Monday, August 13, 2012

-Day 35- at the Campsite

Well, we drove from our home for about an hour and a half through the thinning gray haze of fall. We were going camping and we were so ready for it. The mountains had called our name and we were lonesome for it's beauty. The roads were busy, so many people, going so many places. Finally we reached I-84 and headed up in to the Columbia Gorge Scenic area. Oh, what beauty! The river, truly majestic, the rich, differening shades of green blanketing the hills, now turning into sharper, higher peaks defining the course of the river through time. I love this drive. So many times in my life when I've faced difficult times, taking a drive up the Gorge has soothed my troubled soul.
Today, not troubled, the amazing scenic beauty still thrills me. A few turns in the road, a few waterfalls past, we finally reach the Bonniville Dam exit. Last trip through we stopped and explored the exhibits at the dam. Huge tanks with all sizes and shapes of fish greet you with a window into an underground, watery world. It's truly worth the stop both North and South sides have things to do and explore. This trip however, we are anxious to get to the campgrounds. On weekends like this, beautiful, clear and hot, the campgrounds fill up fast. I prayed, "God please let there be a site open, please."
As we exited the Eagle Creek exit, the rich 1930's era stonework lines the road, speaking of a time where craftmanship was treasured. Thousands of men in the United States without work, worked in the CCC. (Civilian Conservation Corps). Thousands of US campgrounds and scenic roads throughout had these men build mile after mile of handplaced rock guardrails, picturesque rest stops, and wayside shelters. The Oregon coast highway has many remaining streches of this beautiful work. Here at the campgroup, there are still monuments to the past scattered here and there.
We drove up the hill to the campground and slowly went through the camp sites. . Every site was filled, until we rounded the curve and saw a vacant site, we hopped out ran to pay our fee and got settled. We are delighted by the fact the campsite is huge, enough room for 6 or 7 tents. Some of the trees on the site are 16 or more feet in diameter. Huge! Through the vail of trees glimpses of the brillant, blue Columbia River shines, glistening in the sun. On this trip, I take it easy as I let another family member set up camp. The workout for me will come later, on the first hike. The name of the boots I'll be wearing is Survivors, kind of a funny commentary of me hiking the trail. I'll try to put in a picture so you can see them.
A few more minutes and we will load up water, carrots, grapes, and a couple bagels and cream cheese. We've brought the dogs with us and they lay comfortably in their cages, doors open, enjoying the fresh mountain air they are unaware of the trek before them.
Now that I understand there are people from all over this world reading the blog I realize that your outdoor experiences may be very different from mine. You may live in high dessert, or in a tropical climate. Where-ever you are, nature is around you waiting to be explored. For those of you in Iraq, well it might be a little hot right now, but when you get a breather from the heat, even the desserts are alive.
Well, my camping partner is loading up the gear to hit the trail. There's a challenge of a Scrabble game in the air and I realize I need to leave you my online friends and live in the now. How fortunate I am that I'm here, it's beautiful, and I'm still strong enough to enjoy it! God is good and I have a little more time to enjoy the beauty of this earth. I'll let you know tomorrow how the hike goes. It will be tomorrow until I find a wi-fi spot to send this out; up here in the mountains there is no signal. But even with the delay I want you all to know, I wish you the very best.
Today, if your spirit faints in the face of the adversities you face; remember God is still there and prayer changes things. He may not remove the fire in your life, but He will equip you to go through it without being destroyed. Be blessed and have a wonderful day, knowing there is a God who loves you and wants to strengthen you; every single day.

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