Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 12: Taking the next right step

     One of the fun things about going to the ocean is walking along the beach. The damp sand cushions your toes and you leave your imprints to wash away with the tides. Yesterday, I took time out to visit one of my favorite spots, Fort Stevens. It was a gorgeous day, the sky a cloudness, cheering blue. The water an effervescent, ever changing mirror of shades of blues, greens, and silvers. I hiked a ways and found a spot to rest and enjoy the view. A weathered driftwood log beckoned with a curving, sun-dried arm. I sat, welcoming the warmth of the summer's rays, and enjoying a the breath of a cool breeze, ruffling my air and gently bringing colorful para-sailers down the shoreline.

     Earlier, crossing the Young's Bay Bridge heading towards Warrenton I had spotted a large bird sitting on the top of a tree near the water's edge. I looked closer, it was an American Bald Eagle, "How fitting," I thought, "Our national symbol when it's the Nation's birthday."

Young's Bay Bridge
     I sat for some time, watching a fishing boat skirt the shore; then a larger transport ship make it's way beyond the jetty to deeper water. I was immersed in a sea of natural beauty. The grain of the driftwood, the brilliant flecks of fools gold in the drifting sands, the waving of the sea grasses lining the dunes. "God, " I thought to myself, "If I can stretch this moment out to enjoy during the stresses of my week, I will be forever happy."

     My back begin to hurt a little and I looked up at the large dune behind me. I saw a sandy break in the grass and realized a path of sorts had been carved out by some earlier, long-gone beach friend. I climbed, pushing my feet into the soft sand to guard against a tumble back down the hill. Near the top I slowed. I could see the beach, the waves, the grandsons busily building and exploring. I dug deeper down into the sand, finding the damp, cool depths of yesterday's summer rain. Then carefully I lay back. The sand cradled my body and I relaxed. I could see everything, I was close enough to the children if needed, I could rest for a while and let the sun bake away my cares.

     This week, was supposed to be the first week of my retirement. I had plans for my time, projects I was interested in completing; dozens of would be trips to the mountains to pursue. My budget would be tight but working just a day or two a week would keep me going. Now, a week into July I was coming to grips with the fact things had changed. Right now, I could not retire because my part-time employment had vanished. The retirement, a dream soon to be enjoyed, was now a mist in the winds.

     A lot of life is like that, making plans, and then having to re-group. It is a part of our growing Christian walk that accepting those changes and looking for the good, supports us in our growth. I must admit, I've struggled a bit, wondering if perhaps something has gone wrong. On my way to work this morning I spent a lot of time in prayer, "God," I asked, "If you don't want me to retire, what do you want me to do?" God could change things instantly if he wanted to, but, I do believe that for this moment God intends that I continue to try to take the next right step and continue being a counselor.

     Each of us on this journey called life have things right now that are our duty. Not everything, everyday is an effortless task. Many times, each of us has to pray, ask for divine strength and continue to take the next right step. "As thy days so shall thy strength be". I claim this verse, and I claim something else, that God's hand of love will continue to minister his kindness to hurting souls, trying to find meaning in the midst of despair, hope in the midst of helplessness, and direction in the middle of confusion.

May each of you find divine help and strength to continue to take with joy the next right step in your life today.

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