Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 14: After the storm

    On one trip to Disneyworld, a grandson and I discovered just what a tropical rain shower was like. We had taken the day to visit Animal Kingdom, one of our favorite parks. The day was balmy; a rich, warm heat blanketing the earth. We'd gotten up early, excited for the day. At the hotel we downed our bagel and cream cheese, poured numerous cups of coffee, and taken extra's for snacks.
     The drive to the park was fun, the new day hanging on the horizon like an unopened present. Once inside Animal Kingdom, we hurriedly got our "fast pass" to the Safari ride then made the short trek to the train to head to Rafaki's Planet Watch, an interesting spot for families. The train ride, always fun, through the tropical foliage brought us to the start of the short walk to the Rafaki's Planet Watch. Inside there are exhibits, and interactive features about animals and the environment. One we love is inside a large booth where you place head phones over your ears, the lights are dimmed, and then you become one with the jungle. Bird calls, rain, forest's noise fill your ears as the sounds of approaching logging approaches. Coming out of the booth, you feel a little odd, as if you'd been transported to a different world. 
     We decided to continue our exploring and visited a few more of the exhibits. In the background, we could hear the booming sound of thunder. It grew louder and louder, along with the staccato crack of lightening. My grandson and I went to the front of the building to see what was happening. The booming of thunder, the cracking of lightening continued until all at once, torrents of rain pelted down, cascading off of trees to form instant puddles on the ground, steaming in the humid heat. The rain continued, the lightening flashed. Some parents intrigued by the downpour allowed their children to go outside and dance in the drenching, warm, rain. The children, laughed and splashed while the rain continued. Safely inside the building, my grandson and I watched the symphony of dance.
     Then as suddenly as it began, the rains stopped and out came the sun, making spots of rainbows on the waters and damp footprints. Life can be life that. You can be going along, doing all the right things and then a storm comes bringing with it the rain of sorrows, disappointments and distress. It is during the storm that the tests of our wills to stay in the safety of God's hand become tried. So much of our human nature wants to protest, to question, to wonder if God is still there. Understanding and accepting that trials come to make us strong sometimes is difficult, I know myself I've been apt to question God, "Why now?" , or "Aren't I doing the right things God?"
     People talk about faith, thousands of books have been written about faith. Faith by definition means believing when we cannot see. In the middle of the storms of life, it helps to search God's word for promises. To use the promises as bridge-ways between fear, doubt and hope. Claiming those promises and believing that the storms will come to an end; that the sun will shine again and you will go safely through the storms wrapped in His love.

     So when the storms come, don't fear. Dare to believe He, the God, who creates the storm, will bring you through and create the peace and refreshing that comes after the storm.

Today, may your day be blessed with the assurance that God loves you and hears and answers prayers, and that in the middle of the storm, He is there, ready to help you through.

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