Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 17: A collector's tale...

     Since I was a small child, I saved things. All of my school work, every drawing, every assignments filled up all the cupboards in our downstairs home. Periodically mom would do a whole house deep cleaning and I would protest as priceless treasures (I thought) would go into the garbage.
As a young adult, going to college, I discovered auctions. Whoa, did I think I'd found paradise! It was fascinating to me to see I could bid on a whole group of desks and get them for a unheard of price. These desks were so cool, the kind that have the seats attached, and the desk part curves around. I started hauling stuff home; lots of stuff. My father was pretty good natured but as his garage filled up with my "finds" he put his foot down. "What are you going to do with all this stuff?" he asked. I wasn't sure, but I took the hint and laid off the auctions. The desks sat there for some time, collecting dust along with years-old memories etched into their wooden tops; initials, and names of kids now grown.
     Living in family housing up at the University of Washington, I had the privilege of meeting so many people from around the world. Israel, Turkey, the Far East, I was part of a multicultural community. One of my friends, a sweet, tiny Korean lady, loved the Lord. She couldn't speak much English but want she could say she was so excited to share.
     When I went to visit her in her own UW apartment I discovered, they had no furniture. Her apartment was spotless, but it was empty, completely. She would ask you to take your shoes off, come in and be as hospitable as she could be, having no where to sit. When she visited my own place, she oohed and ahhed over one large chair. She loved it; it was a big, comfy chair my parents had given me. She patted the chairs strong back, admired the strong wooden arms. I had to give it to her it was impossible for me not to. It was sweet to see how proud of it she was. She put some of her hand-embroidered "dollies" on it and placed it in a place of honor. Now her husband had a place to sit!
     As we got acquainted I shared my story about getting the garage full of desks. Her sweet face became animated as she listened, "Desks with chairs!" It was just what they needed for their church.They had rented an office space to start a church for their Korean Christian friends and had no where to sit there either! The desks were moved put to very good use and my father was relieved to reclaim his garage.
     This penchant of mine for finding "stuff" has continued throughout my life. Goodwill stores beckon me with their treasures. I've recycled more "finds" than you can imagine. I think when I buy the stuff, or it's given to me, that I'm going to refinish it. What happens, actually, is that I keep the stuff for a while, give it to somebody else, or end up "re-gifting" it to Goodwill. It's a funny hobby that my family periodically complains about. Passing a yard sale one grandson is apt to say, "No Grandma, we are not stopping you've got enough junk!" Unlike the desks that were put to good use in the Korean church, a lot of stuff I collect is of no value, it's just taking up space.
     Our lives can be like this too. We collect thoughts, attitudes, and habits that become part of who we are, and just "take up space". These "things" cloud our vision and purpose and weight us down, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I believe it's God's plan for us to travel light, to keep only those things that equip us for our Higher calling. Taking stock, taking inventory is an ongoing process, in recovery and in life. It is only as we are willing to constantly look at ourselves through the light of God's lens that we become aware of the need, to "lighten the load". My blog began because I realized my lack of self-discipline in exercise and eating was taking it's toll. In perfect health, with a demanding job helping people, it is disrespectful for me to not take better care of myself. I need to realize I've been given a gift and it is only as I learn to treasure that "gift", (good health, education, and career) that it will continue to be put to good use.
     It is a challenge to constantly rethink, renew, and refire with purpose, with planning and with passion. Just a little over two weeks into this newest venture, today I will set new goals and begin again.

Today may your life be filled with purpose; rather than becoming a collector of "found objects" may your purpose become focused on finding and building character

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