Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 44- Capture every moment


  Recently I visited a family I love very much. One of their young sons was gifted with a sports car Power Wheels. He's three and has learned the words, awesome and cool and that's how he describes his car. He loves to get behind the wheel and take off exploring his large yard and seeking adventure around every turn. To him, it's as if he's going 60 miles an hour. To see him, small sun-tanned blond child behind the wheel, is to re-experience the joy of childhood all over again.

      On this particular day I was visiting with his parents catching up on the news. He was off to the side of the yard, riding along trying to get my attention. I waved but kept talking. He persisted, coming to a full stop. "I'm stuck," he called to me. "I can't turn." I called back, "No, just step on the pedal, put it in reverse you can get out of there, you do it all the time." Convincingly he pushed the little handle of the forward/reverse level back and forth a number of times, "No," he insisted, "I'm stuck, it won't turn."
      I sighed and walked over. I love this little three year old and don't like to see him upset. I walked to the front of the Power Wheels, bent down to lift the front of the car to turn it around and looked up to see the face of this small child light up with glee as he shifted to forward, and push the pedal down as far as it would go.and yikes! I stepped out of the way just in time as the Power Wheels lurched forward just missing hitting me with a good whack. The little boy, blond hair glistening in the sun, laughed triumphantly. He'd almost got me!

      I went to the parents who were talking and described the fact their young son had just hatched an evil plot to lure me into a trap. They laughed, at his young age the fact he had the capability to do this was endearing, I guess it helped that I wasn't hurt.

      Well, the little guy rode around his yard a bit and then drove over to where I was and stopped. He didn't say, "I'm sorry", but what he did melted my heart. He opened the tiny trunk of his car and took out one bright yellow dandelion, walked over to me and handed it to me, "Here," he said in his three year old voice, "Here's a flower for you."

     That describes so many of us in our relationship to God. We go off on our own plans and paths, (sometimes like the small boy we even hatch evil plots),  and ignore Him while trying to figure things out. Sometimes we run smack dab into a whole lot of trouble. Sometimes we just wander off and get lost. We come back to God, sometimes in desperation, sometimes sorry for what we've done, and sometimes just because we miss Him and wish we hadn't wandered off. We offer him our hearts, (much like the gift of that bright yellow dandelion) and because of His great love for us He takes us back, forgives us and helps us find our way again.

      How grateful I am for the peace and sense of "all's right with the world" that comes when my heart and life are wrapped up in the love of Jesus. I might experience physical or emotional pain; I might have relationship issues; there might be financial woes; but as long as I have my hand in God's hand, in the center of my being there is a calm

      Until you've accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, asked Him to forgive you of your sins and come into your heart, what I'm saying will sound like so much "gibberish" or "psycho-babble". It is truly a peace past understanding. Today I will go to my Weight Watchers meeting, shop for the weeks food, clean a little and then hopefully take off to the ocean. There I will walk the beach, drink in the fresh air and enjoy the sights and sounds of shore. My plans are to renew and refresh my spirit for another work week. How lucky I am to have this freedom and joy.

Today, if in your life, you feel upset, unloved, and lost, dare to ask Jesus to come into your life, to forgive you of your sins, and give you the gift of eternal life. It is the first step on a journey you will never, ever regret. If you need help on that journey send me a comment on my page with your email address and I will send you links for growing in your new life. Have a blessed day and I hope you will make, every moment count. Remember, Jesus is a calm in the storm, an anchor of the soul that connects you to the source of all comfort and hope.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 43 How do you eat an elephant?


An old joke goes like this, "How do you eat an elephant?" The punch line is, "One bite at a time." I can remember being young and telling that joke to somebody and thinking it was the funniest thing in the world. Well, times and humor changes but in a wierd kind of way, that joke has application to many real life situations. As I shared in several blogs, I'm going through a period of financial woe. A divorce brought a huge drop in income and benefits and now I am left with the job of putting things back together.

On my daily 2.5 hour commute, I've been spending a lot of time praying about this situation. I've claimed Isaiah 54 as being special to my life now. The whole chapter is a message of love and care for people who need God's help. For people who are single, facing life alone, it's often doubly hard to face trials because we're doing it ourselves. I'm claiming Isaiah 54: 5 "For your Maker is your husband, The Lord of hosts is His name." So, when things like insurmountable bills come I take it to the Lord in prayer. "God you know I don't have enough money to pay these bills. You know I can't work another job on top of the one I have, you've got to help me figure it out."

So far I'm gaining a little hope that things will work out eventually. I will maybe lose a possession or two, be unable to get credit, but all in all I'm not worried about starving; or not having water or electricity. So from a stark realistic point of view, things aren't all that bad, just unplesant for a while. As much as I wanted to ride my bike this evening I pulled out the big basket of bills and started in writing letters to creditors. First I made a list in a notebook of everyone I owe. Then I picked who to start with. Well for working on student loans I need my glasses, apparently our government likes very small print, I can't see what it says. So I picked three other bills, wrote two letters, and paid one tiny bill. Yippee! I'm on my way.

God is faithful and will not give us more than we can bear. I had released my divorce situation to God, and lawyers and judges aside I really believe that if God wanted me to get support from that marriage it would have happened. The fact it didn't well I just have to accept it and move on. There is a verse if the new Testament that says, Having food and clothes be content with such things as you have. (I Timothy 6:8) Funny that an old hippy like me should like things so much, but I do. Perhaps learning to let go of loving things is something God knew I really needed to work on, so here I am.

  Tonight I missed seeing the trees, paths and breezes by giving up my bike ride to work on my bills, but I'm tackling the "elephant" of my debt, one bite at a time. If I just keep working on it, pretty soon a plan will surface and the whole "burden" feeling will go away. There are millions of people who are going through financial problems, all over the world. Experiencing my own financial problems should help me understand what they are going through. As God comforts me through my own struggle I can share that message to someone else who may think there is no hope. Hope is a priceless thing; you can't buy it or sell it; but through sharing you can give it away. It is my desire that someone, somewhere will read my thoughts and find a spark kindled of daring to believe that God is real, He cares and will help them through their storm.

Today, if the financial giants in your own life are threatening to steal your joy and peace, take heart; God is still on the throne and prayer changes things! Seek Him, ask for help and then do what you can do. Keep believing, your joy will someday come in the morning.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day 41 - The trees of the field will clap their hands...

Isaiah 55:12 You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands

      Sunday afternoon we grabbed some fruit, vegetables and tuna sandwiches and headed for the Oregon Coast. Our bikes were already loaded in the truck and away we went. It was another rare summer day, sun warm, bright and happy coloring the world with it's glow. Finally we arrived at one of our favorite spots in the world, Fort Stevens State Park. Since my children were tiny we've camped there, hiked there, beach-combed and just enjoyed every minute in this huge park.

One of the things I love about the park, is that you have a lake you can swim and fish in, Coffenbury Lake. it has a hiking trail around it that's fun to do on a crisp autumn afternoon.

     You also have multiple beach access to the Pacific Ocean on clean, pristine beaches you can really, truly enjoy. If that wasn't enough, you also have the mouth of the majestic Columbia River to explore and enjoy. Nature aside, the Historic Site has many interesting things to explore and experience.

My all time favorite part of the park is the miles of paved biking trails. Riding my bike, I am free from the cares of life and just a kid again, enjoying the breeze blowing past my face and thrill of finding new things to explore around each bend in the trail.
   Sunday, we parked at the Peter Iredale parking lot and caught the bike trail to the jetty. It's a gentle rolling trail that even small children could handle. The weekend crowds has thinned and we passed few people on the trails. Miles of trees, cushioned forest floor muffled all sounds except the roar of the ocean waves near by. A bird or two would call out as we made our way along the trail. At the ocean access we took the trail to the Historic Park. Here and there, glimpses of the Columbia River peeked through the full leafed trees.

About 200 yards up that trail I glanced up and caught sight of a beautiful honeysuckle plant, fragrant blooms covering the limbs of a forest tree. We rode our bikes at a steady pace until several miles later we arrived at the Historic Site. Today we skipped the museum and rode to the trail next to the Columbia River jetty. At the massive jetty rocks, we cautiously climbed down and reached the small, sandy beach.

 There I explored each nook and cranny looking for treasures. I didn't find any but the sight of a massive boulder with a sloping flat top drew my attention. I stretched out, relaxed and enjoyed smiling at the sky with the soothing sounds of the waves lapping at my feet. Truly I am a blessed person. I know I must store up these memories for the days I am confined by old age to daytime TV and institutional meals. I am making memories to last a lifetime.

      After a while, a grandson called out to me, "Gramma look! " I rested a while longer before getting up to look, enjoying this moment of utter peace. Finally, I got up, and climbed back down the rocks. "What?" I called, "What is it?" My grandson pointed, and said, "Watch, watch there."
I did and after a few minutes I was rewarded with the sight of a brown sleek nose of an otter with eager black eyes watching us nervously. He dove and resurfaced, again and again. "How cool," I said. "He's watching us."

      A few more minutes and we decided to head back, the sun was beginning to hang lower in the sky and the day was winding down. We caught a shortcut past the viewing platform to catch a trail just west of Battery Russel. Amazingly this trail was sloped down hill all the way to Peter Iredale. Finally we arrived back at the truck and enjoyed seeing the placid, mirror-like ocean laying calm on our horizon. Too tired after the seven mile bike ride we decided to call it a day and go home. It had been a rare, wonderful day of exploring nature.

      Days like this one have been one of the solaces in my life when I feel tired, worn out, or just plain beat. In my life, amid the hectic uncertainty of family, jobs, health and life in general, another source of comfort has been finding verses that comfort and encourage me.

       Since I love the outdoors, and all kinds of trees, any verses that include references to nature speaks to my soul. I love the verse in Isaiah 55:12. The promise that I will go out with joy has been my comfort in times of trial, giving me hope that this too shall pass and someday, the trial will be over and I will find joy. I love the fact it says the mountains and the hills will rejoice before me and the trees of the field will clap their hands. Can a tree clap it's hands? No, but the sound of wind in the leaves is a comfort to me and I like to believe that God will use His creation to celebrate my joy in the morning.

Today, if you are in the middle of your own trial, rejoice. Dare to believe the promises in God's word the Bible. If you ask Jesus into your heart, to forgive your sins and to be your Savior; all the promises in the Bible have your name on them. And the good news is, God never lies. Take heart, take hope, your joy will come in the morning.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 41 I know where the wild honesuckle grows

The weekend was a little different than I had planned.  A family member needed our help so Friday night and Saturday were spent doing what was needed. Family is family and camping trips, work-out schedules are less important than they are for sure.

Sunday afternoon found me longing for the outdoors and so away we went to the coast. The bikes were loaded in the back of my Ford F-150 and so away we went. Ah, what a delight to ride in that truck. The seats are cushiony, the air-conditioning works, and everything just goest so smoothly. I enjoyed the drive there, glimpses of hills and Columiba River making the trip one of beauty and rest. Finally we got through Astoria and made our way to one of our favorite spots, Fort Stevens State Park. We drove to the ocean, parked the truck and rode the bikes to the start of one of the bike trails. About 4 in the afternoon, we were almost the only bike riders out.  Just us, the trees and the comforting sound of the ocean waves.

 The trail from Iredale to the jetty is one of gentle slopes and restful stretches of flat, paved trail. Eargely we rode, drinking in the fresh ocean air and the smells of the forest. What a beautiful day for a ride. We reached the first beach parking lot, A. We decided to catch the trail to the Historic Site and made our way there. Birds echoed their calls above our heads and glimpses of blue river water shown through the summer's blanket of leaves. Here and there, the first few leaves of fall dotted the path. Several hundred yards down the trail I looked up and saw honeysuckle blossoms covering the branches of a tree. Too high for me to reach, I yearned to catch the sweet wifts of its' perfume.

More riding and the sweet solitude of the ocean forest engulfed us. What luxury to devour this wonderland of peace. Finally we reached a favorite spot, a curver wooden bridge crossing a creek outlet. We rested a few moments admiring the view, and watching the tide pull the creek out to sea. The trail to Historic Site was just a few minutes ride. We skipped the musuem and headed for the jetty trail, an unpaved trail that follows the Columbia River. We traced the large jetty rocks East until we found our path to the river bank. Climbing down is an exercise in caution; one false slip and you can really hurt yourself on the huge, many ton, boulders. I explored the sandy beach, looking for treasures and then found a large, flat boulder on which to strech out and enjoy the view. The cloud a clear, pure blue, had scattered, fluffy white clouds. The water, lapping next to me gave up scents, of  sea and salt.  I lay there smiling up at the sky thinking how lucky I am to be so healthy. I am so thankful!

A rest, a breather and I hear my companion call me.  Next to us in the water, a sleek, brown-black otter, dives and surfaces watching us with sharp black eyes. We watch him and enjoy the delight of being so close to nature.  A few carrots, water and we climb back up the jetty to our bikes. The way back we choose a different trail, and delight of delight, it for some reason is pretty much downhill all the way. I start feeling some pain, but I press through it. Not at risk for a heart attack I realize it is only  my leg and back muscles protesting so much work.

Back at the truck finally, the ocean is as flat as I've ever seen it in my life. It lays like glass, with only one shore wave breaking in white foam against the sand. I drink in it's beauty and find more carrots to munch.

Later a stop at the ranger station for a trail map we discover we bi..ked over 7 miles! Wow, I am impressed. We ride home, content with our outing, worn but relaxed. It was a good day. Later, thoughts of the day come to me as this morning I read my Bible and devotionals. During my prayer time on the way to work, one persistant phrase runs through my mind, "Love suffers long and is kind." For me, this involves a conscious choice of will.  It's not something that comes naturally to me. In the natural me, if someone says something rude to me, I want to respond and let them know I don't appreciate it. Compassion, understanding as factors weighing on people's behaviors constrains me to overlook faults and try to accept, kindness is often God's way of loving people through their difficulties. And so, I continue to pray for the virture of kindness to become a greater part of my character, trusting and believing that God knows, and in due time change will come.

And so, I don't say somethings I could. I hold back and realize there have been plenty of people in my own life who were kind to me when I really didn't deserve it. They were tolerant to me when my behavior was out-of-whack. And, most importantly I pray, for them, and for me that the spirit of love and forgiveness will come from God into my life in a greater degree.

Today, if you are struggling in your own life with people who bug you with their rudeness; look up. God who is the source of all love can help you to love the unloveable, to forgive people who through pain are unable to be nicer themselve. Have a wonderful day and keep looking up. Maybe the honeysuckle in your life is right around the next corner.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 40- Taking Stock

       Well, its been over 40 days since I started on my journey to become fit. Evaluating how far I've come and what changes I've made I realize, many positive things have occurred. First and foremost has been my commitment to eat healthier. I've chosen to buy and prepare more vegetables and fruit. I've purchased and prepared more chicken and fish, more often than not. Including drinking more water and taking my daily vitamin and vitamin D have helped my body use more of the nutrients it gets, and has improved my mood. Every now and then I blend a protein shake of 2% milk, a banana, frozen strawberries, yogurt with probates, and a couple scoops of protein powder. It makes me feel great and supplies any lack my eating patterns might have incurred.
       Starting this journey, I looked at my lifestyle and realized several things; driving 2.5 hours a day and doing a lot of computer work doesn't add up to a lot of physical exercise. Instead of sitting down at home when I finally get there and then eating my meal in front of the TV, we've been packing our meal and finding places to hike, walk, and ride bikes. After a good workout, we enjoy taking a break, eating our meal and drinking in our water and our surroundings.
      The first few days after I started exercising, my body protested moving so much. I had aches and pains in places I didn't know I had. Emotionally some of me wanted the comfortable cushions of my Lazy Boy recliner. But, and this is important, I feel as if ten years has been dropped from my age. In just a short while more endurance, more stamina has developed and I've got the spring back in my step.Before you think, I think I'm ready for a marathon, let me disavow you of that notion. I know I have a long way to go to achieve being in the state of "fitness" but along the journey I can enjoy each step of the way.
        Right now, I'm sitting outdoors at the Portland Community College Sylvania Campus next to a fountain and a beautiful man-made creek. The ferns and trees sheltering the creek bed remind me of Disney World and I again long to revisit soon. I love Disney World, the beauty, the shows, the people, the rides. I like everything about it. But, the fact of the matter is, I can't afford to go back. Which brings up something else, along with my plan to become fit physically, I have to revamp my financial picture. An expensive divorce has taken my A+ credit rating to an F. I need to regroup and figure out what I'm going to do.
       I'm not a gambler for sure, but the 320 million Power Ball recently saw me at the Texaco station buying one ticket. I thought maybe God would see my need and say, "Why not?" and I'd win. I didn't, and so ends my gambling career. I've read the website about Bankruptcy, I understand the plan and purpose, but so much of me dreads this inevitable conclusion of being in over my head in debt.
       Oh well, God is good and prayer changes things. As I came from the point of inactivity to a lot of outdoor exercise; from eating too many sweets and fast food, to becoming health conscious; I can man up and figure the money problems out.
      Now after waiting for the weekend to enjoy the 90 degree heat wave, I'm reconciling myself to the fact, the sky is cloudy, it's cool and a few rain drops are hitting the table where I'm sitting. All of which brings up something else, being flexible.
      At the treatment center where I work, I spend a lot of my time helping the guys create good aftercare plans. We don't just work on a plan A. We have plan B, and plan C. The reason we spend so much time doing this is because people in addiction often give up easily on recovery if their "plan" goes wrong. Just like me struggling with healthy eating and exercise habits, and coping with financial ruin, they struggle with a lot outside their control when they do try and stay clean. Learning to be flexible and still make good choices requires understanding that life has one constant, and that constant is change. Once we accept that fact that change will occur, often and without asking us then we won't be so surprised and taken back when it happens.
       Easier said then done, true. For me, the only way I can achieve any degree of stable happiness is to keep my connection with God strong. To pray and read my Bible for help, wisdom and strength to meet each new challenge as it appears.
       And now, the raindrops begin to fall faster and I must find a drier spot. Moving I can still hear the waterfall and see the beautiful foliage, often beauty is where we find it. In short, I'm 7.3 pounds lighter; I've dropped just about a clothes size and I feel great, (not perfect) just great. My plan is to continue my trek, not looking ahead or behind but living, enjoying, and being in the now, the best now I can make it with God's help.
To those of you struggling with your own share of problems, take heart. God hears and answers prayers. Embrace change, try not to fear it and realize with God all things are possible. Have a wonderful, blessed day.

Day 39 Making every moment count

Day 39 -
      The day stretches before me like blank canvas waiting the touch of the artists' brush. I love mornings, fresh air, the newness, the unmet possibilities. Of all my family, I have been the only one who loves the mornings. Today, my plans have changed because I have been asked to help someone. Much like an untamed colt, my spirit plans things for the weekends and all week my spirit, tugs and pulls at the reins holding me back. As the weekend approaches I yearn for the next adventure. Changing doesn't come easily.
      Recently, looking out at the Columbia River watching the sunset tinge the water with streaks of gold and orange I realized that the best part of my life, the richest part of my life is being with family. Some of my still yearns for the Disney World condominium I wanted so much. And yes, family brings with it: sticky young hands marking their trail with small, wet fingerprints; children tired and fussy needing naps, protesting doing this or that; young Ninja warriors with Nurf swords poking Gramma in the side, (not understanding that stabbing at gramma isn't the fun game it is with dad); but those young lives intertwining with my own create beautiful patterns of family, no artist's brush could paint. Truly, the moments of our lives most blessed are those shared with those we love.
      Today reading my Bible a verse stood out to me. Psalms 48: 14, "For this is God; Our God forever and ever. He will be our guide, even unto death." I like this comparison, God as our guide. Long a lover of history, it is a joy when I am able to visit a musuem or historic site and have the opportunity to share it through a guide's eye. They know so many details, so many interesting facts that enrich the experience. I acquire a new sense of what I'm seeing; an awareness I didn't have before. 
      In this pathway of life, trusting God to be my guide has involved many times of me pulling away, wanting to explore this or that path leading off the main trail. I lose sight that He knows so much more about the journey and I follow my own self-will with painful results. As I've left and found myself lost, frightened, and alone on a side trail, I've had to come back, ask forgiveness and be restored to walking in the safe pathway, leading to a happier life now, and a future forever happiness.
      As I read my Bible, there are so many things I don't understand, or don't seem to relate to me. I pray, and ask God to grow spiritual understanding in my heart and mind. To believe that as I read my inner self is being renewed day by day. For me, it's like taking a spiritual vitamin. If I skip my daily vitamin in life, I might feel ok the first day or two, but after a while, I just don't have that energy I have if I take one every day. It's the same with Bible reading. If I start skipping days, my untamed nature surfaces and my stubborn self-will starts taking over my life. Who I am becomes less and less about being kind and loving and more and more about being me, me, me. And so it goes.
     Today, each of us has 24 hours. I don't get 28 and you get 22, we all get 24. Moment by moment my goal is to live life with the expectation that each day is a gift; that it may be my last and to remember the old poem my mother had hanging on the wall of our home,

"Only one life,
soon will be past,
 only what's done
for Christ will last."
     I haven't reached sainthood yet, (ask anyone that knows me) but with God as my guide, it is my hope and desire that my pathway will continue to wind up the mountain of life with an ever increasing growth; one that includes children's fingerprints, nurf sword battles, and changed plans. Moment by moment we have the opportunity to choose who we are, today my goal is to choose wisely, with love. 
Today, in your life, take time out to reflect on how you are doing. Are you following your own path? Are you struggling to find the path to life? God is there waiting for your prayer...... He's only a prayer away. Have a wonderful, blessed day and rejoice is every, single moment.

Day 39 - Make every moment count

Day 39 -
       The day stretches before me like blank canvas waiting the touch of the artists' brush. I love mornings, fresh air, the newness, the unmet possibilities. Of all my family, I have been the only one who loves the mornings. Today, my plans have changed because I have been asked to help someone. Much like an untamed colt, my spirit plans things for the weekends and all week my spirit, tugs and pulls at the reins holding me back. As the weekend approaches I yearn for the next adventure. Changing doesn't come easily.
     Recently, looking out at the Columbia River watching the sunset tinge the water with streaks of gold and orange I realized that the best part of my life, the richest part of my life is being with family. Some of my still yearns for the Disney World condominium I wanted so much. And yes, family brings with it: sticky young hands marking their trail with small, wet fingerprints; children tired and fussy needing naps, protesting doing this or that; young Ninja warriors with Nerf swords poking Gramma in the side, (not understanding that stabbing at Gramma isn't the fun game it is with dad); but those young lives intertwining with my own create beautiful patterns of family, no artist's brush could paint. Truly, the moments of our lives most blessed are those shared with those we love.
     Today reading my Bible a verse stood out to me. Psalms 48: 14, "For this is God; Our God forever and ever. He will be our guide, even unto death." I like this comparison, God as our guide. Long a lover of history, it is a joy when I am able to visit a museum or historic site and have the opportunity to share it through a guide's eye. They know so many details, so many interesting facts that enrich the experience. I acquire a new sense of what I'm seeing; an awareness I didn't have before.

     In this pathway of life, trusting God to be my guide has involved many times of me pulling away, wanting to explore this or that path leading off the main trail. I lose sight that He knows so much more about the journey and I follow my own self-will with painful results. As I've left and found myself lost, frightened, and alone on a side trail, I've had to come back, ask forgiveness and be restored to walking in the safe pathway, leading to a happier life now, and a future forever happiness.
      As I read my Bible, there are so many things I don't understand, or don't seem to relate to me. I pray, and ask God to grow spiritual understanding in my heart and mind. To believe that as I read my inner self is being renewed day by day. For me, it's like taking a spiritual vitamin. If I skip my daily vitamin in life, I might feel OK the first day or two, but after a while, I just don't have that energy I have if I take one every day. It's the same with Bible reading. If I start skipping days, my untamed nature surfaces and my stubborn self-will starts taking over my life. Who I am becomes less and less about being kind and loving and more and more about being me, me, me. And so it goes.
     Today, each of us has 24 hours. I don't get 28 and you get 22, we all get 24. Moment by moment my goal is to live life with the expectation that each day is a gift; that it may be my last and to remember the old poem my mother had hanging on the wall of our home, "Only one life, soon will be past, only what's done for Christ will last."
     I haven't reached sainthood yet, (ask anyone that knows me) but with God as my guide, it is my hope and desire that my pathway will continue to wind up the mountain of life with an ever increasing growth; one that includes children's fingerprints, Nerf sword battles, and changed plans. Moment by moment we have the opportunity to choose who we are, today my goal is to choose wisely, with love.
Today, in your life, take time out to reflect on how you are doing. Are you following your own path? Are you struggling to find the path to life? God is there waiting for your prayer...... He's only a prayer away. Have a wonderful, blessed day and rejoice is every, single moment.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 38 Time Flys When You're Having Fun

Recently as I've been doing fun, active things every day, I've spent less time writing. I haven't forgotten, it's just that I'm discoverying a part of me I'd ignored for a while. Hiking, bike riding, beach-combing are are becoming a part of who I once was, and am again: an active participant in the world of motion.

I feel so healthy at present, I reveal in the strength and endurance I am discovering after only a couple weeks of moving more. I feel happy that I am moving forward in my goal of becoming fit.

As I exercise, I actually want less food and find making healthier choices isn't as difficult as it was in the beginning some 40 days ago.

Spiritually, I continue to feed my spirit with positive words written by other fellow travelers and I include reading my Bible. I continue to pray on my long commute that as my outward body is being renewed so my spirit will continue to be renewed, improved, and refreshed.

Last night, I rode my bike on a trail along the Columbia River. Light breezes came off the water as the day wound down into a brillant orange sunset. Each day I move, I am stronger, delighted that at age 62 I can still enjoy the pursuits of my youth.

There is a promise in the Bible in Psalms that says, Even in old age you will bear fruit. Well, I'm old in years, but God has granted me the priviledge of continuing to help others. What a blessing to continue to be useful, and now strong!

To all of you this day, may you discover your purpose and plan; may you rediscover your desire to be healthy and strong, cherishing every single day.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 37 -dare to believe

After the weekend camping trip, I made a resolve to daily find something I liked to do that including moving around, outside. Monday, after work, I drove to a beach on the Columbia River and hiked along the shore, wading through the summer warmed water. I loved watching the kite-boarders carve their paths through the chopping, wind tossed water. The waves, kicked up by the wind, broke in soft green blue curls on the beach, their edges flecked with white foam. A beautiful, red-tinged sunset, kissed the water, bathing everything in a warm glow. It was a short trip worth taking.

Yesterday, the bikes were dusted off, fixed and we drove to a lake after work. Often on Hwy 30 between Oregon and the coast I had noticed this lake with what looked like a bike trail. I decided yesterday to explore it. After a ride in my truck, a Ford F-150, we arrived at the old Trojan nuclear plant grounds. There several small lakes have been made into a park.

The bike trail turned out to be a wonderful surprise, winding approximately 2.3 miles around the lake. We found picnic shelters with water and electricity, baseball fields, horseshoe pits, and inter-crossing trails. Above all else the hundreds of trees throughout the property are truly amazing. Placed here and there throughout the acres of park are benches to sit and enjoy the view of water, trees and birds.
The bike trail is paved, a little bumpy but we were the only bikers. There are places to explore down other paths but we decided to make the main loop.

After two rounds, twilight was setting and we eat our picnic lunch of tuna sandwiches.
We stopped at another park in Rainier, Oregon right on the Columbia River and took our bikes out for a spin on their newly paved walking/bike trails.
Tired, but feeling pretty happy about my exercise we finally left to go home.
Each day, as I choose to eat healthy and move more, I experience my body getting stronger, and leaner. Spirtually I continue to read my devotionals and Bible daily. This morning, Psalm 46 was part of my reading. One verse stood out to me as I read in early pre-dawn, "And He (God) shall help her just at the break of dawn." I wondered, what could God do for me at the break of my dawn?

 I thought about that on the long drive to work and came to the conclusion, God could do anything. It is my expectations and realizations of his inherent goodness and kindness that perhaps is too limited. I heard a sermon once, "How Big Is Your God?" For me at this time of my life, I need to count my blessings daily, and remember God is good, and His plans for me are good. Daring to believe there is a future hope and future blessings will do much to contribute to an expectancy that believes all things are possible.

Today, in your life, dare to believe, God loves you and has a plan and purpose for your life that is good. Pray, seek His face and ask for wisdom for taking the next right step on your path. He will not let you down.
Have a blessed day.