present commitment to stay focused on what we are doing now.

   But like the leaves, there are times and seasons and with each change, there are differences of what we can and should do. For me now, pressing on with work, and life I have to wait out the challenges of seeing results. I can not allow the fact, many times in life we don't see the results of our labors. We continue trying to do good, to offer help, to pray, to comfort and often it appears as if what we are doing effects no change. That is where faith comes in.  the belief that with God all things are possible, and like the verse Galatians 6:9, if we continue we will see the results of our labors, if, and this is important, if we don't give up.

      Getting fit after sixty is challenging. Especially if you've allowed yourself to get way out of shape like I have. It's possible to get discouraged and think, "What's the use?" or "I'll never get there!" That's why I go to a support group weekly. There I see other people facing the same challenges and finding success, reaching their goals, becoming fit. This encourages me, and strengthens me with resolve to keep going, even when I'm weary.

    The Christian life is like that too. Often, it might seem as if everything your working on just doesn't seem to work. As if the people and situations are not going to get better. That's where daily prayer and Bible reading help. It's as if your soul is a plant that needs watering, without daily Bible reading and prayer your soul languishes and droops. Also without fellowship, friendship with other believers your spirit can start feeling alone, isolated and discouraged.

   My journey through this season of life includes a desire to become fit physically and spiritually. I am committed when weary to keep on doing the basics. I know if I do, the results will come eventually.

   Today, if you in your own life have reached a place of discouragement, look up. Put your hope in God. Pray ask for help. Then look around and find others who are also seeking to improve their life now, and in the future. Surround yourself with people who have goals, who have hope and who have found God. Weeping may endure for a night.................but your joy will eventually come in the morning.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 50 - Friends on the journey


      In my life, things are so fast-paced that one day fades into the next; the week-ends come and go and I find breathers when I can. Part of this hectic pace is the fact I work at a treatment center where we have a great deal of paperwork. We tell what the clients have done, what they are going to do, and what we think about what they've done. We have all kinds of forms that go into files, in order, over and over and over again.

         I call it, "quite a tap dance." I don't know why I picked up that name it just seemed to fit. Our agency has had dozens of people come and leave, unable or unwilling to keep up the frantic pace. Not too long ago we voted to join a Union, now several months, I find I am not as pressured to work later, longer and harder. I'm strongly encouraged to take on more work but the threats of losing my job are not an issue. Sixty-two and I'm in my first Union, to me that's very wierd. I can see that over time, Unions gain strength within an organization and business. They can unite to mobilize and change practices and principles. To force change, if you will. In some real ways they provide a valuable service, they are "back up" to insure people are treated a certain way.

      Today on my noon walk, I was joined by another counselor. We walked yesterday through the hills and woods near our agency. The late summer heat, rich, ripe blackberries added to the ambiance of forested hills with a picturesque winding trail. It was a beautiful walk. Today, my walking partner decided to switch it up and we walked our route backwards. How surprising to find that the grade was steeper going backwards, for a longer period of time. Part way up a long strech of steep road, breathing heavily my companion asked me, "Do you need to stop and rest?" Me, stubbornly perhaps, forced my voice to sound normal and answered, "No, I'm good, " continuing to climb, pain searing my leg muscles.

      On the walk we discussed end times. He, a Bible student knew so many facts and details I knew nothing about. It was intriguing to me to learn how current events were playing into the last days. For certain I could not follow every detail but it was chilling to realize that perhaps five years from now life as we know it would be radically changed for everyone.

      Through the woods finally, I asked him to walk further and I would show him an apple tree with wonderful apples. Some seventeen blocks later, in a parking lot we reached up and picked beautiful, ripe green apples blushed with red. "They're really good I told him, take more than one." He listened and together munching the sweet white meat we walked back to the treatment center.

      In the Bible, the disciples did not realize it was Jesus with them until they walked and talked together. There is something very special about finding people to share your thoughts about your faith with. Discovering common goals, core truths it much like going back to your home town and finding some of the old places still intact.

      God intended us to be in fellowship with Him and with each other. Talking about the things of God has a richness to it that nothing else can match. It is as if a third presence was on our walk, God Himself. The Bible says, where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them. I believe it, God-infused moments are special, much like those sweet, ripe apples plucked at their peak.

      Someone who loves music can appreciate the tonal complexity of a composition when they hear it. It resonates with their soul. Someone without Christ as their Savior cannot hear the melody at all when God is being talked about. It is as if they are watching life on a black and white televsion. They are missing so much of what is really there.

      Jesus said, "I have come to bring them life and more abundantly." Dare today to believe and move forward in your life finding a deeper joy and sense of wonder in little things. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and if we are in Christ and He in us, how much wonder to we have yet to behold? Today, open your heart and ask God to give you insight into His plan for your life. Begin by asking Him to forgive yours sins, and to come into your heart and life.

John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. The whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life, abundant everlasting life. Have a wonderful blessed day.