Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 54 Keeping on, keeping on


      I've been awake since 4 am, now 5 am it's pitch black outside and I realize the full throes of fall are upon us. Reading my devotionals this morning, one contained the acceptance speech for a woman who received the Nobel Peace Prize, although untitled I'm assuming it's Mother T,heresa. Contained in that speech is so much self-sacrifice, so much dedication to a higher calling. I realize, I fall so short of that daily. Each morning I start out, fresh from reading my Bible, full of good intentions. It doesn't take too long until the complications of life, personalities, and circumstances find me anything but being Mother Theresa, or an image of God's love towards man.

      So each day, I fall short of my goal. I'm reading Phillipians right now and I love a number of verses in that book. Paul, faced with the realization of a constant lack of perfection says this,
 "I do not count myself as having attained, but one thing I do. Forgetting those things which are behind I reach forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal of the prize of the upward call of God in C hrist Jesus."

Phillipians 3:13-14

      Daily, I begin again, to begin again. I accept my shortcomings and pray to be stronger, kinder, wiser and more foscused on what God wants me to become. Another couple of verses I love are found in the next chapter of Phillipians,

"Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing but by prayer and supplication (asking with thanksgiving) let your requests be known unto God. And the peace of God which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
Phillipians 4-7

      For me, the promise of peace is so wonderful. Without God in my life, the stresses and strains become overwhelming. With God, they are still there for sure, but I know He will see me through.It's like my daily walk. Yesterday my walking companion was too tired to walk. He had worked all weekend and needed a break. I knew I had to walk, or I would fall back into the habit of inactivity. So I set out, beautiful fall day, alone, determined to keep going. I set out at a brisk pace but avoided the wood path since I was alone. I went about 2.5 miles through streets of houses, my goal a car dealership to ask a question about my truck. The way there was downhill, easy, light breeze. It was nothing. The way back was uphill, not steep, but more challenging. However, once started, I was committed to finishing my course.
      The Christian life has it's challenges too, there are some easy places, but a lot of uphill places too. Not giving up, not looking back at where we've failed is the only way to stay positive. To keep looking at the goal and realize that Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, and He will help us, encourages me in those more difficult spots, where maybe I look at others and start to become discouraged.

      It helps to go to church weekly and be with others who believe. The music, the sermon all are spiritual food. Daily, reading a devotional and the Bible help me work on keeping spiritually fit. I fall short of perfection daily, but not giving up, not giving in, mean that over-all there is a steady growth of character in my life. 

      Today, faced with the treatment center with all it's strange twists and turns, I know I will be challenged hour by hour to keep my eyes fixed on God's purpose and plan for my life. To not get side-tracked into personalities and situations but to realize, ultimately, my job is to be a reflection of the love of God.

Best of everthing to you all in your lives, wherever you are. May the love of God be in your life, and may your days be blessed. Keep looking up.

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