Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 8: The Cabin

     I grew up in a simpler time and because of that, I feel forever free. I was allowed to roam through the neighboring woods at an early age. I knew where the first spring flowers grew, Trilliums with their white delicate blossoms; and bleeding hearts; their sweet pink faces bringing color to the earth. Each spring,   I waited to see the woodland floor blanket itself with green after it's long winter nap. As I grew and life presented it's increasingly complex patterns, I often sought the comfort of the forest, to hike, rest and think. I knew the rough bark of my favorite trees; the deer paths through the woods and the places where ferns grew in waving green seas.
      In High School, I became a 'troubled soul.' it was a label of sorts that in hindsight somehow fit the confusion of my soul. My father, a good compassionate man, saw this struggling and spent many conversations with me, trying to help me find a way out of the pain. My love of the woods surfaced more as increasingly and I would take off after school for hikes up the hills behind our home. One spot in particular I loved. There, larger trees towered over draping vine maples. The morning sun found patches to spread it's golden warmth. I loved it there, it was my "chapel in the woods."
     A reader, something in a book I read fostered the desire to "homestead" and I became interested in building a cabin in the woods. My dad, not a youngster by any means sat with me over the kitchen table helping me draw my plans. How excited I was as my small cabin came to life on paper. We designed it to be, 8' by 16'. It was to have two windows and a door. My patient father allowed me to buy the supplies, 2x4's, concrete pier blocks, nails, plywood, the list seemed endless. Piece by piece the materials made there way to our garage. There they sat, waiting for their transport up the hill, through the woods. Most of the things I dragged through the woods by myself; at 16 it's surprising how strong I was for a girl. Somethings, things were too heavy for me and he had to help me as together we struggled up the deer paths to the cabin site carrying the awkward plywood sheets between us. 
     On days my dad could squeeze time out of his busy schedule, he showed me how to build. My Dad taught me how to use a L shaped metal tool to make my marks to cut the 2 by 4's.  He showed me how to use a hammer to drive in a nail. He showed me the right way to hold a saw, and how to make a cut. I tried, and away I sawed using a old hand saw that challenged me to make a straight cut. Piece by piece the cabin came together. On the days dad couldn't help me, I built an outside fire pit and many afternoons found me sitting beside my fire, enjoying the warmth of it's heat and dreaming of my future. Often I would take "camper's stew" wrapped in tinfoil and tuck that into a bed of coals. How wonderful those meals were!
     The day came the windows went in, the tar paper went on. My cabin was complete. What a wonderful experience planning and building that cabin was. A cherished memory of a father's love for his child. Today, many years past, my own heart aches for all the children who have never known that special kindness; that special father's love. For me it has made understanding the love of my heavenly Father a much easier journey. As my earthly father had compassion; wanting to help me find happiness, so my heavenly Father wants the same things.
     Today I will attend church. I confess so often it's easy for me to go, sing songs, listen to a sermon and forget the realness of a God who is alive, and who cares about who I am. It's not so much unbelief but just being caught up in all the details of life; the worries, the obligations, the challenges. Today, I will try to keep in mind the memories of my earthly father's love; a father who took time to try to reach his troubled teenage daughter and realize that my heavenly Father is always there, wanting to help me just like my own dad. To encourage and strengthen me in this last stage of my journey; the last chapter in the book of my life.

Today, may the love of your heavenly Father surround you with His compassion, caring and purpose. May your faith and trust be renewed and refreshed in the knowledge of His care.

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