Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 52 - On my weigh!!!!

Saturday morning here, bright sunny, wonderfully Fall.  I just finished my Weight Watchers meeting.  Happy to report this week I lost 4.4 pounds for a total weight loss of 16.6!!  I have a ways to go but so much fun to realize there's less of me to love.

I continue to car-pool to work and it's saving me a lot of money and I am enjoying the freedom to visit with the two ladies I ride with. So many experiences we have in treatment we cannot really share with our families and it is a huge stress reliever to be able to process all the frustrating, annoying things that people can do or say in the course of a day.
My friend at work and I continue to hike, walk every lunch.  We push ourselves to go up more hills, walk longer.  He reported to me yesterday that in the two weeks or so we've been doing this he's lost 17 pounds!!!  How exciting to know that we're both getting fit.  Many people at work bring food to share, last week alone I could have eaten myself into oblivion, several times. On top of which staff are allowed 'free breakfast' and cake every Thursday.I just keep my good health guidelines in view and avoid most free food with a passion.

Last weekend I took my bike and a relative to the coast and we rode the trails at Fort Stevens.  How cool that I can ride some trails effortlessly that earlier in the year were killing me to attempt.

Our spiritual life is like that too, the more we seek God and try to do what he wants, the more some good habits are put in place. I've had a couple people this week flash on me (get mad) and because I've been practicing exercising self-control energized by God's spirit in me, it wasn't any big deal to be kind, be calm and get on with business. Back in the day, I would have said or done something I would later regretted.

Building myself up spiritually involves daily Bible reading, keep short accounts with God daily, learning to be humble, and prayer, prayer, prayer.  I let my clients know I'm not naturally a mellow person, which they now think I am.  I've explained that naturally I'm a hot-tempered person who has made many bad choices.  They look at me, calm, putting up with multiple guys mouthing off and find it hard to believe.  I assure them that everyone, ev-er-y-one in life has to connect with their HP (Higher Power), do some soul-searching and work on their character defects.

For me, the saving grace, the saving faith in my life has been Jesus Christ.  He has made the way for me to forgive myself, accept forgiveness and move on. I have found peace for the journey, help for the way, a joy in believing someday joy will come in the morning. I encourage all of you, seek God, try Jesus. What do you have to lose?   You h ave everything to gain.

Today, may God's peace surround you.  May you be called by His Holy Spirit into  a personal relationship with Him.  May you find your own way to a new life, or a life that is increasingly finding joy  in the morning.

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