Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 15: Become someone worth waiting for...

     A lot of life involves, keeping on, keeping on. There are hills and valleys, highs and lows. Looking for the good in the situation can help make the pathway more level. It creates an atmosphere of hope in your soul when you find a nugget of gold in the middle of a rocky slope. 
     For the last four and a half years I have been a long distance commuter. Up to 2.5 hours a day in the car, back and forth, back and forth, good weather and bad to work I go. People look at me when they hear this and shake their head, "Are you nuts?" they ask with apparent ease. Certainly dodging semi's throwing up blinding sheets of rain to my windshield I wonder. Or slip-sliding away on snow and ice, I wonder.
I wish I could say, I never complained. That would make me sound so noble, so self-less, but honestly. that would be a lie, I've complained to family, to my church,and to God. I've questioned the practically of spending upwards of 400-500 a month on gas. I've prayed, I've had my church pray. But the commute continues.
     Recently I've started to realize that this time alone in the car I've had a chance to really pray and think. I've learned to enjoy the sight of trees, hills and rivers, winter, spring, summer fall. I truly believe that maybe, just maybe my creator knew that without this enforced commute there were many areas of my soul that would not get the light of His healing love. That's not to say I think I've arrived...we are all on a journey and the nature of our being is that we constantly need renewal. Their are elements of our natures that remain stubbornly self-centered and self-purposed and require dealing with again and again.
     Today, I let God know that I'm surprised that as long as I've been working on getting a new heart and mind, it seems there is so much of "me" left. Bad habits are easy to acquire good habits take much longer.
      I try to remember to thank God for my blessings; I can still drive; I have a car; I have money for gas; I can still see; my list goes on and on since I have so much to be thankful for. Maybe, a week from now, or a month the door will open and I find myself working closer to home. I will hopefully look back on these thousands of quiet hours as time I got to spend talking things over with God and hopefully learning to listen to the language of His love.

     So, in your own life I encourage you when faced with clouds that block your sun to look for the silver lining. It may be that your "wait" time in God's plan to build character, strength and purpose into your soul. They that wait upon the Lord, will renew their strength. They will mount up on wings of eagles. They will run and now be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
Today, become a person who is worth the "wait"; allow God to use your present circumstances to help mold you into the image of His Son.

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