Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 33 Lunch with Robin

Hello, to all my readers. {the following is a list of where people are reading this blog F.Y.I.

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Right this minute, I am up here in Central Northwest Washington, in a Safeway parking lot eating my lunch. The sun is hot, there is a cool breeze blowing through the car and my lunch of grapes, almonds, and carrots taste sweet and good. Over a month ago I started this blog to tell the story of my journey of getting fit. Like all journeys, there have been a few side trips. For me there's been a lot of going down memory lane and remembering situations from my past that have helped me become the person I am today.

During this time, I have joined a weight loss support group; I've stepped up my physical activity and I've eaten much healthier. I feel great! I have a long way to go but I feel so much more like getting up and doing things. It's fun for me to attend my meetings and get to hear from other people who are dedicated to giving up junk food, TV remotes, and shopping in the "big" section. No offense Walmart but who thought Faded Glory was an attractive name for larger women's clothes? Or Sears, with their Sag Harbor? Are you kidding me? Politically incorrect clothing lines aside, I feel encouraged about this journey. I get that encouragement from so many sources; co-workers, people at my weight loss meetings, mirrors, and clothes that are no longer too snug. It's nice to know that I am getting stronger, and fitter all the time. It's as if I know I'm climbing a tall hill but I know at the end of that climb there is a wonderful, refreshing waterfall.

Sometimes, I admit, the smell of fast food calls my name, "Robin, come back. Don't you remember how good I taste?" Or the ooey, gooey free goodies in the workroom smile with a knowing grin. But all in all these weeks have seen me making better choices, healthier choices and that makes me feel good.

I've been reading every morning from Psalms, Proverbs, and The Gospel of John. A chapter a day from each of them. I'm praying that increasingly my inner self will continue to be renewed. That I will become wiser, kinder, and more motivated to help others. I'm choosing to increase my spiritual food and decrease my earthly food.

Well, the clock is ticking away and I must return to the treatment center to work. It is Friday, and so many dreams come to mind of things to do tomorrow. How thankful I am that I am healthy and strong at this time of my life. God is faithful and has continued to strengthen and encourage me.

Today, if you have plans and goals that you've put on the shelf; take them down, dust them off. Pray and ask God to give you a renewed sense of purpose, a refined vision of His plan for your life. And as always, be happy, and be blessed. Robin

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