Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day 41 - The trees of the field will clap their hands...

Isaiah 55:12 You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands

      Sunday afternoon we grabbed some fruit, vegetables and tuna sandwiches and headed for the Oregon Coast. Our bikes were already loaded in the truck and away we went. It was another rare summer day, sun warm, bright and happy coloring the world with it's glow. Finally we arrived at one of our favorite spots in the world, Fort Stevens State Park. Since my children were tiny we've camped there, hiked there, beach-combed and just enjoyed every minute in this huge park.

One of the things I love about the park, is that you have a lake you can swim and fish in, Coffenbury Lake. it has a hiking trail around it that's fun to do on a crisp autumn afternoon.

     You also have multiple beach access to the Pacific Ocean on clean, pristine beaches you can really, truly enjoy. If that wasn't enough, you also have the mouth of the majestic Columbia River to explore and enjoy. Nature aside, the Historic Site has many interesting things to explore and experience.

My all time favorite part of the park is the miles of paved biking trails. Riding my bike, I am free from the cares of life and just a kid again, enjoying the breeze blowing past my face and thrill of finding new things to explore around each bend in the trail.
   Sunday, we parked at the Peter Iredale parking lot and caught the bike trail to the jetty. It's a gentle rolling trail that even small children could handle. The weekend crowds has thinned and we passed few people on the trails. Miles of trees, cushioned forest floor muffled all sounds except the roar of the ocean waves near by. A bird or two would call out as we made our way along the trail. At the ocean access we took the trail to the Historic Park. Here and there, glimpses of the Columbia River peeked through the full leafed trees.

About 200 yards up that trail I glanced up and caught sight of a beautiful honeysuckle plant, fragrant blooms covering the limbs of a forest tree. We rode our bikes at a steady pace until several miles later we arrived at the Historic Site. Today we skipped the museum and rode to the trail next to the Columbia River jetty. At the massive jetty rocks, we cautiously climbed down and reached the small, sandy beach.

 There I explored each nook and cranny looking for treasures. I didn't find any but the sight of a massive boulder with a sloping flat top drew my attention. I stretched out, relaxed and enjoyed smiling at the sky with the soothing sounds of the waves lapping at my feet. Truly I am a blessed person. I know I must store up these memories for the days I am confined by old age to daytime TV and institutional meals. I am making memories to last a lifetime.

      After a while, a grandson called out to me, "Gramma look! " I rested a while longer before getting up to look, enjoying this moment of utter peace. Finally, I got up, and climbed back down the rocks. "What?" I called, "What is it?" My grandson pointed, and said, "Watch, watch there."
I did and after a few minutes I was rewarded with the sight of a brown sleek nose of an otter with eager black eyes watching us nervously. He dove and resurfaced, again and again. "How cool," I said. "He's watching us."

      A few more minutes and we decided to head back, the sun was beginning to hang lower in the sky and the day was winding down. We caught a shortcut past the viewing platform to catch a trail just west of Battery Russel. Amazingly this trail was sloped down hill all the way to Peter Iredale. Finally we arrived back at the truck and enjoyed seeing the placid, mirror-like ocean laying calm on our horizon. Too tired after the seven mile bike ride we decided to call it a day and go home. It had been a rare, wonderful day of exploring nature.

      Days like this one have been one of the solaces in my life when I feel tired, worn out, or just plain beat. In my life, amid the hectic uncertainty of family, jobs, health and life in general, another source of comfort has been finding verses that comfort and encourage me.

       Since I love the outdoors, and all kinds of trees, any verses that include references to nature speaks to my soul. I love the verse in Isaiah 55:12. The promise that I will go out with joy has been my comfort in times of trial, giving me hope that this too shall pass and someday, the trial will be over and I will find joy. I love the fact it says the mountains and the hills will rejoice before me and the trees of the field will clap their hands. Can a tree clap it's hands? No, but the sound of wind in the leaves is a comfort to me and I like to believe that God will use His creation to celebrate my joy in the morning.

Today, if you are in the middle of your own trial, rejoice. Dare to believe the promises in God's word the Bible. If you ask Jesus into your heart, to forgive your sins and to be your Savior; all the promises in the Bible have your name on them. And the good news is, God never lies. Take heart, take hope, your joy will come in the morning.

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