Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 47 - Keep on keeping on

            Hello and good day to everyone. Last week at my Weight Watchers meeting I celebrated losing 3.8 pounds.  I faced a three day weekend which stretched out like a wonderful present for me to open. I used my days to enjoy the beautiful Oregon coast. The first day I shared last blog, the Labor Day trek I've yet to journal.

We set off, minivan full of family driving into the bright, crisp near fall day. The closer we got to the coast the clearer and brighter the sun. We decided to go to Canon Beach.  Once there three grand kids played in the sand; digging holes, climbing enjoying the beach. I sat for a few minutes and realized all of me wanted to walk. I convinced a daughter to bring one small grandson and we walked the beach, toying with the surf and delighting in watching the young child relish the fun of waves washing in and tugging at his toes.  About a mile down the beach we turned and walked back, exploring for shells, rocks and dead bugs. Things boys love.

Back at the sand dig, now a large, deep hole thanks to the shoveling of one older grandchild, we decided to clean off the sand  and take the kids to Mo's restaurant. I love the place for the beach front views of the ocean, truly breath-taking. I looked over the menu carefully, I know on  Weight Watchers I can have  49 extra points a week, if I want. I knew I could have anything on the menu.  That's a feeling of empowerment for sure, but all I really wanted was a bowl of their clam chowder. We ordered and enjoyed our meal.

  Now an active hiker, I encouraged a trip to nearby Ecola State Park. Once there I noticed a trail head I had not seen before.  "Let's go!" I encouraged the rest of the party.  We began the high coastal mountain trail. It wound through what appeared to be some old growth timber.  The trail climbed higher and higher at what was a fairly steep incline. I noticed myself starting to breath deeply. This was going to be a workout. One adult caught up to me and a grandson, (I noticed they were breathing pretty hard also).  "Hey, give us the car keys, we're going to go back."  I handed the car keys over and kept on.  I wanted to see where the trail went. Up, up, up we went. At some turns we had vistas of the coastal beach and hills far below. I got my second wind and kept going. My young companion began to suggest, "Uh, maybe we should go back?"  Undaunted, I answered, "No, let's keep going. I want to see where it goes."

     We continued to hike, higher and higher. We reached a point were the cliffs touched the ocean and we could see a small lighthouse on a small island.  So beautiful. We continued to climb, me not wanting to stop, to reach the end of the trail at all costs.  Finally, realizing the trail went, on and on and the sun was beginning to set lower in the sky I agreed to turn around and go back down. My young companion heaved a sigh of relief and turned to trace the long way back down the mountain.

Many times in life, we face mountains, I know I have. Sometimes getting over them seems impossible. Going around them isn't an option. The mountains stand seemingly impossible to climb.
For me accepting Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and coming into relationship with God through Him has been the saving grace that has allowed me to continue on when things get difficult. To not give up when the mountains remain in my way; to keep believing that day by day God is by my side; strengthening  me; encouraging me; and giving me new hope.

During this last week, the aches and pains of my body have reminded me of the mountain trek of Monday  I have continued to walk during my lunch hours, but the after work exercise I tabled just because I've hurt so much.  Sometimes in life, our goals have to be scaled down also. We need to assess where we are, what are limitations are . For some of us we have health issues, physical disabilities, emotional or psychological issues.  Whatever is facing us, with God's help we can still be overcomers, even if it takes more time than we wanted it to.

For me, deciding to get fit at 62 is a huge commitment. I am going to have to modify my diet, my exercise and keep it up for many months before I am at my goal.  I will need to continue for life to keep the best quality of my life intact.  But this far into the journey it's been wonderful! So many people have come alongside to encourage me, and I enjoy  my Weight Watchers meetings. God is God and prayer changed things. I've prayed and continued to pray that I could be strengthened for my journey.  I've asked for pray from my church family, which they've continued to do.

Note: Weight Loss to date: 11.8 pounds.

Today, if the mountains in your own life seem so high, so impossible, give God a chance. Pray, seek His face and ask Jesus Christ into your heart and life as your personal Savior.  Find a church home, where you can be with other people who love God.  Take care and be blessed, I will continue to keep you posted about my own journey.......waiting for joy in the morning.

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