Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day 51- When weary.............face the challenges

"Let us not grow weary while doing good to everyone, for in due time we will reap if we do not lose heart (and give up) " Galatians 6:9

    On occasion I feel tired. At the end of a long week after talking to dozens of people, making dozens of phone calls, emails, giving lectures, having groups, I'm tired. What I have discovered is that to the degree that I'm worn out, to that degree my enthusiasm lessens. I'm apt to be less excited about projects, visions, dreams and goals. I believe it's safe to say that this is part of the human condition that affects all of us.
      Yesterday, coming home after a long week of 12 hour days, the rain came for a brief moment. Just a few minutes, bringing up the rich earth smell of freshness. The last 12 miles of my commute are along a highway lined with hills and thousands of trees. Driving along, the last few drops of rain drying on my windshield, yellow, orange, and faded green leaves drifted down lazily dusting the highway with their goodbye to summer. It has been a wonderful summer, long rich days with so many excursions to the hills, river and ocean. Part of me protests summer's goodbye and I want to reach out and stop the seasons. But I can't, no more than I can stop the seasons in my own life from happening.
   Each of us faces the fact we are here so temporarily, just for a moment of time. Without connecting to God, it's possible to have a sense of despondency over how fleetingly we connect with earth, our loved ones and our hopes and dreams. With God, admittedly it's still challenging but we have a hope of a future forever with God and that beckons us on to a present commitment to stay focused on what we are doing now.

   But like the leaves, there are times and seasons and with each change, there are differences of what we can and should do. For me now, pressing on with work, and life I have to wait out the challenges of seeing results. I can not allow the fact, many times in life we don't see the results of our labors. We continue trying to do good, to offer help, to pray, to comfort and often it appears as if what we are doing effects no change. That is where faith comes in.  the belief that with God all things are possible, and like the verse Galatians 6:9, if we continue we will see the results of our labors, if, and this is important, if we don't give up.

      Getting fit after sixty is challenging. Especially if you've allowed yourself to get way out of shape like I have. It's possible to get discouraged and think, "What's the use?" or "I'll never get there!" That's why I go to a support group weekly. There I see other people facing the same challenges and finding success, reaching their goals, becoming fit. This encourages me, and strengthens me with resolve to keep going, even when I'm weary.

    The Christian life is like that too. Often, it might seem as if everything your working on just doesn't seem to work. As if the people and situations are not going to get better. That's where daily prayer and Bible reading help. It's as if your soul is a plant that needs watering, without daily Bible reading and prayer your soul languishes and droops. Also without fellowship, friendship with other believers your spirit can start feeling alone, isolated and discouraged.

   My journey through this season of life includes a desire to become fit physically and spiritually. I am committed when weary to keep on doing the basics. I know if I do, the results will come eventually.

   Today, if you in your own life have reached a place of discouragement, look up. Put your hope in God. Pray ask for help. Then look around and find others who are also seeking to improve their life now, and in the future. Surround yourself with people who have goals, who have hope and who have found God. Weeping may endure for a night.................but your joy will eventually come in the morning.

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