Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 44- Capture every moment


  Recently I visited a family I love very much. One of their young sons was gifted with a sports car Power Wheels. He's three and has learned the words, awesome and cool and that's how he describes his car. He loves to get behind the wheel and take off exploring his large yard and seeking adventure around every turn. To him, it's as if he's going 60 miles an hour. To see him, small sun-tanned blond child behind the wheel, is to re-experience the joy of childhood all over again.

      On this particular day I was visiting with his parents catching up on the news. He was off to the side of the yard, riding along trying to get my attention. I waved but kept talking. He persisted, coming to a full stop. "I'm stuck," he called to me. "I can't turn." I called back, "No, just step on the pedal, put it in reverse you can get out of there, you do it all the time." Convincingly he pushed the little handle of the forward/reverse level back and forth a number of times, "No," he insisted, "I'm stuck, it won't turn."
      I sighed and walked over. I love this little three year old and don't like to see him upset. I walked to the front of the Power Wheels, bent down to lift the front of the car to turn it around and looked up to see the face of this small child light up with glee as he shifted to forward, and push the pedal down as far as it would go.and yikes! I stepped out of the way just in time as the Power Wheels lurched forward just missing hitting me with a good whack. The little boy, blond hair glistening in the sun, laughed triumphantly. He'd almost got me!

      I went to the parents who were talking and described the fact their young son had just hatched an evil plot to lure me into a trap. They laughed, at his young age the fact he had the capability to do this was endearing, I guess it helped that I wasn't hurt.

      Well, the little guy rode around his yard a bit and then drove over to where I was and stopped. He didn't say, "I'm sorry", but what he did melted my heart. He opened the tiny trunk of his car and took out one bright yellow dandelion, walked over to me and handed it to me, "Here," he said in his three year old voice, "Here's a flower for you."

     That describes so many of us in our relationship to God. We go off on our own plans and paths, (sometimes like the small boy we even hatch evil plots),  and ignore Him while trying to figure things out. Sometimes we run smack dab into a whole lot of trouble. Sometimes we just wander off and get lost. We come back to God, sometimes in desperation, sometimes sorry for what we've done, and sometimes just because we miss Him and wish we hadn't wandered off. We offer him our hearts, (much like the gift of that bright yellow dandelion) and because of His great love for us He takes us back, forgives us and helps us find our way again.

      How grateful I am for the peace and sense of "all's right with the world" that comes when my heart and life are wrapped up in the love of Jesus. I might experience physical or emotional pain; I might have relationship issues; there might be financial woes; but as long as I have my hand in God's hand, in the center of my being there is a calm

      Until you've accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, asked Him to forgive you of your sins and come into your heart, what I'm saying will sound like so much "gibberish" or "psycho-babble". It is truly a peace past understanding. Today I will go to my Weight Watchers meeting, shop for the weeks food, clean a little and then hopefully take off to the ocean. There I will walk the beach, drink in the fresh air and enjoy the sights and sounds of shore. My plans are to renew and refresh my spirit for another work week. How lucky I am to have this freedom and joy.

Today, if in your life, you feel upset, unloved, and lost, dare to ask Jesus to come into your life, to forgive you of your sins, and give you the gift of eternal life. It is the first step on a journey you will never, ever regret. If you need help on that journey send me a comment on my page with your email address and I will send you links for growing in your new life. Have a blessed day and I hope you will make, every moment count. Remember, Jesus is a calm in the storm, an anchor of the soul that connects you to the source of all comfort and hope.

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