Saturday, December 29, 2012

Day 80 - Once upon a New Year's Eve.......

Coffee near, fragrant brew of freshly ground beans. What a luxury! Still dark, the world in my neighborhood is still asleep or nursing their own coffee cups before facing the Saturday before New Years.
 Been reading through the Epistles in my Bible. My Bible, underlined, notes in the margins bears testimony to my efforts to understand what I’m reading. Now, years later I ask God to renew my spirit and understanding to connect with the essence of the spiritual truths.  It’s challenging because so much of me is in the world now. My world by in large is the treatment center and my client’s. Some sixty plus hours a week my energies, emotions, thoughts, are connected with my job. My job, through it’s very nature is in many ways light years away from reading the Bible.
In some ways, it’s as if I have a job making wooden boxes. All day long, I make boxes. I use the tools, I get the wood from the outside piles, I clean the mess. I inspect the boxes, I count the boxes.  I am supposed to make so many boxes a day. I have to rush all day long because the number of boxes I have to make require I work at a fever pitch to get them done. I don’t have much time to visit with other employees; I am committed to my task. Yes, I want to make the best boxes I can, but the sheer number required means I have to just make them as fast as I can and try not to grimace over the lack of quality.
That’s what my job is like in many ways. I have my intellect, my experience, my training, my spiritual side, my creativity, but I also have specific tasks; groups, lectures, audits, reports, discharge summaries, rule violations, emails to correction’s officers, 1x1’s and the list goes on. I have a lot of to do’s  and only so much time to get them done. I am rushing, rushing, rushing most of the time. Making the transition to have a holistic spiritual approach that incorporates the wisdom I gain from prayer and Bible reading is an ideal but implemented that with the task at hand is a whole ‘nother kettle of fish.
Today, reading through I Thessalonians, I tried to glean wisdom and knowledge for now. In my mind, the thought arose, “Just keep reading, some of it will stick.” So I continue to read, pray, attend church and hope that the good work that Jesus began in my life will continue. Why do I hope that? Because the awareness is ever before me that the need of others and myself is greater than my own competencies.  I am someone who senses the real need to connect with God just be a person who can be someone who makes a difference.
If you’re like me, you’re thinking about what your New Year’s resolutions are going to be.

 For me, I have specifics;

  1.   Continue on my quest to become fit. Don’t quit, never give up.
  2.   Bump up my efforts a couple notches on exercise and healthy eating.
  3.   Make concrete goals with incremental steps linked to achievable goals and rewards for success.
  4.   Somehow find the way to visit Disney World again in 2013.
  5.   I want to make a greater effort to reach out to family, those near and far.
  6.   To attempt that each day I would go above and beyond in helping the individuals whose lives I touch.
  7.   To connect with God in a deeper, richer way where I become more in tune with His purpose, His love, and His compassion.
  8.   To downsize my home and get really, truly organized.
  9.   To fulfill my promises and commitments
  10.  To try and become more attractive, well-groomed as a Senior citizen.  Age gracefully.

        In many ways I love New Year’s.  As a child, we attended “Watch Night” services at the church. We had food, music, games, a message. It was fun. We also had mega treats at home, a celebration where we stayed up late and welcomed the New Year in. With my own children, we had lots of food, a movie or two for home, and together we’d watch the New Year in and shout out to the neighborhood our welcome.
        This year, scaled down to healthier food choices, I’ll miss the treats, but realize it’s all part of a greater good.

 I may or may not stay up until 12, certainly I’ll try to buy a movie for family to watch, and provide treats for them.

      New Year, new beginnings, it can and will be a fun and exciting time of putting the past behind. Of savoring the good memories, gingerly putting the painful ones to rest. When I was little I loved to hear George Beverly Shea sing. He was part of the Billy Graham Crusade team. My parents bought one of his records for our first stereo system. One of the songs he often sang in the crusades included a refrain; “many things about tomorrow I can’t seem to understand, but I know who holds my future, and I know who holds my hand.” I can hear him singing that right now in my memories and I believe that sums up my world view for the coming year.

      I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I do know God has seen me through some really tough times this year. When I feared all was lost financially we somehow made it through. When I feared my strength was gone, he renewed it. When my joy departed, it returned in a quieter, more solemn way. He has been faithful when I’ve been filled with doubt. He has been loving when I’ve experienced hatred. In my lack, He supplied my need.

May your New Year be filled with the awareness of His presence. A sense of care that through it all as you keep turning over the cares of your life to a loving Savior He will supply your every need with His riches in glory.
Have a wonderful New Year’s celebrations and see you in 2013!  I have enjoyed sharing with you over this last year, be loved and be blessed. Happy New Year!

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