Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Blogy 76 - Blizzard and then

Hello to all. After waking up before 5 am, getting ready for work, I drove for 30 minutes in a white out, can't see anything blizzard. The snow was piling up on the highway and I thought nuts; the biggest hills are yet to come. So, 20 miles an hour, tops, I pulled into our church parking lot and drove the ten miles home. Once there, the school district called with an update, that school was closed.  I settled in and realized, I wasn't going anywhere today.
Later, I called my Supervisor, who wasn't all that excited to hear the news. "There's no snow here," he added somewhat miffed. It's funny how 65 miles, and several hundred feet of elevation can make such a big difference in the snow.
After, cleaning, washing clothes, dishes, looking around for projects I discovered at 3 pm I was bored to death. I'm on Weight Watchers and baking is NOT an option right now. I'm not in the mood for sewing and everything on TV seemed so stupid. So here I am at the little city library typing away.
Most of this last few days I keep sending up prayers when I think of the families suffering from the recent horrible tragedies. I'm trying to be nice to family, pleasant, say the right holiday things, but really, given other people's sorrow I feel so fake, so insensitive to talk about trivial things. I'm on the email address from the United States web site for NIDA.  They sent me an email that they are offering free counseling for people impacted by the tragedies.  I realize it would be presumption on my part to even think, my grief for families I don't know in any way shape or form merits counseling.
I continue to pray, read my Bible and do mundane things. Life goes on. It will be tinged with sadness for all of us who wish we could in some way offer our comfort to the hearts of people mourning their loved ones.
I sit next to books, long my comforting friends of youth long ago and think, maybe I'll check out a book and try to read. But, the use of my eyes for computer work is already taxed so I just give them a longing, brief look.
Soon, I'll pack up and drive back to my home before the gray snow clouds begin their soft blanketing snow and make my hill an impossible drive, finding me slip-sliding my way up, down, and up again trying to get home.
To those of you around the world facing Christmas with your own load of sorrows my prayers are with you. Weeping may endure for a night, or a season, but joy will finally come in the morning. 

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