Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 70 First Day of Christmas

     Hello to all. I'm here in a Mall, Christmas music playing; decorations up, shining brightly. Just went to my Weight Watchers meeting. This week, I've eaten plates of vegetables, apples, oranges and walked  past cookies, cupcakes, french toast, sausages, and piles of fattening food. I thought I still overdid the healthy food I made for dinner and stepped on the scales willing to face the inevitable weight gain. I lost 3.6 pounds.(28 pounds so far) Yeah!  Now I'm excited to keep going through the holidays laden with free food everywhere!!! Yikers, you turn on a TV show and the commericals are laden with cookies, cheesecake, on and on.
      I will stay focused, with God's help. I'm continuing to read Timothy, trying to bridge the gap between expectations and reality.  Each day continues to be challenging for me as unexpected things come on.  The work environment I'm in is filled with drama continually.  It's a fine mix to be supportive and hold people accountable.  People who are held accountable for their behaviors do not process that as being loved, accepted, and affirmed. They mostly see it as an attack and muster all their forces to fight against you.  Accepting that working in an inpatient treatment center with high expectations for performance, completions, etc. with staff and clients in various stages of conflict personally, relationally, and recovery wise is going to come with a lot of stress is a given.
     My church continues to pray for me that God will annoint me with His presence, peace and wisdom. I earnestly covet their prayers and find that He is giving me success, in spite of my inability to love at all times. God is good and prayer changes things.
     The season for giving is upon me and another stressor is buying presents. I know I"m not alone in this. I'm racking my brains of thinking of what on earth I could make to give , but not being a crafter I'm a little short of ideas. To those of you out there also feeling the pressure let's think up ways to circumvent the buy more, and think of creative gifting. I'm open to suggestions.
     Been waking up at night lately, which is unusual for me. I'm praying for people who come to mind, family, friends, not friends, clients. Thanks be to God I'm well again, I am really blessed.
     At Walmart recently with a friend, two handsome men came up to me and started conversations, at different time.s  My friend, winking at me  made me laugh. I've been alone now for over six years and still wear a wedding ring. My friend thinks I should find someone to spend my days with. I explained to him that if I remarry it will only be because God has a mission that needs me to support my husband in with my giftings. Other than that, I'm good.
     Any way, the one man shared of his life, that he had just got back from Greece, sold property and needed help picking chairs for a table for his mom. I helped him. The other guy, shared his life story, a listing of the properties he owned, his concern for a teenager who he feared might use marijuana. He asked me for a referral to a good youth group for that child. I gave him my work phone and said I'd ask the pastors who come to our treatment center.
     My friend, continuing to tease me asked me if I noticed whether the men were wearing wedding rings. I said no, I hadn't looked.  Funny how people want to hook you up with someone if you're alone. All in good fun. Match-making aside, God is good and I continue to appreciate the blessings I have. Challenges yes, bills yet, but in the meanwhile so many wonderful things and people in my life.
     Today, if you are struggling with the season's challenges, count your blessings daily. Downsize on what you can give, and will give. Think of ways to show love other then money. The Bible and church continue to provide strength, help and encouragement in connecting with God. If you don't have a church home, radio and TV shows can provide a lot of comfort during this time. I'll talk at you in a week, God willing. Have a blessed 30 days of Christmas!

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