Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 27 The Jetty

Along the Oregon coast, my favorite spots by far are at the mouth of the Columbia River. I love the way the ocean meets the river's mouth in a broad expanse of rolling waves, a few white caps breaking with the bubbles of foam at their peak. I have spent many happy hours on both sides of that River.

The North side, rich with history and trails and lighthouses has it's own charm. You can spend hours exploring, hiking and soaking up all the richness of the trees, views and fresh salt air. For me, in earlier days, the jetty held an attraction for it's opportunity to fish. I would laboriously climb up it's rocky side of the jetty's unforgiving sides and perch with my cousin to fish. We would sit for hours, watching the weather roll in and the deep blue of the waves crash against the base of the rocks. We baited our hooks, cast them into the deep and would be rewarded with nervous tugs on our lines. It is good fishing there and so awesome to pull up the green, gray and silver shining fish. We'd finally tire, climb down the rocks and head for the cabin to clean and cook our catch.

The South jetty on the Oregon side holds more attraction for me now. Driving or biking out to the jetty a peacefullness of nature settles into your soul. Once there you can opt to go to the river or ocean side. You can first climb the sturdy wooden stairs to the overlook perched above the side of the jetty. There, so close the waves can splash you with their spray you can take in the views of the beautiful coastline. To the South the miles of clean, pristine beaches, the blue shadows of the distant hills. To the North, the majestic river, pushing it's way to the sea, and the Washington hills with the light of the lighthouse saying it's fond hello. I love this spot, it's vastness, it's unspoiled beauty nutures my soul.

Depending on my mood from this vantage point I take a hike through wild strawberries, ocean grasses on sandy trails. Ocean side, depending on the tides you can explore tide pools at the base of the massive rocks forming the jetty. The tidepools harbor, small crabs, starfish, or sea urchin.

         Sometimes we've been lucky and seals play in the waters near where we are. Elegant, sleek, they dive and play in the surge of the tidal waves. Combing the beach for small shells, or sand dollars never loses it's appeal and small smooth rocks polished by the power of the waves present their own beauty. Somedays, I will pack a lunch, take a blanket and bake in the sun. Too warm, I will run to the waves and cool off letting the flow of the waves wash over my feet and caress my toes. It is a wonderful way to spend a day, listening to the waves, watching the birds and just resting.

Recently in my life I have noticed that almost every one I meet is weary. The biggest complaint I hear over and over is, "I'm tired." Young people, old people, working people, stay at home people everyone is tired. I must confess, I too often fall into that same category. Why is it that so many of us live our lives at such a frantic pace that we face everyday with an emotional lack? We are running on empty so to speak.

I like the verse in Matthew 11: 28 where Jesus speaks, "Come unto me all you that work and are tired. For I will give you rest."

I personally want to claim that verse and look again at my life and figure out how to prioritize my time so I don't get caught up in the rush, rush, rush of things.
Today, my Sunday, I have more things to do than I can fit in.

The celebration of life includes times of rest and refreshing. So much of me wants to do some of the things on my list and then hurry off to the Jetty. To rest, restore and refresh. Knowing and understanding that Jesus often went to the mountains and seaside to rest and reflect helps me accept that "not doing" something is ok. That I don't always have to be working, working, working.

Today, by prayer, through faith, with wisdom I will sort through the list of have to do's, want to do's and must do's. I will carve out a time for my soul and body; to nurture my spirit and gain strength for the week ahead. I will I hope visit the ocean, the sea is calling my name...

Today in your own hectic life allow yourself the freedom to rest. To just take time to relax, refresh and renew. If the ocean calls your name it's ok to leave some of the must do's undone. God knows we need time out, he understands we need rest. Have a blessed day.

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