Sunday, December 16, 2012

Blog 75 Sometimes words fail in the night of weeping

There are have been times in my own life when the sorrow of my heart was so great I could only cry out in grief, anger and despair. At those times, no words could reach my aching heart. I have yelled at God, demanding to know why He could allow such pain and then cry into the darkness.

Today I know there are many families dealing with their inconsolable grief and loss. I do not know them personally but I can pray. Millions of us are praying for these families who were victims of senseless violence.  Recently, I was gifted with a wrist bracelet with two words on it, Only God. I do not have answers for, “Why?”  I do not have answers for, “How could a loving God allow this to happen?” All I know is that through the dark valleys of my own life, through the grief and despair only God has been able to help me through.

I don’t discount human kindness and compassion, but when all is said and done, there are wounds of the soul that only a supernatural act of God can reach. There is a trite saying, “Time heals all wounds.” Personally I think that’s bunk. Time does not heal all wounds. I only have to listen to the stories of my clients to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that time doesn’t heal any deep, gaping sorrow. Only God can heal the broken-hearted. I wrote and sang a song once, a mournful cry of a soul recounting the only comfort for a broken heart.

He is the God of the broken-hearted

He is the God makes the blind eyes see

He is the God who heals my sorrow,

He is the God who healeth Thee.

He is Jehovah, Lord God Almighty,

Everlasting king is He.

And He will answer when you call Him

And your help and comfort be.


It is a weird kind of Christmas. People are unsure of what to do, how to celebrate now in the midst of the awareness of these tragedies. Life can’t just ‘return to normal’. We as a nation have been changed, our sense of wholeness and safety torn as the realization comes, once again, life is fragile, and easily taken by a whim of a tortured soul.    

For me, daily facing the horrors of life can be, as clients share their tortured childhoods, violent pasts, troubled hearts and minds, it is again a challenge to seek God to find hope in the middle of the horror; to find peace in the midst of the storm. Answering the question, “How can I be happy in the middle of these realities? How can I celebrate in the middle of knowing people are suffering horribly?” I can only say I will pray and seek God. I will mourn in spirit for the death of these children and adults. Through that mourning I will try to value the moments I have with my own loved ones, however fleeting. To continue to try to share the love of Christ with the people I work with at the treatment center, knowing that no matter how much I give, it is only as people turn to Jesus that they will discover for themselves the strength to live in the midst of an uncertain, at times frightening world.

To each of you trying to rediscover the joy of the season may God grant you a renewed revelation of Himself, His love and His healing and His peace.

Psalms 23: 1- 4

The Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need. He lets me rest in green meadows, He leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the dark valley of death, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.

Only God…………….



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