Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 40- Taking Stock

       Well, its been over 40 days since I started on my journey to become fit. Evaluating how far I've come and what changes I've made I realize, many positive things have occurred. First and foremost has been my commitment to eat healthier. I've chosen to buy and prepare more vegetables and fruit. I've purchased and prepared more chicken and fish, more often than not. Including drinking more water and taking my daily vitamin and vitamin D have helped my body use more of the nutrients it gets, and has improved my mood. Every now and then I blend a protein shake of 2% milk, a banana, frozen strawberries, yogurt with probates, and a couple scoops of protein powder. It makes me feel great and supplies any lack my eating patterns might have incurred.
       Starting this journey, I looked at my lifestyle and realized several things; driving 2.5 hours a day and doing a lot of computer work doesn't add up to a lot of physical exercise. Instead of sitting down at home when I finally get there and then eating my meal in front of the TV, we've been packing our meal and finding places to hike, walk, and ride bikes. After a good workout, we enjoy taking a break, eating our meal and drinking in our water and our surroundings.
      The first few days after I started exercising, my body protested moving so much. I had aches and pains in places I didn't know I had. Emotionally some of me wanted the comfortable cushions of my Lazy Boy recliner. But, and this is important, I feel as if ten years has been dropped from my age. In just a short while more endurance, more stamina has developed and I've got the spring back in my step.Before you think, I think I'm ready for a marathon, let me disavow you of that notion. I know I have a long way to go to achieve being in the state of "fitness" but along the journey I can enjoy each step of the way.
        Right now, I'm sitting outdoors at the Portland Community College Sylvania Campus next to a fountain and a beautiful man-made creek. The ferns and trees sheltering the creek bed remind me of Disney World and I again long to revisit soon. I love Disney World, the beauty, the shows, the people, the rides. I like everything about it. But, the fact of the matter is, I can't afford to go back. Which brings up something else, along with my plan to become fit physically, I have to revamp my financial picture. An expensive divorce has taken my A+ credit rating to an F. I need to regroup and figure out what I'm going to do.
       I'm not a gambler for sure, but the 320 million Power Ball recently saw me at the Texaco station buying one ticket. I thought maybe God would see my need and say, "Why not?" and I'd win. I didn't, and so ends my gambling career. I've read the website about Bankruptcy, I understand the plan and purpose, but so much of me dreads this inevitable conclusion of being in over my head in debt.
       Oh well, God is good and prayer changes things. As I came from the point of inactivity to a lot of outdoor exercise; from eating too many sweets and fast food, to becoming health conscious; I can man up and figure the money problems out.
      Now after waiting for the weekend to enjoy the 90 degree heat wave, I'm reconciling myself to the fact, the sky is cloudy, it's cool and a few rain drops are hitting the table where I'm sitting. All of which brings up something else, being flexible.
      At the treatment center where I work, I spend a lot of my time helping the guys create good aftercare plans. We don't just work on a plan A. We have plan B, and plan C. The reason we spend so much time doing this is because people in addiction often give up easily on recovery if their "plan" goes wrong. Just like me struggling with healthy eating and exercise habits, and coping with financial ruin, they struggle with a lot outside their control when they do try and stay clean. Learning to be flexible and still make good choices requires understanding that life has one constant, and that constant is change. Once we accept that fact that change will occur, often and without asking us then we won't be so surprised and taken back when it happens.
       Easier said then done, true. For me, the only way I can achieve any degree of stable happiness is to keep my connection with God strong. To pray and read my Bible for help, wisdom and strength to meet each new challenge as it appears.
       And now, the raindrops begin to fall faster and I must find a drier spot. Moving I can still hear the waterfall and see the beautiful foliage, often beauty is where we find it. In short, I'm 7.3 pounds lighter; I've dropped just about a clothes size and I feel great, (not perfect) just great. My plan is to continue my trek, not looking ahead or behind but living, enjoying, and being in the now, the best now I can make it with God's help.
To those of you struggling with your own share of problems, take heart. God hears and answers prayers. Embrace change, try not to fear it and realize with God all things are possible. Have a wonderful, blessed day.

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