Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 39 - Make every moment count

Day 39 -
       The day stretches before me like blank canvas waiting the touch of the artists' brush. I love mornings, fresh air, the newness, the unmet possibilities. Of all my family, I have been the only one who loves the mornings. Today, my plans have changed because I have been asked to help someone. Much like an untamed colt, my spirit plans things for the weekends and all week my spirit, tugs and pulls at the reins holding me back. As the weekend approaches I yearn for the next adventure. Changing doesn't come easily.
     Recently, looking out at the Columbia River watching the sunset tinge the water with streaks of gold and orange I realized that the best part of my life, the richest part of my life is being with family. Some of my still yearns for the Disney World condominium I wanted so much. And yes, family brings with it: sticky young hands marking their trail with small, wet fingerprints; children tired and fussy needing naps, protesting doing this or that; young Ninja warriors with Nerf swords poking Gramma in the side, (not understanding that stabbing at Gramma isn't the fun game it is with dad); but those young lives intertwining with my own create beautiful patterns of family, no artist's brush could paint. Truly, the moments of our lives most blessed are those shared with those we love.
     Today reading my Bible a verse stood out to me. Psalms 48: 14, "For this is God; Our God forever and ever. He will be our guide, even unto death." I like this comparison, God as our guide. Long a lover of history, it is a joy when I am able to visit a museum or historic site and have the opportunity to share it through a guide's eye. They know so many details, so many interesting facts that enrich the experience. I acquire a new sense of what I'm seeing; an awareness I didn't have before.

     In this pathway of life, trusting God to be my guide has involved many times of me pulling away, wanting to explore this or that path leading off the main trail. I lose sight that He knows so much more about the journey and I follow my own self-will with painful results. As I've left and found myself lost, frightened, and alone on a side trail, I've had to come back, ask forgiveness and be restored to walking in the safe pathway, leading to a happier life now, and a future forever happiness.
      As I read my Bible, there are so many things I don't understand, or don't seem to relate to me. I pray, and ask God to grow spiritual understanding in my heart and mind. To believe that as I read my inner self is being renewed day by day. For me, it's like taking a spiritual vitamin. If I skip my daily vitamin in life, I might feel OK the first day or two, but after a while, I just don't have that energy I have if I take one every day. It's the same with Bible reading. If I start skipping days, my untamed nature surfaces and my stubborn self-will starts taking over my life. Who I am becomes less and less about being kind and loving and more and more about being me, me, me. And so it goes.
     Today, each of us has 24 hours. I don't get 28 and you get 22, we all get 24. Moment by moment my goal is to live life with the expectation that each day is a gift; that it may be my last and to remember the old poem my mother had hanging on the wall of our home, "Only one life, soon will be past, only what's done for Christ will last."
     I haven't reached sainthood yet, (ask anyone that knows me) but with God as my guide, it is my hope and desire that my pathway will continue to wind up the mountain of life with an ever increasing growth; one that includes children's fingerprints, Nerf sword battles, and changed plans. Moment by moment we have the opportunity to choose who we are, today my goal is to choose wisely, with love.
Today, in your life, take time out to reflect on how you are doing. Are you following your own path? Are you struggling to find the path to life? God is there waiting for your prayer...... He's only a prayer away. Have a wonderful, blessed day and rejoice is every, single moment.

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