Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 37 - Staying active
After the weekend camping trip, I made a resolve to daily find something I liked to do that including moving around, outside. Monday, after work, I drove to a beach on the Columbia River and hiked along the shore, wading through the summer warmed water. I loved watching the kite-boarders carve their paths through the chopping, wind tossed water. The waves, kicked up by the wind, broke in soft green blue curls on the beach, their edges flecked with white foam. A beautiful, red-tinged sunset, kissed the water, bathing everything in a warm glow. It was a short trip worth taking.

Yesterday, the bikes were dusted off, fixed and we drove to a lake after work. Often on Hwy 30 between Oregon and the coast I had noticed this lake with what looked like a bike trail. I decided yesterday to explore it. After a ride in my truck, a Ford F-150, we arrived at the old Trojan nuclear plant grounds. There several small lakes have been made into a park.
The bike trail turned out to be a wonderful surprise, winding approximately 2.3 miles around the lake. We found picnic shelters with water and electricity, baseball fields, horseshoe pits, and inter-crossing trails. Above all else the hundreds of trees throughout the property are truly amazing. Placed here and there throughout the acres of park are benches to sit and enjoy the view of water, trees and birds.
The bike trail is paved, a little bumpy but we were the only bikers. There are places to explore down other paths but we decided to make the main loop. After two rounds, twilight was setting and we eat our picnic lunch of tuna sandwiches.
We stopped at another park in Rainier, Oregon right on the Columbia River and took our bikes out for a spin on their newly paved walking/bike trails.
Tired, but feeling pretty happy about my exercise we finally left to go home.
Each day, as I choose to eat healthy and move more, I experience my body getting stronger, and leaner. Spirtually I continue to read my devotionals and Bible daily. This morning, Psalm 46 was part of my reading. One verse stood out to me as I read in early pre-dawn, "And He (God) shall help her just at the break of dawn." I wondered, what could God do for me at the break of my dawn? I thought about that on the long drive to work and came to the conclusion, God could do anything. It is my expectations and realizations of his inherent goodness and kindness that perhaps is too limited. I heard a sermon once, "How Big Is Your God?" For me at this time of my life, I need to count my blessings daily, and remember God is good, and His plans for me are good. Daring to believe there is a future hope and future blessings will do much to contribute to an expectancy that believes all things are possible.
Today, in your life, dare to believe, God loves you and has a plan and purpose for your life that is good. Pray, seek His face and ask for wisdom for taking the next right step on your path. He will not let you down.
Have a blessed day.

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