Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 53 Finally Fall

Well it's official, fall is here. I've sensed it in the air for several weeks now, the deep smell of earth, leaves and trees returning to their winter home. This morning, early, before dawn, I was awake luxuriating in the joy of not having to wake up at 5 and get ready for work. A deep, resounding call beckoned me through the early morning hours. Mighty ships on the Columbia River, sounding out their deep, resonate fog horns. Some five miles away, the sleepy river flows, ships to and from the ocean making their way with cargoes, sliding through the autumn's cover of fog.

House payments, utility bills, gas to commute, I'm grounded this weekend to the house unless someone gifts me with $25 dollars so I can delight in the afternoon at the coast. I don't think that's going to happen, (the money thing) so I will find things to do at home, after a morning at church. It will be a long morning, music practice, Sunday School, Church, and then an after church spaghetti feed fund-raiser. It's OK though, I have made the commitment to attend and that's part of the fabric of my life.

A grandson gifted me yesterday with a wonderful large shelf in the laundry room. He used scrap wood and built a truly awesome shelf. Part of me knows that shelf will remain until the day I leave this home and downsize. It was made with love and that makes it all the more special. Perhaps, my afternoon at home will be deep-cleaning that room and organizing the stuff of camping, and Christmas, and projects that "someday" I'll get to.

As "some days" wind down in my life, I increasingly sense the fleetingness of time. I can remember as a child, waiting, waiting, waiting for summer to come until finally, it opened like a present on Christmas morning. Now, in my sixties, the weeks roll by with a blink of an eye and grand kids grow so quickly I cherish each moment knowing it is just a brief second of time, fading in the light of day.

I am happy this morning, sitting next to my window over-looking the ravine of woods and streams. Birds call to each other and the crisp air whispers it's early call of fall. I am fortunate, so lucky to have my health at this stage of life. The joy of being strong and getting fit will be mine for a season only, I know. But, while it lasts, I am oh so grateful.

Finding those reasons to be thankful helps me stay positive in the midst of disappointments from friends and family that are the part and parcel of being human. No one person can ever bring us happiness. Like time, happiness is an elusive, fleeting emotion that if sought after as an end is like chasing your shadow on a summer's day, you'll never catch it, that's for sure.

        With God as my anchor, the ship of my life can keep sailing on seas where waters might be troubled, where storms might assail, but I can remain safe, secure, and focused on tomorrow. That is something else I am grateful for, my hope, my trust that in spite of what appears frightening that God will see me through. I like the verse, Romans 8:28, And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those that are the called according to His purpose."

Looking outside my window, I see that the cedar boughs of the trees have the kiss of golden sun. The fog horns continue their low serenade and I know I must start my day.

Today, if your life ship is sailing on seas, rough and storm tossed, seek your safe harbor in Jesus. He is the anchor of souls, steadfast and sure. May you have a blessed Sunday and find peace and joy through believing God is good, and prayer changes things.

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